In the month of June we wrote a research paper. During the school year we have read many books that came from different periods of time and for the one period that we did not cover I assigned to the students to write a research paper that allowed them to research any period that they were interested in and discuss it. They had to explain it, relate to it, write what interested them in the specific period of literature history they picked.

Miss Quiros

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In June we have been preparing everyday for the regents. We have completed various review sheets and I have graded them and explained to them individually what needs to be improved and what area they should concentrate on the most. I am confident in the aspect that my students will all pass the regents and that they will be confident in themselves while taking the exam itself.

Miss Quiros

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In the month of May we talked about gender roles. The students had a chance to become familiar with how the opposite sex thinks and acts and why.

Miss Quiros

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In the month of May we read the book Pilgrams Progress by Paul Bunyan. As we read the book we began to concentrate on the fact that the students can apply what is written in this book to their own life. We also read the Screwtape Letters written by C.S. Lewis. The students enjoyed both pieces of literature and learned much from them.

Miss Quiros

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I would just like to inform you of what has been taking place for the month of May in my classroom. We have been studying and reading literature such as the book Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. The students took great interest in the book and they seemed to enjoy it tremendously. It was very educational in the fact of learning the different styles of historical authors and discovering a whole new level of expressing your emotions through tragedy in writing.

Miss Quiros

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It’s the final stretch to finals! June finds the Resource very busy as students finish all their unfinished work, refresh their study skills, do preps for tests, and work on review sheets. Diligence is finally taking over. Many have improved in study habits and the self-managing skills that will make test taking go a little smoother

As the end of school nears I get teary eyed reflecting on the accomplishments of these students – especially as I make out the awards for the Awards Chapel. I ‘m glad to see so much progress in so many ways especially in their attitude toward success. “[They] can do all things through Christ who strengthens [them]”Phil 4:13.

Mrs. Kemp

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May is a time of review and preparation for Regents Tests. The 4th quarter is the hardest and the students need much encouragement to finish well. The best part about this month is that after all the hard work we went on our “End Of The Year Celebration”. It included going to a Chinese buffet and then to Juniper Valley Park for some R & R. It was a cool day thanks to Coach Wong, Mrs. Santana, Bernice the bus driver (The BEST bus driver ever), Mrs. Miyares, and my oldest son Ian. They helped make it very “doable”. I was thrilled to so see all my students, 6th grade through 12th grade, interacting together and having such a good time.

Mrs. Kemp

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For the month of May Resource students focus on English language as well as how to study for tests. Because students need a strong vocabulary base to do well on the College Board SATs and also need it for a deeper understanding of their academic subjects they are introduced to vocabulary building exercises such as exploring word analogies and words with similar spelling; understanding context clues and key terms; using word maps or word charts; and, of coarse, playing the game called “Blurt”.

Mrs. Kemp

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For the bulletin board in the Resource Room, I am challenging the students to write a passage reflecting on I Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” I’m looking forward to seeing how creative and yet thoughtful they will be.

Mrs. Kemp

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Resource Room I really want to keep my students on task and not loose momentum, however, in some cases we have to start rebuilding momentum. In the aftermath of Academic Fair the classes evaluated how they did by going through each rubric and comparing what are the differences in the requirements for a “D”, “C”, and an ”A” research paper. A hindsight view of “what’s it all about” will also be explored by evaluation.

Mrs. Kemp

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