
In September we started the school year with a great excitement as to what we would learn this year.! The first few weeks of class, we focused on reviewing what the students had learned the prior year to get a better handle on the upcoming lessons. The textbook we are using is called “Buen Viaje” and we have already covered the chapters dealing with, school supplies, friends and family, sports, travel, vacationing and health. There is also a focus on both vocabulary and verb structure. The class is doing well!

Mrs. Pascualini

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In September we started the school year well! In the first few weeks of class, we mainly

focused on reviewing what the students had learned the prior year to get a better handle on

the upcoming lessons. The textbook we are using is called “Buen Viaje” and so far we have

covered the chapters dealing with, school supplies, friends and family, sports, travel, vacationing and health. There is a focus on both vocabulary and verb structure. The class seems to be progressing well!

Mrs. Pascualini

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Fitness Workouts and Circuit Training

September has been a month dedicated to fitness workouts. Students began their second week of P.E. with circuit training, where they went through various stations such as pushups, sit ups, hurdles, cones, wall squats, etc. Students not only learned the proper way to exercise, but they began to realize why exercising is so important in their daily lives.

-Mr. Wong

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In Earth Science we are learning all about Minerals and Rocks, from how minerals form, to how to identify them by testing for streaks, density, hardness and looking at the structure for cleavage and fractures. Students are fascinated!! It’s awesome to explore the world that our God has created.

Mrs. Alvarado

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In Bible Class 9th Grade has been talking about Creation, more specifically how God created everything perfect in the beginning and how sin altered things. During September we looked at Creation and the Crisis and in October we will be looking at the calling and Christ

Mr. Lopez

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Fall greetings from the Middle School and High School Resource Room! This year we are blessed to have Mrs. Cathy Hampton join our team. She has wonderfully stepped in to help as Evangel’s Resource Center has grown. She is a special asset in assisting the international students in all classes.

As the year started students came with a great sense of expectation, positive attitudes and high goals. In Resource we are setting the groundwork for success first through prayer and second by covering the Building Blocks to School success. This includes but isn’t limited to study skills (SQ3R), reading skills (finding the main idea), Learning Styles Assessments (visual, tactile, auditory), how to take good notes and how to read the textbooks effectively.

It is a blessing to have students from all over the world at Evangel. Our international students represent interesting and varied countries of the world such as China, Indonesia, Korea, Peru, Philippines, Switzerland, Venezuela, and Viet Nam, and many more. Locating their home countries on our classroom map, gave all of the students a chance to discuss the distance to the United States. Becoming familiar with American Idioms has been challenging but it helps with both their conversation and written English skill building. As they discuss their assignments, we might say that some of the answers “are on the tip of your tongue” as a way to practice the use of idioms in conversation. There are many new things to teach and learn for everyone.

Mrs. Kemp

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The Sophomores began the year preparing for proofs. They are studying vocabulary and properties. They have learned how to construct segment and angle bisectors and they are able to calculate distance and find the midpoint.

Mrs. Wong

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The Juniors are working hard in Math. Our goal is the Math B Regents in June. We have been working very hard at graphing functions with and without a calculator.

Mrs. Wong

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Seniors have 2 goals this year in Math – the Regents and the SAT. They have been practicing using a calculator to graph various functions. They are very focused and are working very hard.

Mrs. Wong

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The seniors began their first year of Physics by studying motion. They measured how far a toy car can travel and how far a marble on a ramp can roll.

Mrs. Wong

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