Learning to use Collegeboard.com

The 11th grade classes have begun taking Junior Seminar during computer lab time. They are discovering where to begin the long road to choosing a college and finding the right financing for their education. They are using collegeboard.com to get their name out there and find out what SAT scores they will need to get into the school and program of their choosing.

Miss Stahler

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See what we can do with Microsoft Publisher

The 9th and 10th grade classes have been using Microsoft Publisher. We have designed greeting cards, flyers, and calendars. As they discover how to use the different toolbars they are also finding their creativity in design, layout and prose. For the academic fair, which is coming up in March, we have learned how to use the reference toolbar in Microsoft Word to cite our sources in MLA format and create a bibliography page. We have also worked on paraphrasing from our sources so we avoid plagiarism.

Miss Stahler

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Resource Room News

January was quite an eventful month: midterms, new students, academic fair, and more. Congratulations to our students whose study skills paid off and who were exempt from any of their midterm exams. Congratulations to those who took their midterms and did well. And congratulations to our 11th graders that passed an RCT or two!

We also welcome 4 new Chinese students and an American Student from New Jersey. We look forward to getting to know them and we’re glad they can join us in the adventure of learning through the last half of the school year.

Part of the adventure is working through all the phases of the academic fair process which helps ideas come to life. This month very interesting topics have been explored and research started. Some of the topics included skate boarding, gymnastics, basketball, terrestrial and jovian planets, the origins of chocolate, baking a cake, Puerto Rican cookies, volcanoes of Hawaii, Hawaiian culture and language, and international flight. Do you get the feeling some students are really hungry and some are ready for warmer weather? We look forward to seeing all these wonderful ideas blossom into research papers, projects, and presentation boards by March 18th.

Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Hampton

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ESL Class

The Korean ESL students have started working on their writing this month. As English language learners, organizing and writing out their thoughts in English is not an easy task. So we are looking at how to brainstorm and organize ideas in Korean and then working on writing grammatically correct sentences in English. It is a work in progress and we plan to practice more writing throughout this semester. We also started reading articles from the free AM papers. The language is simple enough for the students to read and it is giving them a broader understanding of the American culture and what goes on in the community so it’s a very helpful tool. I am so blessed to be working with such a great group of students and I am excited to help them learn and acquire their second language!

Sara Park

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Check Mate!

king_on_chess_board_hg_clrOn Wednesday, January 13th, Evangel Christian School hosted a Chess Tournament in preparation for the first Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Chess Tournament. Schools throughout the Northeast region will come together to participate in this fun yet challenging game of strategy. Students played multiple games in the intense elimination rounds. We thank all the students who participated and are praying for the team members who will be competing on February 12th in Newton Square, PA.

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How We Received Our Bible

We studied how we got our Bible. How it was handed down through the ages. The Bible is a trustworthy book that has a unique claim on our lives. We are learning to love our Bible and the Great God who is revealed in it. It is God’s love letter to us! Thank You Lord that we have Your word to read and to study!

Mr. Lopez

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Our Restless Earth

Earthquakes are one of the earths most destructive forces, this has been our recent study. Students are learning about earthquakes – how they occur, in what regions they are most likely to happen and why, how to locate the point of origin, and what type of structures are affected and most susceptible to damage when they occur. While we are all terribly affected by the tragic lost of life and devastation that has occurred in Haiti by the recent Earthquake, this has provided an opportunity for our class to come alive through much prayer, compassion and research.

Mrs. Alvarado

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This month we have been studying a process which completely supports the entire earth – Photosynthesis – How plants use (light energy) sunlight and water to produce carbohydrates (food/energy) and oxygen. Energy is produced in the form of Glucose (sugar) and oxygen an important product produced by plants, an essential part of different organisms existence. Students are now very familiar with the chemical equation for photosynthesis and also have participated in different lab activities where they have had the opportunity to see photosynthesis in action. Using live evergreens we were able to trap the oxygen being released during the process. They will soon be learning the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.   Mrs. Alvarado

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The seniors have investigated momentum using bumper cars. They were able to see and measure the effects of collisions. They have also studied circular motion. They had a great time swinging a rubber stopper above their heads in order to collect the data necessary to calculate tangential speed.

Mrs. Wong

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The juniors have been studying covalent bonds. They have looked at some of the unique properties of water. They have also used their understanding of polar and nonpolar bonds to separate the dyes found in markers.

Mrs. Wong

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