Our Nation’s Capitol

Government and Economic students had the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital to witness the places where Congressmen debate, Supreme Court Justices deliberate, and the President resides (we even got to see him drive by in the Presidential motorcade!). After seeing the Capitol building, we had a tour at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where our money is made. We watched real money rolling off the presses, and were told that these machines operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! That’s a lot of money! We also saw the new 100 dollar bills, which are blue instead of green, and will be coming out the beginning of next year. Our trip ended somberly, with a visit to the Holocaust Museum, where students could see the effects on a nation and its people when limited forms of government are replaced by dictatorship. We left thankful for our civil liberties and system of checks and balances, yet also challenged to stand against injustice in our neighborhoods, cities, and world.

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Philadelphia or Bust

As we continued to review for the US History Regents in class, students were able to step outside of the classroom for a day and travel to Philadelphia: a place where the history we were reviewing actually happened. We saw the liberty bell, Carpenter’s Hall (where the First Continental Congress met), the house where Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, and the first National Bank (which we had just been learning about in our discussion of implied powers). Our tour guide gave an excellent review of America’s founding fathers and founding documents, and students were able to stand in the same room at Independence Hall in which the many compromises of the Constitution were debated and voted upon. We even got to see George Washington’s chair, decorated with a painted sun, which Ben Franklin famously alluded to when, as the Constitution was being signed, he said:
“In the course of the Session…[I have] looked at that [sun] behind the President without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting: But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.”
It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to stand in front of that same rising Sun and witness the birthplace of our nation!

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We have been reviewing Algebra concepts this month. One in particular that students always seem to have trouble with are percents. We took a trip to a restaurant where students had to figure out what their bill would be when you added a 15% tip. They complained about the extra money but realized it was important to pay a tip and how you have to figure out how much you should pay. It was a great real life experience. As I always say, Math is everywhere.

Mrs. Racoma

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This month we have been looking at qualities that are essential to leadership, in particular, a leader of a church. We looked at thirteen different qualities of a leadership. All of our High School Classes got to go on a trip to the Bowery Mission to put into practice what it means to be a leader.  Students conducted chapel services for the homeless men and women – performing skits, singing songs and sharing. The Bowery mission was a unique experience, because people stayed after the service, even though it was time for them to eat. They wanted to hear the students continue to sing. The students were able to keep going and sharing. This taught them that while in leadership, you have to be flexible. It was a great experience.

Please see “galleries” for some neat pics.

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Most my students have seen the movie 300 times and because of it had an interest from the start on learning more about the lifestyles of the Spartans. My students then wrote a journal entry on what a day as a Spartan would feel like.

Mrs. Berrios

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For the topic much anticipated by my students, World War One, we took time learning about the technological advancements made during this war and the effect it had on the outcome.

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Life of Leadership

Students have been studying the life of Nehemiah. They saw how risky his life as a cupbearer to the king was, and how God showed him favor through this job, in spite of the danger. Many of the students had a misconception of leadership, in that, they thought it was all glamorous, with no trouble at all. Nehemiah was a perfect example of how leaders go through troubles, but can still overcome with God on their side.

Mrs. Racoma

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Students are working hard learning about the price of leadership in the Bible. Students are beginning to see that being a leader is not just about being recognized but that there is a cost and sacrifice involved when God asks you to be a leader. Students used this time to go around to their pastors, teachers and other spiritual leaders and interview them on what qualities were important to them in being an effective leader.

Mrs. Racoma

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Mission’s Trip is Huge Success!

This year’s Mission’s Trip took place from may 30th to June 4th, at our very own CAMP EVANGEL located in Byrne, New York!!! Yipeeee! The students had a great time working around the community and “lending a helping hand”. This year we reached out to the local area and offered assistance in many different areas: a local hotel where we cleaned, and painted, a local cemetery where we replaced rocks and cleared brush, a local preserve where we fixed trails and cleared brush and trees, local community buildings where we scraped and painted, a local church where we cleaned , gardened and painted.

What a great time the students had sharing the love of God with the community. There was also lots of time to spend at the Camp having a blast!!! Students went kayaking, rode golf carts, walked up the mountain at night using light from torches, went to a local cave,camped outside and had huge campfires each night will sharing what the Lord had done.

Please go to “Galleries” for some awwesome pictures!

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2010 Mission’s Trip


Celebrating God’s Goodness

This year’s Spring Celebration took place on Monday, May24th and was a mixture of Elementary, Middle and High School students. Students performed skits, dramas, songs, and dances unto the Lord. What a great celebration it was and everyone was blessed – even the performers. Thanks to all for working so hard and glorifying God with the use of our talents.

Please see “Galleries” for lots of pictures!

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Spring Celebration

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