Now that June is upon us the students have been working hard on getting ready for their Economics Final. We finished off discussing budgets and savings. The students will be making large decisions in the near future that will impact their future. Their test on this section was to write an essay discussing how they would invest and explaining why their choice was an example of a good investment. It has been fun to watch these students realize how what they are learning in class is important not only in the future but also now. I hope and pray that the students will have a wonderful summer and I wish them all the best as they go off to college.
Mr. Fowler

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Now that June is upon us the students have been working hard on getting ready for their Global Regents. The students have been reviewing geography, key terms, and how this all comes together. This has been such a fun and exciting year as I have gotten to know the students and we have gone through thousands of years worth of history. The students have performed exceptionally well and have shown me so much about history and how it relates to our lives. It has been my pleasure to be there teacher the past two years and I wish them all the best. I hope the students have a wonderful summer and I hope to visit them again sometime next year.
Mr. Fowler

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Now that June is upon us the students have been working hard on getting ready for their Global Final. The students have been reviewing geography, key terms, and how this all comes together. This has been such a fun and exciting year as I have gotten to know the students and we have gone through thousands of years worth of history. The students have performed exceptionally well and have shown me so much about history and how it relates to our lives. I hope the students have a wonderful summer and I hope to visit them again sometime next year.
Mr. Fowler

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Challenges, over coming obstacles, personal satisfaction, taking it to the limit all apply to the end of another school year. But this year 54 high school students took it to another level when they completed the Alley Pond Park Adventure Course. These students worked as a team to complete challenges and spent the afternoon 35 to 40 feet in the air climbing walls, walking across cables, and jumping off utility poles. Many did not think they could complete the task, but with persistence and a lot of encouragement from their friends they did. They had a great time trying and came away with a sense that they could do anything. Sometimes class can feel like that cable 35 feet in the air. But this year students worked hard, persevered in their studies, and completed the course with a job well done.
Mrs. Wong

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Forensics Class has been working on a Blood Splatter Lab. Each student created his or her own patterns of synthetic blood splatters. They were able to identify the types of splatters and measure the blood splats in cm.
Mrs. Christian

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Students in Geometry have been studying and reviewing in preparation for finals and regent exam. I hope they all do well.
Mrs. Christian

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Students in Algebra have been working really hard in preparing for the upcoming regent exam. I hope everyone does well.
Mrs. Christian

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High school was able to learn the ever popular Adobe Photoshop in the fourth quarter. They were taught the basics of the photo editing program to prepare them for next year when many of the computer lab classes will focus on learning this important skill. Each computer has Adobe Photoshop CS2 installed on it, which we are very blessed to have such an advanced program.
Mr. Miller

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The Creative Writing Festival is an annual event held by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) where students can use their written talents to express themselves. Entries are first judged on a district level and those receiving a score of “Superior” (the highest possible) are then sent to the regional level.

Evangel had the honor of having three of our students sent to the regional adjudication. On the regional level, each of these three received marks of “Excellent” and therefore will be showcased in a Creative Writing Booklet published by the ACSI Northeast Regional Office.

The students are Jennifer Munoz of 4L, Lauren Vicuna of 8F, and Stephanie Reis of 11C. We are so proud of their hard work and congratulate them on their expressive writing!Mrs. Candelier

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The seniors have finished they year by studying electricity. They have constructed series and parallel circuits and observed the results of making changes to the circuit.
Mrs. Wong

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