Math Class

How fast will your investment increase? How fast will your car depreciate? These were questions that the class explored using exponential growth and decay models.

Mrs. Wong

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The sophomores have explored dilations using perspective drawings. They also practiced paper folding by making origami ornaments for Christmas. This was a very interesting class and a great lesson in reading directions and interpreting diagrams.

Mrs. Wong

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Spanish Class

In December we dealt with a chapter called Telecommunicaciones. Students learned how to talk about computers, e-mails, the Internet, faxes and telephones. They learned the formation and usage of perfect tense verbs and how to receive and make calls in Spanish.

Mrs. Pascualini

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Spanish Class

In December students learned the vocabulary associated with air travel and airports. They learned how to engage in conversations with various types of airline employees and as a class we discussed the importance of air travel in South America.

Mrs. Pascualini

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Spanish Class

In December we dealt with a chapter called Telecommunicaciones. Students learned how to talk about computers, e-mails, the Internet, faxes and telephones. They learned the formation and usage of perfect tense verbs and how to receive and make calls in Spanish.

Mrs. Pascualini

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Bible Class

Our discussions in Bible have increased greatly as we have begun to look at those that have been persecuted for the cause of Christ. Students have been amazed at how many people before them have died for their stance in Christ. A light bulb has finally gone off for a lot of them, as they see how they are so blessed to be in a Christian school where they are not persecuted on a daily basis. While we have many fun things that happen in class, moments of discussion where you see a student finally realize the significance of why we were placed here on earth, it is worth all the months of teaching.

Mrs. Racoma

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Bible Class

One of the tenth grade classes had the privilege of going to the Bowery mission during November. They seemed to be nervous at first but it was great to see them open up and share what God has done and what He is doing in their lives. In class we have been learning about the Beattitudes. This has been a great learning experience for the students as they see what attitudes Jesus Christ wanted us to portray in our lives. We’ve made it through half of them and I’m looking forward to what God will do in their personal lives as continue learning about them.

Mrs. Racoma

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The10th Grade Geometry class is completing a study in triangle relationships. They are investigating and working with theorems and proofs.

Mrs. Christian

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The 9th Grade Algebra class is working on a study of how to use linear equations in real life situations.

Mrs. Christian

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Consumer Math Class

Students are conducting a study on taxes in their Consumer Math Class. They are learning about the importance of taxes and even how to file their own taxes.

Mrs. Christian

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