Chemical Reactions

Students have been studying chemical reactions this month. They are now able to predict the products of a reaction and to balance equations. In lab they were amazed to watch the reaction of gases with indicators. They enjoy it when they can see color changes, bubbles or precipitates form.

Mrs. Wong

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Which slice is the best deal

Students worked on trig this month and learned how to use the law of sines and cosines. They also learned how to find the area of a sector. This became extremely useful when they applied their new skills to determine the area of a slice of pizza and which slice was the best deal.

Mrs. Wong

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I want that slice

Students worked on trig this month and learned how to use the law of sines and cosines. They also learned how to find the area of a sector. This became extremely useful when they applied their new skills to determine the area of a slice of pizza and which slice was the best deal.

Mrs. Wong

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Lets Measure

Students have been investigating quadrilaterals this month. They have cut, folded, measured and constructed. They were able to discover many of the properties we studied on their own.

Mrs. Wong

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Drug Research

Students got in groups of seven to work on their drug research projects. As a group they were responsible for a two page research paper along with a bibliography and citations. Each group also did a presentation and a poster board showing the effects drugs has on people’s physical and mental abilities. Some of the groups did their presentation with a skit or a Rap.

Mrs. Christian

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Students have been working with a blood splatter lab. They have also learned about identifying hair follicles and labeling the different parts on a diagram. They examined four different hair follicles from a crime scene.

Mrs. Christian

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Creations of Transportation

Wow the class is starting to look like a construction zone. I have K’Nex, Lego’s and a lot of modeling clay around the room. Roller coasters, bridges, towers, and all sorts of projects are being created. Middle school is working on making a bridge and also towering towers. One of the towers is 4.5 feet tall and another tower is almost 5 feet tall. The roller coaster is almost ready for its first run. Creations of transportation and electronics are finished. God is good and has blessed all in the class with great imaginations. I am ready to see what comes from the students next month.

Mr. Penland

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Over 1,000 people cam to Evangel on Thursday, March18 to experience our Annual Academic Fair. Students in PK through 12th grade, worked for 2 and one half months to create a Research Paper, Project and Project Board for our fair. Students picked a topic of their choice from a variety of subjects such as: Science, English, Bible, Home Economics, Fashion, Art, Design, Technology, Math, Music, History, etc…

As you entered the school you experienced the sound of music, the smell of delicious foreign foods cooking, students super excited to share about their projects, dancing, acting, singing and so much more. Although the Academic Fair was a lot of work, it was well worth it.

We thank all the parents, students and staff for their hard work to make this year’s Academic Fair a HUGE success. We look forward to next year and if you didn’t make it this year we look forward to seeing you then.

Please check out our PHOTOBLOG and GALLERIES for some fantastic pics.


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When is enough enough

To better understand the law of diminishing marginal utility, we did a candy simulation. Four students were asked to come to the front of the classroom and eat multiple rounds of tootsie rolls. After each round, the class recorded in a table the level of pleasure (or marginal utility) each person had. In general, the law of diminishing marginal utility held true–after 5 rounds most students received less satisfaction from the candy than they had after the first piece.

This week the class discussed controversial topics like healthcare reform, minimum wage, and rent control and applied their knowledge of supply and demand and free market principles to these discussions.

Mrs. Lapp

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Debate Time

To supplement our study of the Spanish-American War, students had an in-class, parliamentary style debate (complete with fist pounding and shouts of here, here! or for shame) about imperialism. What are the pros and cons of territorial expansion? students asked.

We also studied World War I and watched several scenes from the 1929 Academy Award winner, All Quiet on the Western Front. We had a discussion about the pacifist elements of the film (which contributed to the fact that it was banned during World War II)

Now, we head into the Roaring Twenties. Part of our last class was spent talking about flappers and listening to jazz music.

Mrs. Lapp

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