The Fertile Crescent

We started out the year studying the beginning of civilization in the Fertile Crescent. To understand the difficulty of creating a city out of nothing, the ninth-graders created bricks out of dirt, sand, flour, and water. Some of the bricks could actually be used in Ancient Mesopotamia but the history experience turned into a science experiment when many of the bricks grew mold and stank to high heaven. Students said that they learned that ancient peoples must have learned to work well in teams and have experimented a lot to get the perfect combination of ingredients.

Miss Schutz

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All News Below Is From The 2009-2010 School Year!

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God is Love

We studied the history of the early church and the letters that were written at the time. We studied Paul’s letters and the way that he explained the truths of the Gospel and how much God loves us. The one thing that stands out in my mind is when we were discussing Romans 8: 38-39 and the student’s realization that truly nothing can separate us from the love of God. That realization that we have His approval because He loves us was freeing to many and allowed us to commit our lives even more to God, not out of duty, but out of love. God is love. God loves me. God loves you. Do you love God?

Miss Rivera

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God is Love

We studied the development, rise and fall of the kingdoms of Israel, the captivity, exile and the return. We talked, we discussed, and we reenacted the stories. Above all we learned that God pursues us relentlessly and never gives up on us. God’s love is everlasting and is greater than what we can understand or imagine.

Miss Rivera

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We did it!

The students were always hard at work. While some of the students made beats the others would come up with lyrics to help them remember their vocabulary. They went from an insurmountable Regent to an achievable goal, from being discourage to being confident. We worked, we prayed, we pleaded, we sang, we wailed, we made it. Yes. We made it!! God is good.

Miss Rivera

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Fun review games

We reviewed vocabulary by playing games. We played from making burritos, to Bible Pictionary, to the Chair game, etc. We worked hard and played hard. It paid off with high grades, good Spanish Regents scores, and some great laughs. It’s great to learn and have fun at the same time.

Miss Rivera

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See what we learned

The students were divided in various groups to put together the things we have been learning and create skits. They came up with many funny situations, from flies in their food, to not having enough to pay at a restaurant, to not having their homework because the dog ate it. They used the Spanish they had been learning in class. It was great to see that they were not afraid to use what they knew and make mistakes and be silly. We had a great time, and some good laughs.

Miss Rivera

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Towards the end of the year we covered some of the most significant components of effective essay writing. From a topic of choice, the kids wrote a research paper which had high emphasis on the development of both their thesis statement and supporting points.

Mr. Perez

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Taming of the Shrew

One of the greatest highlights in these last six months spent with the students was during our reading of Taming of the Shrew. Upon reading the roles of women during Shakespearean time, the girls in our classes demanded that we hold several class debates to rightly define the roles of both men and women in marriage and relationships. This resulted in great conversations. Many of our debaters included passages of scriptures in order to defend their positions.

Mr. Perez

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Creative Writing

Towards the end of the year, we covered some of the major elements and components of good, effective and creative story writing. The students ended the year by handing in creative short stories, which they were super excited for, as part of their final grade.

Mr. Perez

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