The Lottery

This month we began our journey into the world of short stories. In the Regents, we know that learning to dissect literature is vitally important, so we began with a short story by Shirley Jackson, The Lottery. This short story was no ordinary story; there were twists and turns and so many examples of figurative language that the students were shocked at how the story ended. Guess you will have to read it to find out!

Miss Quiros

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Era of Choice

Students were given a variety of eras to research and to dissect a piece of literature from the particular era of choice. Students worked so hard on their research and were able to cover several periods of English Literature. They were able to gain an understanding about what was going on in that particular period and how literature reflects what goes on in that particular period.

Miss Quiros

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Social Workers

Throughout the last few days of school, students became Social Workers where they studied the life of Stormie Omartian (Author of The Power of a Praying Wife and many more well known books). She has been through many trying times and was abused as a kid. Students pretended to be able to take action to help her during those times and found many solutions to providing a safe haven for Stormie. We had an amazing year and I am hoping that when students see individuals who are a little different than they are, that they would be able to understand that God has made all of us different, although we reflect His image.

Miss Quiros

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We learned about the character Faithful from the, The Pilgrim’s Progress. He experienced something similar to Elijah the Prophet, where he never saw death, but was taken to heaven on a chariot. Christian, the main character, experienced what it is to have a faithful friend who helped him throughout his journey to the Celestial City. With this, students understood the importance of being faithful to our friends and to sharpen one another while on this journey called Life.

Miss Quiros

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Gender Roles

Throughout this month we got into discussions on Chapter 16, Gender Roles. We learned how females act and how males act. We discussed the biological trait or a socio-cultural perspective which gives us rational behind the actions that both males and females take.

Miss Quiros

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Screwtape Letters

We read on through Chapter 4 where the character Apollyon is introduced as the Father of Lies and Accuser of the Brethren. We also read a portion of, C.S. Lewis’s, The Screwtape Letters. We did a comparison on Apollyon & Screwtape, discussing their attack styles and tactics. We had great conversations in class where we learned how the enemy attacks us during our time of weakness.

Miss Quiros

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We discussed the Process of Memory and learned how Investigators help solve crimes. They would take the witnesses to the scene of the crime to help them recall events. We also began to discuss our favorite Bible Verses and tried recalling them from memory.

Miss Quiros

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Pilgrim’s Progress

We began discussing the work of John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress. We learned about apologetics and how we as Christians need to stand up about our faith. Bunyan wrote an apology vindicating his reasoning for writing his book and even in the format in which he did; allegory. We appreciated his life’s background and learned that this book is the second most sold book after the Bible.

Miss Quiros

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Learning Process

We moved onto Chapter 6 where we discussed the Process of Learning. Students learned about themselves and the way they retain information. We even took a Multiple Intelligence Test where we learned what our Intelligence was according to Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Miss Quiros

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Greek Tragedies

We began with the study of Greek Tragedies. We learned how they are so similar to Shakesperean Tragedies. We also learned how Shakespeare got his ideas from Greek Tragedies. We compared characters and portions of both plays. We had fun dissecting characters and parts played in Iedipus the King.

Miss Quiros

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