
NFL Running Back Blesses Evangel

Former Running Back, Lee Rouson, a two time Super Bowl Winner with the New York Giants was a guest speaker at our Middle School and High School Chapels. Lee shared his journey of faith and overcoming hardships. THrough it all, Lee remained faithful to the call of God in His life. Our students were inspired by his story of Hope and Triumph in Christ. Lee also emphasized that eventhough he has been tremendously successful, he identifies himself as a child of God and gives all the glory to Him. Mr. Rouson has been anexample to our children that “With God all things are possible.” We are so thankful to him for taking time out of his busy schedule to come and speak with our students.

Please see “galleries” for some great pics!

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Lee Rouson from the New York Giants Shares at Evangel

Regent Review

As we continue to review for the Regents, students had the opportunity to visit Philadelphia and see the sights! Instead of just reading about the Constitutional Convention, we were able to stand in Independence Hall and see the chair that George Washington sat in as he presided over the Convention! What a way to review!

Mrs. Lapp

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The Greatest Generation

Students watched interviews with 80-year-old veterans from Easy Company, one of the most decorated companies during World War II. After hearing about their experiences, students journaled about why these men came to be known as the greatest generation. Many students wrote that we have much to learn from them today about bravery, sacrifice, camaraderie, and hard work.

Mrs. Lapp

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Comparative Advantage

This past week students learned about comparative advantage and specialization by using our favorite sports figures. We learned that Babe Ruth had an absolute advantage in both pitching and hitting, but he specialized in hitting, because that’s what most benefited the team (comparative advantage).

Mrs. Lapp

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Human Trafficking

Students discussed the heartbreaking issue of human trafficking: we focused on the supply and demand of trafficking, and talked about what we can do to stop it. For example, is it better to focus law enforcement efforts on the supply side (those who kidnap and sell others) or the demand side (the customers/buyers)? Students weighed in on their own opinions after studying the data and reading articles from various advocacy groups.

Mrs. Lapp

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What Is Forensic Science

The Forensic Students will be constructing mystery stories to solve. Their mystery stories must include at least 3 chapter topics studied throughout the year. They will work with a partner and will do class presentations. They will also construct posters describing what Forensic science is.

Mrs. Christian

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Fun Projects

Students will be constructing a variety of art projects for math. For the acuminating project, students will choose a personal favorite topic. They will construct a song, poem, or rap. The lyrics will be placed on small poster boards for display. They will also have an option to create a math game as an end of the year project.

Mrs. Christian

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Michael Samaha with best in show!


Evangel did awesome this year at the ACSI Art Fair! May 6th, 2010

Here are the stats: Please keep in mind that some students entered more then one piece and the categories are divided by grade and media (charcoal, oil paint, sketching pencils, acrylic paint, ink & photography)

1st place & Best of Show

Michael Samaha

1st Place out of Middle School

Manuela Agudelo

Natalie Barbosa

Kreg Franco

Angelie Cesario

Angelie Cesario

1st Place out of High School

Christine Kim

Spencer Yu

Jonathan Gomez

Trya Simmons

Joseph Hernandez

Trista Wu

2nd Place out of Middle School

Alexa Flores

Karen Lopez

Kreg Franco

Nicholas Reyes

Naomi Lowe

Alexis Versoza

2nd Place out of High School

Christine Kim

Eva Cruz

Jessica Samide

Sabrina Emestica

Jonalyn Arbotante

Jonalyn Arbotante

Andrea Gonzalez

3rd Place out of Middle School

Alessa Barbosa

Karen Lopez

Karen Lopez

Asia Francois

Geraldine Haberlin

3rd Place out of High School

Jonathan Gomez

Riwaaz Sijpati

Alicia Petgrave

Tiara Oliverria

Kristina Papacostas

Congratulations to all and thank you for all of your hard work! Way to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Ms. Arnau

Please see Galleries for some cool pics!

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The Holocaust

Part of our curriculum is learning about the Nazi’s and what happened to the Jews during the Holocaust.In learning about the Holocaust, we watched a documentary on a survivor of the Holocaust. This was a real eye opener for my students. It caused them to experience true empathy for the Jewish nation and realize how blessed we are to live in America!

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College Prep

 The Seniors are splitting their time between computer class and their senior seminar, which is preparing them for college. Since time is short and the Seniors are busy folks, we’ve assigned some independent work projects due on June 4. They have chosen all sorts of things to work on and are really enjoying the projects. Some are making videos, while others are dissecting computers. Many students are learning office software, and one group is making an online comic for which they are making their own website!

Mr. Boyd

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