College Prep

 The Juniors are splitting their time between computer class and their junior seminar, which is preparing them for college. Since time is short and the Juniors are busy folks, we’ve assigned some independent work projects due on June 4. They have chosen all sorts of things to work on and are really enjoying the projects. Some are making videos, while others are dissecting computers. Many students are learning office software, and one group is making an online comic for which they are making their own website!

Mr. Boyd

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Office Masters

We are working on two basic projects right now. We have begun working through the Learning Office 2007 textbook, which is a very well designed book that will teach our kids how to skillfully use office software and prepare them for the future. We are also working on improving our keyboarding skills, which is going quite well. Some students have improved their typing rate by as many as 25 points in just the last three weeks!

Mr. Boyd

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Plate Tectonics

In our 10th grade Earth Science lab classes, the students have been focusing on the effects on our land from day to day, over the centuries, and predicting what is scheduled to take place in the future. We have observed the difference in time that it takes for dry sand to heat up, water, and damp sand. From this experiment, students have predicted areas in the United States that would have a larger temperature range through the course of a day. We have also observed the plates and countries of the world, realizing how they fit like a puzzle and have moved a part over time. Understanding how mountains were formed and how earthquakes were produced, became clearer through this study of Plate Tectonics. Another lab consisted of mapping volcanoes and where they are most likely to happen. More than half of the world’s active volcanoes occur in the Ring of Fire, encircling the Pacific Ocean.

Ms. Farrell

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Apron on? CHECK! Goggles on? CHECK! Gloves on? CHECK! Well, let’s Rock and Roll

Our 9th grade Biology lab classes have investigated the anatomy of a grasshopper, while labeling each part of the body. In yet another lab class the students have been given their own frog to dissect. For some it was a gruesome experience, but they have recognized the similarities between the major organs of the human and a frog. They have identified each organ and sketched their own diagram. In the initial part of the lab, they were instructed to open the mouth of the frog, maneuver its tongue and also discover whether they received a male or female frog. The female frogs had the presence of eggs and ovaries. It was a sight to see!

Ms. Farrell

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Properties of Transformations

The 10th grade Geometry class is working on a unit study called the Properties of Transformations. The students will create diagrams that will display knowledge and use of translation, reflection, rotation, and symmetry in real life situations. Some examples of real life application is in navigation, and hang gliding. Students will observe various pictures and art works to identify patterns of translation, rotation, reflection and symmetry.

Mrs. Christian

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Lets do some Factoring

The 9th grade Algebra class is working on a unit called Polynomials and Factoring. With in the unit study, students will be engaged with solving real life problems and creating their own problems using polynomials.

Mrs. Christian

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Fun with Probability

Our Integrated Algebra class is experimenting with probability. We flipped coins and pulled marbles out of bags. We have learned how to use our Ti83+ calculator to compute complex probability problems.

Miss Stahler

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Our Algebra class has been investigating polynomials. We have used algebra tiles to show the sum, difference and product of two polynomials.

Miss Stahler

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The Giver

We started reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. This was a challenging jump from a 5th grade to an 8th grade reading level and it has created a linguistically richer context for students to engage in conversations. The book portrays a future society controlled by many rules so we started talking about what an ideal life/community would look like. The students are struggling a bit with the level of vocabulary and the complexity of the text so for now, we are spending a lot of classroom time reading and marking the text together. Eventually I hope to incorporate more discussions and writing about what we read.

Ms. Park

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Look at the light

Students have been studying light this month. They have investigated reflection and refraction. In their hands on activities they used a laser refraction tank in order to see and measure reflection & refraction. They were amazed to see these properties at work.

Mrs. Wong

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