
The past two weeks we’ve been studying Ancient Africa and the Civilizations of Central and South America. They watched the Invisible Children documentary and read about diamond cartels to begin connecting current affairs with how civilizations began. Students also began preparing for the Regent’s exam by studying the geography of Africa in depth and relating it to how different civilizations have adapted to weather and topography.

Miss Schutz

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We worked on Do’s and Don’ts posters this month. The students, in groups, picked a topic of their choice such as “Improving your English” then created posters and presented their thoughts. Some advice from the ESL classroom on improving your English! Do make friends who speak English. Learn the local culture. But don’t stress too much and never give up! All posters are displayed in the classroom. Here are other topics the students came up with: Getting Good Grades, Losing Weight, Building Good Friendships, and Staying Healthy.

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Students have been learning about biomes. A biome is a group of ecosystems that have the same climate and similar communities. This month, students will be researching and presenting on different biomes that exist. They are required to include information regarding the climate, the wildlife, the plants, and the geographic location. They are excited about being able to use their creativity but also nervous about presenting. I’m also excited to see what they will come up with. Their posters are usually very colorful and show their individual personalities.

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Students have been looking at different rocks and minerals. Students have been assigned a research project to learn about what happened to the miners in Chili. This has helped to make the subject of rocks and minerals relevant to them. In addition, it has provided a deeper understanding of the role of geologists in our world.

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Cultural Explosion!

We enjoyed a week of cultural exposure.  We saw different costumes and traditional dress, tasted exotic foods from far away lands and learned about traditions.  We also had new students place pins in our world map located on the first floor as people enter our building.  This map represents all the countries our students come from – over 73 countries!

See “Galleries” for pictures

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International Week

Living a life for God

Students have been learning how to live a Christian life effectively, through lessons dealing with the inspiration of the Bible and the authority of the Bible.

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Fitness Testing

Students are finally finished with the Fitness Test. They did push-ups, sit-ups, the flex-arm hang (to see how many seconds they could hold themselves), and the 10 minute run. Now we are starting to work on bumping and setting a volley ball.

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Get the evidence

Excitement filled the air as we were called to a crime scene at Evangel Christian School. We presented our CSI badges at the perimeter and quickly began sketching the scene. We also gathered evidence at the scene and packaged it up to analyze back at the crime lab. Later on, we hypothesized how the evidence arrived at the scene and discerned if it was important to solving the crime. Who did it? Find out next month!

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Vocab, vocab, vocab sums up the introductory chapters in our geometry textbooks. We are learning postulates, proofs, and theorems which will help us boost our regent scores in June by properly explaining our algebraic equations and their solutions.

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We have started preparing for June’s Integrated regents by working on our explanation skills. Not only are we trying to simplify our algebraic expressions and solve our algebraic equations, but we are also working on communicating, using correct vocabulary, and finding solutions.

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