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This year we had over 500 in attendance at our Annual Academic Banquet. Students that have made the Honor Roll, High Roll or Principal’s List are honored each year with trophies at our banquet. The gymnasium was decorated in Red, White and Blue and the food was fantastic. We had a great time celebrating all of our students accomplishments. Way to Go!!!!!

Check out “Galleries” for fabulous pics.

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nhsNational Honor Society is a society of leaders. Students participate in group projects that assist the community. They are challenged in the areas of Service, Leadership, Scholarship and Character. It is a beautiful candlelit ceremony filled with great accomplishments. Members pledge to follow 1 Timothy 4:12  . Honor Stoles and Honor Cords are presented to Officers and Seniors.  This year we had the pleasure of welcoming 56 students into NHS and 50 into NJHS. We are so very proud for all of our students accomplishments.

National Honor Society

Guidelines for Admission

Guidelines for National Honor Society (NHS)

Open to 9th through 12th grade students.

Students must maintain a cumulative average each year of 85% with no failing grades.

Students must be in good behavioral standing (no excessive detentions or discipline problems).

Students must demonstrate outstanding performance in areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character.

Students will meet 4 times a year with their advisor and conduct one service project of their choice.

Inductees will be charged for their membership card and pin.  12th grade inductees will be additionally charged for an Honor Stole that will be worn at the Induction Ceremony (usually in May) and at their graduation.

Inductees can purchase additional merchandise from the catalog on their own.

Students must be in attendance at Evangel for at least 3 consecutive quarters or be in good standing with their former school.

Students must not have excessive latenesses or absences unless they are excused.

Guidelines for National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

Open to 6th through 8th grade students.

Same academic and discipline standards as NHS.

8th grade inductees will be additionally charged for an Honor Stole that will be worn at the Induction Ceremony (usually in May) and at their graduation.

Guidelines for National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS)

Open to 4th through 5th grade students.

Same academic and discipline standards as NHS

To Remain on NHS, NJHS, NEHS

The student must maintain an average of 85% , must remain in good behavioral standing and must participate in all

NHS, NJHS or NEHS activities and meetings.

Click below to view program, members and inductees.

2009 bulletin inside

2009 outside bulletin

Check out “Galleries” for fantastic pictures.

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12On June 27th, our Evangel family celebrated with our 58 graduates. What a wonderful day; a day full of excitement and happiness. We were so blessed to have Pastor Devlin speak to our graduates and his theme was: “Go To War” against the world, the devil and the flesh. We were reminded to always “live for Him”. Our special music was provided by our seniors as they sang “I am Still Your Child”. No matter what – God loves us unconditionally and wants to have a relationship with us. There were over 1,000 in attendance and what a celebration we had.

We pray that God continues to guide our graduates as they go on to college. We know that wherever they land – they will be a “light” and they will impact their world for Christ!

Click below to view Program

HS Program 2009

Click below to view Award Recipients

2009 HS AWARDS Script

Check out “Galleries” to view some awesome pics!

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Reader’s Oath – by Debra Angstead

I promise to read

Each day and each night.

I know it’s the key

To growing up right.

I’ll read to myself,

I’ll read to a crowd.

It makes no difference

If silent or loud.

I’ll read at my desk,

At home and at school,

On my bean bag or bed,

By the fire or pool.

Each book that I read

Puts smarts in my head,

‘Cause brains grow more thoughts

The more they are fed.

So I take this oath

To make reading my way

Of feeding my brain

What it needs every day.

Children and adults need time to unwind and enjoy the summer, so make summer reading fun! Summer shouldn’t mean taking a break from reading (or learning) since students who engage in reading activities return to school refreshed, excited and ready to pick up where they left off. Also remember that most Evangel students have summer book reports to do so…

Here are some tips to make reading a positive experience:

Keep LOTS of reading material around the home –books, newspapers, magazines and always, the Bible

Read outdoors – at the park or beach

Read to your child (it doesn’t matter how old or young your child is!)

