Beyond the Calling

Beyond the Calling, a hip-hop group that was actually formed at Evangel Christian School over two years ago, ministered at our High School Chapel.  Melanie Chong and Luis Alers are alumni and Joaquin Pardo and Ryan Diaz are in 12th grade at ECS. This group has written several songs such as, “Ain’t Ashamed,”  “Ain’t My Home,” “Spiritual Love” and “Slave to Righteousness”.

Beyond the Calling’s purpose and mission is to get the Message out to all – through the Word and Music. They feel that there are two callings. The one that God has for His children as well as the calling the World offers. They feel they need to live beyond the calling of the world, hence the name of their group and the focus of their ministry.

God really used this group to minister to our students and to challenge them to live above the world.

Beyond The Calling is scheduled to release their debut album Spring 2010.

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Po Jam select


This year’s annual Poety Jam was exactly what it sounds like – a “Jam!”. This entire event was planned and set up by a committee of students who worked hard to put it together according to the guidelines given to them. The Poetry Jam was an opportunity given to the students to open up about certain topics. Some wrote about who their heroes are, gave us short photo memories of their life in the form of haikus, and some expressed their true feelings about sensitive topics. About 3 students also decided to share their individual talents in the form of music. While some presentations were comical and put smiles on our faces, others were heart-felt and brought tears to our eyes. We had a great time of eating catered food and goodies, to God moving miraculously among us. I can honestly say that it was a blessing for me and the students as well. I saw the love of God shining from the students’ faces as they shared favorite memories with friends and told us of how Evangel has been a great influence in their lives by showing them who God was and the love that He has for every individual student and staff member in Evangel. We had two special guests who spoke to the students about how God wants to work in their lives and the plans that He has in store for them, and the students really opened up to receive the message. This event was truly beautiful in every way, from the Jazz theme decorations, to the outfits that the sudents wore, all the way to how God is working in each and every life. I would like to thank the senior class of 2010 for being so cooperative and for helping out in everyway they did. I feel that this event has sewn the lives of these students closely and into a family that shares the love of Christ.

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Graphing Equations

In 10th grade we are working on graphing equations and understanding connections between exponents and real life. We will take a test over chapter 8 on Nov. 10th.

Mr. Boyd

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Two Step Equations

In 9th grade, we have begun to solve equations with two steps. We will continue to work on the same skills, but will tackle more and more difficult equations as we work towards the Chapter 3 test on Nov 10th.

Mr. Boyd

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Student Government

international week 1 158

What an exciting election we had for this year’s Student Government race!

The candidates were extremely creative and strategic in their campaigning techniques. Some students had clever posters, others provided voters with lollipops with campaign slogans and some just spoke to fellow students on a one to one basis asking for support.

On Election Day – Friday, October 23rd, candidates had the opportunity to give their speeches. Most made promises to make Evangel Christian School a better place for its students

After hearing all the speeches from candidates, students were able to vote, and after tallying all the ballots, the students of Evangel Christian School voted in Jonathan Bonifas as their President, Guillermo Rosario as the Vice President, Sean Villalba and Ryan Diaz as their Co-Treasurers and Ashley Perez as Secretary.

Next week the Student Government officers will go around classrooms to vote in two class representatives from each class.

We are looking forward to this government’s leadership and positive impact in our school!

Check out Galleries for some great pics!

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Law vs. Grace

We have begun to read about Hester our Protagonist from, The Scarlet Letter. We saw how there is a fine line between law & grace and found how poor Hester was humiliated for something that she did wrong.Students have begun to work on their own Scarlet letters – but we decided to focus on something positive about us.

Ms. Quiros

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We have just begun our journey through the Anglo-Saxon Period and began reading Beowulf through the first of three battles. Beowulf has heard of the torment that Grendal has brought upon Denmark. He then believes that he is the only one that can go and help them. He travels across the sea to see King Hrothgar, who welcomes him as a salve for Denmark. Beowulf then defeats Grendal and puts an end to his torment. Students are now working on their first Beowulf project and are drawing a picture of what their interpretation of Grendal’s claw is. It’s a fun way to bring imagery to life. Stay tuned for next month’s news on our 2nd Annual Poetry Jam – Jazz Event.

Ms. Quiros

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We have just finished going over the methods of research. We reviewed a case study called, The Hawthorne Plant Study. We found that the approach to this study was incorrect, and we brainstormed to find ways to help modify the research in order to bring forth accurate results. Students were able to think critically and experienced what it is like to research, through the eyes of a Psychologist.

Ms. Quiros

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Servant Jesus

We finished Matthew and are now in the Gospel of Mark. We see Jesus in this book as a servant. We see all the miracles that He has done, the power that He has, the humbleness that He displays and we are reviewing our commitment to Him. He committed Himself to the salvation of the world and it cost Him His life. We are facing the question: “Am I willing to lay my life down for Him?” We have also been learning about the different names/titles of Jesus. So far we have studied: Immanuel (With us is God), Light of the World (To Phos Tou Kosmou), Child (Yeled, Pais), Bread of Life (Artos Zoes), and we are now studying the Great Physician. It is wonderful to be able to study about our Creator and Lord!

Ms. Rivera

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Old Testament

We continue to study the book of Genesis and the origins of mankind. We have studied scientific evidence that proves the accounts of Genesis to be accurate. We started to study the love of God for us. As we studied the fall of man from grace we see the promise of the One who would crush the enemy, as stated in Genesis 3:15; a promise of restoration. We see, as time passes, how people forget about God and how God remains faithful and provides a means of escape from judgment as given to Noah and his family. We discussed the events of the tower of Babel and the dispersion of the nations, and continue to see the decay of mankind. We are now in the process of discussing the book of Job and are faced with many questions about the suffering that is in the world. And as we continue to study the book, we will find out how a man can withstand unimaginable circumstances and still praise God. We have also been learning about the different names/titles of God. So far we have studied: God/ Mighty Creator (Elohim), the God who sees (El Roi), God Almighty (El Shaddai), The Everlasting God or Eternal God (El Olam), The Lord will Provide (Yahweh Yireh), and we are now studying LORD (Yaweh).

Ms. Rivera

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