Evangel’s 10th grade class ended the year with the 30Hour Famine (a fundraising event designed to combat hunger all over the world). This awesome event began Friday, May 29th at noon. The tenth grade class (both homerooms) gathered as one to begin a fast of 30 hours (the students were allowed to participate in scheduled juice breaksJ). Friday afternoon 10L led the school’s chapel service, raised awareness and softened hearts to the plight of those suffering from hunger. Then students began to prepare for the main event—The Coffeehouse. Evangel’s Solid Rock Café was transformed into a 30Hour Famine celebration. Students prayed, performed songs, presented powerpoint presentations, sold clothes in their famine thrift shop, and sold food—all for those suffering from hunger around the world. The rest of the evening and the following day (yes, we spent the night in the schoolJ) students participated in activities to remind them of the importance of their commitment and the impact they were making. Activities included devotionals, Manhunt, and assembling Father’s Day packets at the World Vision warehouse (the sponsors of the event). We broke the fast at 6pm on Saturday, May 30th with communion and a meal! This was a powerful event and called for a special dedication from each of the students who participated and the other teachers who helped! Thanks to everyone for making the event a success.

Miss Collins

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Evangel’s 9th grade class finished the year with a masquerade ball. They donned the masks they had made in preparation and whirled around the class expertly performing the Shakespearean dance they had been taught. Although Prizes were awarded for the top masks and dancers, everyone was a winner by participating in this successful event! Bravo!

Miss Collins

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Evangel’s newspaper elective diligently worked on completing their final issues for the year. The HS elective was given the challenge of independently putting the paper together. They chose a project manager for the assignment and were expected to fully cooperate with their leader. Though, they faced a little frustration with the paper design, they realized success and published an issue they could be proud of.

Miss Collins

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Evangel’s 10th grade class began reading The Taming of the Shrew and put to test the skills they picked up in their poetry unit. By identifying allusions, puns, imagery and other literary devices used in Shakespeare’s work, they were able to take their appreciation of the English language to a brand new level. Well Done!

Miss Collins

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Evangel’s ninth grade class has embarked upon a new adventure with Shakespeare as they read Romeo and Juliet. They plunged into the text searching for puns, metaphors, similes, and other literary devices used to bring Shakespeare’s story to life. By engaging in identification of these literary elements, the student’s had a deepened sense of appreciation for the many ways language may be used as expression. Nice job!

Miss Collins

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The high school students worked on “Do You Like Me” and “ I Can Only Image”.

These students worked very hard by practicing and learning how to warm up their body by stretching, isolation and working out their stomach and muscles. The students did a wonderful job!

Mrs. Rosario

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11th grade has been working really hard to be able to do well on their Spanish Regents. I know they will all do their best.

Mrs. Colon

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Students spent time on writing to help prepare them for next year when they will have to take the Regent’s.

Mrs. Colon

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9th grade has had an exceptional year transitioning from middle school to High school. They have studied hard for finals. They were able to learn about different Spanish cultures. Through our project with cooking different foods (which they all loved), they were able to get a glimpse of it.

Mrs. Colon

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In the month of June we discussed what we did during the whole year and we did a review of everything we learned.

Miss Quiros

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