The Far East

After studying the Ancient Near East, we moved into the Far East with Ancient India and China. Students learned how to compare and contrast by making Venn diagrams of Hinduism and Buddhism and different Indian rulers. We talked about the differences between eastern and western culture and what formative events and people could have caused those differences. Now the students are working in groups to tell the culture of the four ancient Chinese dynasties: Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han.

Miss Schutz

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Spanish Talk Shows

11th grade just completed their first group project. The student’s assignment was to create a talk show in Spanish. The students really displayed their various talents in Español. We had a great outcome. We had students record their talk shows then played them in class we had great laughs and really appreciated one another’s hard work.

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En El Hotel

The students just learned how to ask for basic services in Espanol when traveling. Students where placed in groups of three and had to create skits En El Hotel. Even though many students where shy and have limited Spanish abilities they really show their creativity and hard work in their skits. I enjoyed each skit.

Ms. Purdee

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En La Papeleria

The class has been learning to spot descriptive vocabulary. They are busy learning the mechanics of the Spanish language. Next week they will have their first project -En La Papeleria. Students will be creating different scenes at the local stationary store.

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Medieval Literature

El Cantar de Mío Cid was probably written in 1140, approximately forty years after the death of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar – el Cid—of the Spanish Reconquista. It is the oldest piece of medieval Spanish literature and was originally written in verse.

Often compared to the Biblical king David, El Cid is seen not only as a great hero and warrior, but as an affectionate and caring husband and father, a loyal subject to his king, and as a man who never loses his personal dignity.

As we continue to journey into the world of El Cid, lessons on loyalty, compassion, dignity, and honor are noted worthy of adopting as our own.

Mrs. Jean-Pierre

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Microsoft Office

Juniors and Seniors are getting close to finishing their Microsoft Office project. This week and next week they are working on their final product, which is a creative application of the skills they have picked up in the Microsoft Office textbook.

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8th through tenth grades are currently developing their skill using Microsoft Excel. We will complete one more exercise before we complete a final assessment to gauge our learning. Many of the students have commented on how challenging and useful the assignments have been. This is a vital skill to know in this day and age.

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Evangel Christian School was honored with an invitation for a group of

our ninth-graders to visit the Pray Achievement Center in Bedford, New York on Thursday, October 14.  The Center, operated by Business Philanthropist Malcolm Pray, is home to his world-class antique and rare car collection, which our students were encouraged to explore, each having the chance to sit behind the wheel of their favorite car.

Mr. Pray uses his collection of nearly 50 rare and valuable cars to engage students in a broader discussion about entrepreneurship and achievement.  After the tour and lunch our students sat down with Mr. Pray to learn how good manners, patriotism, and a hardy work ethic will open up doors of opportunity.  Mr. Pray’s belief that every hard-working child can succeed fits perfectly with Evangel’s educational philosophy – “With God ALL things are possible!”.  We would like to thank Mr. Pray for his hospitality and willingness to speak into the lives of students from Evangel and other Tri-state area schools.

See Galleries for some great pictures.

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Malcolm Pray Achievement Center

“My whole heart follows hard after you and clings closely to you!”

We were thrilled bout our first spiritual emphasis week for the 2010-2011 school year.  It was held September 20-24.

The theme for Elementary School was “Spirit of the Seas.”  Each day during bible time, students focused on a bible story which all centered in on obedience.  The stories covered during this week were:  Jesus Calming the Storm, Noah and the Ark, Jonah, The Disciples Casting Their Nets & Peter Walking on the Water.  Each day students were able to have worship time, a bible lesson, memory verse and complete a craft.  The week concluded with an interactive bible story, including a large boat and someone “walking on water,” during chapel.  It was a great week and students received a certificate and snack for their completion of our Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Pastor Tom Mahairas (founder of Manhattan Bible Church) came in to speak to our Middle and High Schoolers. He graciously shared his testimony with them and spoke about how God rescued him from a life of drug addiction. Pastor Mahairas also shared that there are 3 types of Believers….. The Believer, The Non-Believer, and the Make-Believer…….he challenged them as to which one they were. At the end he asked all those that would like to rededicate their lives to Christ to come forward. On Friday he shared with them that they are special and that God loves them very much. Seven students came forward to receive Jesus as their personal Saviour. He also asked student to pray for one another.

We praise God for His presence and for moving amongst our students. We are excited to see what He has in store for us this school year!

See Galleries for some great pics!

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Ancient Greece

We dove right into Ancient Greece, embracing the stories of the Greek gods and even writing their own. The goal was for students to understand the influence of ancient Greece on modern Western Civilization. They read some of Plato’s Republic first-hand, discussed the causes and effects of the Persian Wars, and even participated in their own Olympics with each homeroom making up their own city-state. By making history personal, hopefully students will see history as more than a vast collection of facts.

Miss Schutz

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