Let your child read to you (older children can read newspaper or magazine articles)

Visit the library, check your local library’s website for special reading-related

activities and age-appropriate book lists

Model reading – turn off the TV and each person reads his or her book

(including Mom, Dad, grandparent)

ASK them what they think about what they’ve read and LISTEN to what they say

Suggested websites:


Have a wonderful summer!

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We finished our year studying the prophecies in the book of Revelation. We were not very detailed but had a basic understanding of the events to come. We also prepared an outline of the books of the Bible we had studied. The students memorized in order the books of the New Testament as well.

Miss Rivera

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We finished our year preparing an outline of the books of the Bible we had studied. As the final, the students presented on the book they had chosen to outline and memorize in order the books of the Old Testament.

Miss Rivera

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We used the one week we had in the month of June to review for our final. We also saw a Spanish movie to see how the trends in the literature are also manifested in other forms of communications and how the fantasy mixes with reality to make a very good work of art. We saw the movie “Nos Miran” (They are watching us) from Spain, winner of the Goya award, a very prestigious Spanish award.

Miss Rivera

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We used the one week we had in the month of June to review for our final.

Miss Rivera

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As we continued our study of the New Testament we read and studied the letters of Peter and John, and the letter addressed to the Hebrews. These letters were filled with practical advice and profound understanding of the grace of God. As we studied we were forced to see ourselves and answer the challenge to make changes in our lives. Here is what some students had to say:

§ “Hebrews is basically Cliff Notes for the whole Bible. The whole purpose of Hebrews is to walk back through the history of Israel and point out that Jesus was greater than any and all of their highly thought of ancestors and rituals. The purpose of the book is to say that Jesus provides all we need for a personal relationship with God.”

§ “The author of Hebrews uses the letter to show how Yeshua is indeed the fulfillment of all that was written before. The rituals have been superseded and replaced by a life of faith in Messiah because He performed redemption.

§ “The purpose of the book of Hebrews is to show the superiority of Christ. Jesus is superior to the angels and to Moses. The priesthood of Jesus is superior to the Levitical priesthood. The New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant. Jesus entered heaven as a priest and offered himself as a sacrifice. He is the ultimate sacrifice. We can have confidence when we go before God’s throne. We are able to live a life that pleases God.”

§ “The rites of Judaism were but a shadow of things to come. All the pomp and circumstance of religion pales in comparison to the person, work, and ministry of Christ Jesus.”

§ “I learned from Peter that it is because of struggles and trials that we get stronger. It is through these trials that our impurities rise, and like a blacksmith wipes the impurities from a sword, so does God wipes the impurities from our lives.”

§ “I learned a lot from Peter’s letter about facing trials. I learned I should be looking forward, I should see the bigger picture, lesson and wait patiently until the Lord’s glorious day, when we are taken up. I learned that I should rejoice whether I’m in a trial or on a mountaintop, I should still rejoice…. I was also very inspired by the verse in 1 Peter 5:10: “And after you have suffered for a little while the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory, in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” He gives us grace, He will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish Himself in us! Yes, it is so worth it going through various tests and trials. Like James said that the testing of our faith develops perseverance and maturity.”

§ “What I have learned from Peter’s letters about facing trials is that we should still remain faithful during these times we face pain and struggles. We face trials because they make us stronger in our faith. We need to learn to trust in God to help us through the struggles we face. We need to learn to commit ourselves and situations we face to God.”

§ “To expect hard times is wise, but to know that God is control of everything is even wiser; knowing that He would not give us anything or tempt us any further than He knows we could handle.”

§ “Struggles are bound to happen, but we must not put the flesh above the spirit. We must not be swayed by this world”

§ “Jude states that God is well able to keep them from stumbling and preserve them as they develop endurance/ perseverance. He encourages believers to lead blameless lives with great joy, glorifying God.”

Miss Rivera

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