
The juniors were introduced to chemistry by making a class Periodic Table. Each student researched one element and displayed that information along with visuals for the class to enjoy. In lab the students observed signs of a chemical reaction. They mixed different solutions and recorded the changes that they saw: a color change, the formation of a precipitate; or bubbles.

Mrs. Wong

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In the first few weeks of class, students have discussed the meaning of civilization, and have talked about how the creation of civilizations is actually a fulfillment of God’s creation mandate (that humans should fill and subdue the earth). Since we are made in God’s image, humans have the ability to create, to order their surroundings, and to think, speak, and write. These things enable us to form civilizations. We reviewed the Paleolithic Era and the Neolithic Revolution and are now beginning with a unit on Mesopotamia and Egypt, in which we are reading Babylonian creation and flood myths and comparing them to the Biblical accounts.

Mrs. Lapp

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In our class we are learning how science is related to everyday life. Matter, Matter everywhere – exploring the basic unit of matter, the structure of Atoms. In lab students are learning how to use microscopes and create wet mount slides. Its always pretty exciting to see their reactions as they see what is not visible to the naked eyes through magnifications. Ohh – ahhh – yuck – ill Mrs.!!!!

Mrs. Alvarado

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spartan_2To begin our 10th grade year in Global History, we studied the history of Ancient Greece. Students found most interesting the lives of the Spartans and Athenians. After learning about the two city-states, our classes discussed what a typical life of a Spartan or an Athenian might have looked and felt like. To wrap up this unit on Ancient Greece, we watched a film on Sparta which we all enjoyed. Now we move on to Ancient Rome!

Mr. Berrios

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paleolithic-art-01For the month of September, our ninth grade Global class began their journey in world history by first studying the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. We then used some of our creativity skills and created our own cave art. We then moved on to study the rise of civilizations and the seven basic features found in most civilizations. To bring this to life, we even created our very own civilizations. It has been an exciting start to the school year!

Mr. Berrios

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Students are learning about the purpose of our Christian School, God’s plan for their life and the God we serve. They have already completed two quizzes and a unit test. They will continue learning about leadership through God’s perseverance in our lives, His discipline, discipleship, His dislikes and building their character to be like that of Christ.

Mrs. Racoma

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In English grade 9 and 10 for the month of September 2009, we have been working on writing skills, by focusing on expository essays, essays about the student’s summer, mnemonic devices, etc. I have given the students freedom to write on topics of their interest and choice, while using the defined skills. Through writing and expression, I have seen their career pursuit, endeavors, and special interests displayed, nurtured, and developed. We are continuing to write on current events, giving the student the opportunity to express, evaluate and investigate using questioning and inductive methods.

Ms. Farrell

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With a lot of material to cover as we prepare for the US History and Government Regents test in June, the 11th graders have already reviewed the explorers, the discovery of America, and colonial life, and are now beginning a unit on The Road to the Revolutionary War. While we studied colonial society, we had one student pose as a member of the wealthy “gentry” class–so don’t be surprised if you see a picture floating around of one of the students wearing a gray wig!

Mrs. Lapp

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made_in_the_usa_text_hg_clrFor these first few weeks of school, government students have been studying political philosophy, which is the theoretical foundation they need to know before learning about the specifics of American government. Our government students have been studying different kinds of law and forms of government, and completed a patriotic symbol project, which they presented to the class. We are starting to work on our public policy issue projects, in which students will be researching a public policy that interests them and writing an opinion-editorial to submit to a newspaper, magazine, or internet blog. We are having a great time in class!

Mrs. Lapp

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manic drive

Manic Drive Visits Evangel

High School Chapel on September 18th was TOTALLY AWESOME as Manic Drive – an up and coming Christian Band – came to visit us. They played two hits off their new album – our favorite was Closer. It talks about getting closer and closer to the Lord. We had a blast ………………. took tons of pics…………………..and had them sign CD’s and posters. We are so thankful to Manic Drive for blessing us and we pray that the Lord continues to bless their ministry!

Check out “Galleries” for some great pics!

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