
Forensics Class has completed its unit on Fingerprints, and Other Impressions. The students took their actually fingerprints and investigated its characteristics. They use magnifying glasses to search for specifics such as: whorls, loops, and arches. They also investigated two other classmates’ fingerprints and indentified at least 7 categorical items of the fingerprint.

Mrs. Christian

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Consumer Math

Consumer Class had a guest speaker. The guest speaker, (a parent) a bank manager came to share with our class the importance of checking and savings accounts. The students have been working on a unit dealing with personal and small businesses assets, liabilities, profits and deficits. They have been introduced to the business aspect of calculating profits, and gains. The students were given a mock business to calculate its assets, liabilities, profits and deficiencies.

Mrs. Christian

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Geometry Class is entering into a unit on Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. Students will work on activities that will allow them to draw and identify different types of lines. The students will be engaged in word problems that will demonstrate how parallel and perpendicular lines can ne used in driving, maps, and carpentry.

Mrs. Christian

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Solving Equations

Advance Algebra students are currently working on Solving Equations. They will write their own word problems to display how an every day life situation ca be written in an algebraic equation.

Mrs. Christian

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Future Scientist

This week in lab we conducted an experiment on Weathering and Erosion. We took a small in-house field trip to the elementary school playground to observe how air, water and ice have affected the grounds. Students became scientist for the moment and experienced first hand some of the techniques used in the field. They were able to differentiate between physical and chemical erosion and the textbook became alive. Finally, after the observations were made some took turns sliding down the kiddy slide.

Mrs. Alvarado

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High School Electives



Students will learn fundamental skills in these dance techniques: ballet, modern, hip-hop and jazz, pop-n-lock and break dancing. The course will emphasize creative expression through movement, awareness of space, timing and dance technique.


Drama/Theater Arts I, II


These courses instruct students in the fundamentals of theater arts. Course I is designed to teach students the art of pantomime, improvisation and human video. Students in course II learn the basic skills of acting and develop short skits that present contemporary dialogue.



This course gives high school interns an opportunity to work with 4th and 5th grade students during their physical education class. Interns are taught how to effectively run a physical education class and how to prepare a lesson plan. Interns will also be given an opportunity to execute their lesson plans.


Students taking the yearbook course will assist in creating the school yearbook. They are formed into work groups according to their liking: photographers, layout artists, writers, etc. Students will learn how to design yearbook pages!

World Civilization


A year-long college credit course that covers the Neolithic Revolution and rise of civilization through the classical, post-classical, and early modern period. With quizzes and projects, as well as tests.



Students choose an area where they would like to assist and grow in knowledge. Students assist in classrooms, tutor students, and in the office.



In this course, students are introduced to professional standard sewing techniques and apparel construction. Through assignments, the techniques are applied to produce finished garments for the upcoming Christmas Program.

Audio Visual


The courses focus on audio, visual, and audio-visual equipment.  Through hands-on experience, participants learn how to operate the soundboard, light board, computer programs such as Media Shout, and integrate its use during our Chapel service.



This course covers types of photography, digital camera basics, and creating still and moving pictures.



Home Economics


This course covers theories and methods of cooking, Students are taught to set up a proper workstation. In addition, students are taught a series of knife cuts using the proper safe knife handling methods, accomplish and season a variety of foundation dishes, define, utilize, and convert standard American weights and measurements.

Worship Team


This course is designed for vocalists and instrumentalist who have a desire to worship the Lord. Students are taught basic pitch and rhythmic notation as well as harmonization. The course also provides a practical study of various styles of worship.


In this elective students learn to sign different choral arrangement and will learn to sign harmony.

Art of Mathematics

Students connect math to architecture on this very exciting elective.


Students will learns the basic elements of Drawing.


Self Defense

Students will learn the basic self-defense moves and will know how to defend themselves from an attacker.


Physical Body Training

Boys will train and work out the different areas of their bodies and will also do strength training.

Body Workout

Girls will work out to “Body Gospel”.


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New Testament Survey

This Bible class is a survey of the New Testament. We started the year by review what we learned about the Old Testament. We continued with an introduction to the New Testament and how we have the 27 books we now know as the New Testament. We then did an introduction to the Gospels, which is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and then proceeded to study the gospel of Matthew. In this book we are confronted with Jesus as King and the fulfillment of the prophecies. It is fascinating to see the reaction of the students to what Jesus taught and the discussions that arose in class. Many of the students found a new respect and others a sense of comfort in finding out that Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and coming were all prophesied and as He had fulfilled the prophesies of his life, death and resurrection so we have the hope of the fulfillment of the Second Coming.

Miss Rivera

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Bible Class

This Bible class is a survey of the Old Testament. We started this class with the history of the Bible as a book, how we got the Bible. We discussed the canonization of the books of the Old Testament and those of the New Testament. The students were presented with indisputable evidence, recent archeological evidence, that gives proof of the veracity of the Bible and how it has remains the same, even after so many years of copying. We continued with an introduction to the Old Testament and the arrangement of the books. We then started with the events of Creation. The students did beautiful projects illustrating the days of creation according to Genesis 1-2.

Miss Rivera

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Advanced Spanish

This Spanish class has finished with the curriculum for High School and is now following the curriculum “Dos Mundos” from McGraw Hills. This is a college curriculum. In this class, we are tying together all we have learned and we are working on our communication skills. It is our goal to develop our speaking skills so we may be able to communicate more effectively in the Spanish language. We have discussed how to give and obtain personal information, such as the name, age, and address. We have dealt with talking about our family and inquiring about other people’s family. We share in pairs, or as a class.

Miss Rivera

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Advanced Spanish

This Spanish class is a continuation of the ninth grade curriculum, ¡Buen Viaje! from Glencoe. Most of the students speak or are familiar with the language and so most of the class is conducted in Spanish. We started with reviewing what had been taught before. The class has reviewed traveling by train, how to order and handle oneself in a restaurant, and the technology used for communication. The students did a project where they had to write a story and illustrate it with all the things reviewed in class.

Miss Rivera

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