Spanish Class

In November, students read national current events for knowledge advancement. The students are doing a great job!

Mr. Hernandez

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Earth Science Lab

The experiments of the 10th grade lab class explore why certain incidents have happened on earth and how they have occurred. Some have been previously reported by meteorologists. Our students have interpreted glacial landscapes with a topographical map, performed experiments to determine the permeability of different types of soils, and tracked Hurricane Andrew, a Category 5 hurricane which made landfall in the United States. Yet another experiment which the 10th grade has performed is calculating density, and accurately predicting whether an object and any size of the presented material will sink or float in water. The materials presented to them included aluminum, brass, copper, oak, pine, steel, PVC, Polypropylene, acrylic and others. Perhaps density could be calculated for a material not on the list for the given lab. That is what experiments are for. Did someone say gold? Did someone say planet earth? You would be amazed to see how easy it is to calculate the density of gold, earth, and a variety of irregular shaped objects and how it relates to life! With extra minutes in lab class, the experiments and discoveries are endless!

Ms. Farrell

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Biology Lab

Each lab has provided our 9th grade students with exciting investigations and their own new discoveries. We have recently explored human cells, plant cells, live tenebrio worms and the internal anatomy of earthworms. Who would think we could analyze the actual cells of the human muscle, human blood and human bone? In fact that is what we did! The students experimented and discovered what happens when a cell is diluted with water and also with liquids of high concentration. From this lab, there were students who became interested and asked what I thought about them entering the medical field! There is only one answer: “Certainly, you can do it!” The earthworm dissection allowed each student to: inspect the various parts of the worm which makes up the digestive tract and pumping organs; learn how a worm knows where to go when it does not have eyes; how it breathes when it has no lungs or gills; and what our soil would be like without worms. Indeed there were students who were looking for yet another opportunity to dissect an animal, and this time a larger one! We have that coming too! Stay tuned…

Ms. Farrell

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In the month of November the student learned how to bump and set a volleyball. They practiced how to serve the ball over the net, then we made teams and had fun playing against each other.

Mrs. Rosario

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Computer Class

The 11th grade classes have been using Microsoft Power Point to show their creative side. They designed 2 slides each, for our whole class slide show, which reveals what they consider to be most important thing to them. We have also begun practicing questions for the US History regents which they will take in June 2010. The students are practicing their on-line researching skills along with their ability to site internet sources correctly when they use information from a site.

Miss Stahler

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Computer Class

The 10th grade classes have been using Microsoft Power Point to show their creative side. They designed 2 slides each, for our whole class slide show, which reveals what they consider to be most important thing to them. We have also begun practicing questions for the Earth Science, Global studies and Geometry regents which they will take in June 2010. The students are practicing their on-line researching skills along with their ability to site internet sources correctly when they use information from a site.

Miss Stahler

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Computer Class

The 9th grade classes have been using Microsoft Power Point to show their creative side. They designed 2 slides each, for our whole class slide show, which reveals what they consider to be most important thing to them. We have also begun practicing questions for the Living Environment and Algebra regents which they will take in June 2010. The students are practicing their on-line researching skills along with their ability to site internet sources correctly when they use information from a site.

Miss Stahler

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Bible Class

Students are continuing their knowledge of the Beattitudes. They are focusing on what it is to hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are realizing that when we strive for things on this earth, it is only temporal, instead we are learning to pursue things that will last us for eternity. They are enjoying class and we are looking forward to a trip after the break where we go out and feed the homeless. It is important for them to not only learn how to act but to do the actions as well.

Mrs. Racoma

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The High School Feast was a blast! Our highschool students brought in a tremendous of amount of food. We had pasta, turkey, rice, salad and every desert you can possibly imagine. Some students participated in the talent portion of the event. We had students rap, sing, dance, play piano, guitar and act in a skit. We also had some our teacher’s share. Mrs. Lapp played the flute and towards the close of the event and Mr. Ham shared a Word of Encouragement to the students. It was a wonderful day of thanksgiving.
Check out Galleries for some super pics.

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wacky day select collage

This year’s Spirit Week has been the best so far! Our Middle School and High School students showed tremendous school spirit by participating in this event. Monday was “Flashback Day”. Students were able to dress up in clothing from a different era. We had students represent the 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, and earlier periods. This was absolutely the best way to kick off a fun-filled week. Tuesday we had “Multiplicity Day.” Students were able to dress alike as twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc. We even had a pair of students dressed as the Super Mario Brothers! On Wednesday we had “Wacky Hair, Feet and Wear Day”. Students dressed up in the most wackiest outfits they could find! Some walked in with colored wigs, others in oversized glasses,  mismatched clothing, etc. Thursday was our “Pep Rally Day” a day we supported our athletic teams by representing our school colors. Friday we wrapped up the week’s festivities with a “Formal Day” in which students dressed to nines in suits, tuxedos, prom dresses. One of our students even wore a wedding dress! Our students showed tremendous school spirit and we look forward to making more great memories at Evangel Christian School in this upcoming school year.

Check out Galleries and our PHOTBLOG for great pictures!

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