Pep Rally 09-10 007

Faces Painted, School Colors, Pom Poms, Screaming, Yelling, Balloons, Contests, and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much Fun – this describes our Pep Rally on Thursday, November 19th. Our athletes were  greeted by loud cheers as they crashed through homemade signs. Students were so excited and full of School Spirit as they adorned blue and silver garland and had Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Arnau paint beautiful eagles on their faces. Our athletes were spurred on to “be the best that they can be” this year. A great big “thank you” to Mr. Wong, our Athletic Director, for making this year’s Pep Rally such a huge success.

Check out Galleries for some great pics.

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Math B

The Seniors have been studying graphs and how to translate them. They have studied quadratic functions, exponential functions, power functions and logarithmic functions.

Mrs. Wong

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Resource Room

November is a wonderful month. Students are now finding out what is really hard for them and what is easy. Many are studying and using time more effectively. Those who have been bringing in copies of their classes from Edline are some of the students who have progressed the most. However some students are finding out the consequences of poor study habits verses good study habits. This month I will focus on test corrections, remediation and encouraging them to”… press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14

Mrs. Kemp

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The Seniors have been studying energy, both potential and kinetic. They have applied what they know to the design of roller coasters.

Mrs. Wong

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The Juniors have toured the periodic table looking for patterns and trends. They have also studied ionic and metallic bonds.

Mrs. Wong

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Algebra 2

The Juniors have been studying graphs and how to translate them. They have studied quadratic functions, exponential functions, power functions and logarithmic functions.

Mrs. Wong

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Advanced Geometry

The geometry students are currently proving triangles are congruent. They have learned to use 2 column proofs as well as coordinate proofs. They are currently investigating triangle properties.

Mrs. Wong

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Students have been studying Congress–its powers, primary responsibilities, and the process through which a bill becomes a law. Although we had fun watching the School House Rock cartoon, “I’m Just a Bill,” students’ knowledge of this process now (thankfully) goes deeper than that two minute clip! Students also researched Congressmen and presented their findings about their backgrounds, political beliefs, and time served in office. We are concluding the unit by writing letters to our Representatives in Congress and City Council about local issues ranging from transportation to the police department.

Mrs. Lapp

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The US Constitution

US History: Students have immersed themselves in studying the Constitution–its principles, the debates surrounding its ratification, and the ways those principles played themselves out in the new government under Washington, Adams, and Jefferson. We will wrap up this unit by writing a Regents practice thematic essay on the principles and flexibility of the Constitution.

Mrs. Lapp

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Operation Christmas Child Visits Evangel

Operation Christmas Child, a ministry under Samaritan’s Purse, asks people to fill shoe boxes with items and love yearly, to distribute to children in need around the world.  From basic essentials like toothbrushes and bars of soap to fun activities like crayons and flash cards, people around the world give a little bit of hope to children who may not otherwise have any.

Evangel Christian School continued our tradition of packing shoe boxes.  On Friday, November 13th we dedicated these shoe boxes to the Lord at our chapel services.  Students shared testimonies about what packing a shoebox meant to them.  We prayed that these shoe boxes would reach their destinations and that the child whose hand a shoebox landed in would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

We then received the honor of having a film crew from Operation Christmas Child come to Evangel on Tuesday, November 17th to film our students praying over their shoe boxes.  Selected students also went up to our roof to shoot various plugs for OCC!  This footage will be used in future Operation Christmas Child promotional videos.  How exciting!  The OCC film crew and staff were impressed with our children’s enthusiasm and the abundance of shoe boxes collected.  Colorful posters and even some students wearing self-made t-shirts graced the sanctuary for all to know that Evangel loves Operation Christmas Child!

In total, 211 shoeboxes were packed and more than $800 (that could be visibly seen in a shoebox) in donations were collected.  These donations cover the shipping costs for each of the shoe boxes.

More than 69 million children world-wide have been impacted by Operation Christmas Child and Evangel is so proud to be a part of this.  Check out pictures from our chapel and the film crew coming to visit in the Galleries section of our website!

We pray that many children will be blessed this Christmas season!  Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event a success!

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