The students in 8th – 10th grade have been going through a series of program comparisons. First we compared MS paint and Pixie. We then compared word processing programs. Next we are comparing publishing design programs. These activities have been great for promoting a critical approach to computing!
Mr. Boyd
We have been fingerprinting our fellow classmates. The students learned how to calculate their Herny factor for their fingerprint. They also made patent and plastic prints, prints made in sticky liquid and in soft solids like putty. This new chapter we are finding out what type of clues lead to forgery prosecutions. We even had a lab to try and disguise our handwriting!
Miss Stahler
Consumer Math
We have been journaling our debits and credits. With Christmas shopping and monopoly to give us real-life transactions we are recording them in our general journals. We can clearly see the impact each transaction has on the 6 different accounting headings.
Miss Stahler
We have been working with proofs and triangles. The class cut out triangles and used rulers, compasses and protractors to check their proof for accuracy. We enjoyed a lab where we transformed our shapes by rotating, sliding and reflecting them.
Miss Stahler
We have been working on linear equations. The use of a dry erase board, per student, has added excitement to graphing lines. We are learning how to use our Ti-83+ calculators so we will have the advantage during the June regent.
Miss Stahler
Going Green
We discuss terms such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, bioenvironmental hazards in class and they seem irrelevant; However, when students here the news and enter their community supermarkets and coffee houses they are bombarded with efforts of going green, energy conservation, recycle and saving the earth. What does this all mean??? This month our focus was on raising awareness. We learned of how all the concepts above are linked together, creating relevance. We also learned of simple things we can do to preserve our resources, and how we all must share in the responsibility to take care of the world that God has created for us to enjoy.
G Alvarado
Going Green
We discuss terms such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, bioenvironmental hazards in class and they seem irrelevant. However, when students here the news and enter their community supermarkets and coffee houses they are bombarded with efforts of going green, energy conservation, recycle and saving the earth. What does this all mean??? This month our focus was on raising awareness. We learned of how all the concepts above are linked together, creating relevance. We also learned of simple things we can do to preserve our resources, and how we all must share in the responsibility to take care of the world that God has created for us to enjoy.
G Alvarado
December is a magnificent month as we reflect on the coming of our precious savior. This month we encouraged students to not only keep this a No NC Zone but also a to create a Mutual Respect Zone in which students not only refrain from saying anything hurtful or disrespectful about others but also make a point of blessing those around them. Many created a 3-dimensional star on which they wrote a reflective statement about a gift that God has given to them that and how they can use that gift to bless others Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
Mrs. Kemp
Renaissance Period
10th Grade has been studying the Renaissance and Reformation the past two weeks. We have been doing many small projects in class to understand the creativity and revolutionary thought that took place in this time period. We made our own mosaics out of paper in the style of the Byzantines. In honor of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses each class made 5 Theses about the modern church.
Miss Schutz
9th Grade has been studying the religion and history of Islam. We’ve had discussions about who Muhammad was, the relationship between Christianity and Islam and why the Middle East has so much discord. We also went on a field trip this week to the Natural History Museum where students were reminded of what they learned about the Aztecs and peoples of Africa and got to see the remnants of those civilizations.
Miss Schutz