Advanced Spanish

We continue to use different life situations to use our Spanish. We are now dealing with getting information about quantities and so we reviewed the numbers. In doing so, we played a game that had us all laughing at our mistakes. We are now learning about ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.) and were reviewing and adding to the daily routines we go through. We are not only writing but also speaking about them and inquiring about other people’s routines. As we can see, we are learning Spanish in a very social context.

Ms. Rivera

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Advanced Spanish

We continue to review the material from the year before. We went over the different kinds of stores and shopping in Spanish. We have stopped to go over the hobbies and games in Spanish and are now learning the future tense. We spent a period of class just playing and using the language to communicate with each other. This was a lot of fun. We are now back to work and are learning about the future tense of regular verbs and the comparisons and superlatives in Spanish.

Ms. Rivera

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Regular Spanish

We are using what we have learned in conversations and writing. We are now formulating sentences and questions. We are using those to inquire information of others. We are also identifying and inquiring about what people are doing. It is getting difficult but we can do it.

Ms. Rivera

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Enrichment Class

Researching, writing, and thinking… oh my. Every class is learning a lot of information about each groups “technology.” The students will be researching their technology in the areas of history and current technology. The groups will be writing interesting paragraphs to further finish their projects. After that, the teams will continue on to the areas of breakthroughs and consequences. Each student is thinking of ways to further their project into a thing worthy of each persons ability. Here’s a fun and easy riddle: What is it that someone has to take before you can get it? … The answer is: Your picture.

Dustin Penland

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Getting Fit

12Th Grade worked on their fitness test. The students did pushups, sit ups, the flex arm hang and ran for 10 minutes.

Ms. Rosario

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Projectile Motion

Physics students have been studying projectile motion. They have come to appreciate the math behind movie stunts and sports.

Mrs. Wong

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In chemistry the students tried to reconstruct Mendeleev’s original periodic table by matching elements with similar properties. They realized it is not as easy as it looks.

Mrs. Wong

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Math B

The Seniors have completed their study of the quadratic function and imaginary numbers. This year they spent some time learning how to use their calculator to graph quadratic functions and inequalities.

Mrs. Wong

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Algebra II

The Juniors have completed their study of the quadratic function. This was their first experience working with imaginary numbers.

Mrs. Wong

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Currently the Sophomores are designing stained glass windows using lines. They studied Frank Lloyd Wright’s stained glass designs using geometric shapes and are now designing their own. They realize that geometry is not just for the classroom.

Mrs. Wong

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