Ted Dekker

During the course of our time together we were able to tap into the mind of the great Christian novelist Ted Dekker in The Blink of an Eye. From the content and storyline of the fiction novel, we were able to hold an interactive debate on the significant differences between the two major monotheistic religions in Christianity and Islam. Plenty was discussed. And plenty was brought to light which resulted in clarity to the kids’ worldview.

Mr. Perez

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The Human Body

God’s master piece and his most precious creation is the Human Body. The Bible says, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We found this truly evident as we explored all of the human body systems, learning about structure and functions. Students had many questions regarding disease and its affect on the human body. We discussed, saw and heard other youth’s testimonies regarding diabetes/dialysis and cancer and how they cope with disease. As a result we took the opportunity to thank God for his many blessings upon our lives and prayed for those that have challenging circumstances in life. We pulled manikins apart and put them back together, we also labeled and colored diagrams. It’s amazing to see youth still enjoy coloring, gluing, pasting, crossword and word searches, all in the attempt to memorize how the body works. During labs we dissected grasshoppers and earthworms. They either generated a feeling of awe or disgust. We displayed our dissected specimens on our classroom bulletin board for all to see and learn.

Mrs. Alvarado

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Volcamos, Earthquakes and Tsunamis

This year was unusual in a good way, students had the opportunity to not only learn through textbooks, activities and multimedia but also to see concepts discussed in class occur in nature. At one point it got kind of weird because it seemed as though every time we discussed a topic in class within the week or so we would hear about it in the news. This made for interesting discussion and prayer. All of a sudden, Earth Science came off the pages of the textbook and history and became relevant. Students reported and saw live TV footage in class on the volcano erupting in Iceland, the Tsunami threat to Hawaii, the horrific earthquake in Haiti and Chile and lastly the recent oil spill. As part of their research assignment they brought into class the most interesting pictures and graphs describing what is happening in our Earth’s Environment and many of the pictures are posted in our classrooms bulletin board.

Mrs. Alvarado

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Integrated Algebra

My Remedial Integrated Algebra class allowed me to focus on each student’s strenghths and weaknesses. Having a small number of students allowed us to do many hands on activities to find surface area with 3-D shapes and nets. We worked with fractions and used tiles to compare parts with different denominators. We prepared for not only the NYS Algebra regents, but the RCT for math as well.

Miss Stahler

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Advanced Algebra

Advanced Algebra has been getting ready for the Regents year. My students prepared for their state regent through a variety of ways including practice multiple choice, smart board activities and vocabulary/formula crossword puzzles. We have been working on achieving an Advanced Regents Diploma and we are starting with 9th grade math. Since NYS now requires 3 math regents passed to earn an Advance Regents Diploma we are learning the importance of starting off strong, continuing good habits and finishing strong. Taking advanced courses in math throughout college enables them during their Junior and Senior years to stand out on college applications.

Miss Stahler

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Review Time

We spent time reflecting on the year and how fast it went. We also prepared for finals and spent some time having fun!

Mr. Lopez

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Day of Prayer

This month we observed the day of prayer. In honor of that day we spent a week learning about the 6 rooms of prayer. We also spent time praying and seeking God!

Mr. Lopez

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Prayer is such an important Christian discipline and that’s why we have been spending so much time learning how to pray. This month we have been studying the importance of the right attitude and relationship when it comes to prayer.

Mr. Lopez

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We learned a four type of prayer this month using the acronym ACTS.





This helps us to be more focused in our prayer time and not jump all over the place or spend the whole time just asking God for things.

Mr. Lopez

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The Lord’s Prayer

We started our section on prayer this month. We are learning the Lord’s prayer and breaking it into sections to better understand it.

Mr. Lopez

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