Web Addresses

Elementary School has been learning exactly how the internet works and how web addresses are built. We tried entering web addresses and learned that they have to be exactly right to work.

Mr. Boyd

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On Thursday, May 26th, we were so excited to invite many new members into National Elementary Honor Society. This is a beautiful ceremony where students carry candles. The NEHS Officers spoke and there are many presentations give. Officers received blue cords and 5th Graders received yellow cords to wear at graduation. Please see below for the history of NEHS and click on the Red inserts below to see our bulletin. Please see “Galleries” for some great pics.
When the National Honor Society was founded in 1921, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage high school students’ academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy.  The National Junior Honor Society was founded shortly thereafter-in 1929 to recognize middle school students in the same areas.  Now, over 80 years later, these Societies have become prestigious organizations with outstanding faculty members and students from the school community.  Their  reputation for excellence is the result of years of commitment on the part of everyone involved.  In 2008 the National Elementary Honor Society was established. NEHS now is the first stage for students in a process that can bring recognition in the elementary, middle level and high school years to those students who commit to achievement. Membership is thus both an honor and a commitment. NEHS recognizes outstanding Elementary school students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.  

For the selection of Members to the NEHS Chapter:

Members must maintain a cumulative overall 85% average or higher for two consecutive semesters with 80% as the lowest grade in all subjects.

Members must be in good behavioral standing.

Members must demonstrate outstanding performance in areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character.

The selection of each Member shall be reviewed and approved by the this School’s Administration and Faculty each school year.


2011 outside bulletin

2011 bulletin inside

Please see “Galleries for some reat pics!

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Ronald McDonald visited our students Pre-K through 5th grade on Wednesday, May 4th.  Ronald shared a great message about being yourself.  The show was filled with student interaction, comedy, games and a great life lesson.  The lesson about “being yourself,” supported what our students are learning in their classrooms.  We teach our students to be who God made them to be and not follow the crowd.  It was a great show and students are continuing to talk about it.  As students left, they each got to shake Ronald McDonald’s hand.  How exciting!  What a great show!

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The sounds of singing and music could be heard and the smells of delicious food filled the hallways and classrooms of our school. What an awesome night it was! On Thursday, March 24th the school was filled with over 1,500 adults and children. One parent described it as a “huge party”! Students proudly explained their projects as eager listeners tasted, smelled, and watched.

The students and staff worked very hard and I believe this year was the very best Annual Academic Fair we have ever had. Pre-K focused on plants and they even grew their very own. One Kindergarten studied the planets and the Solar System and even made costumes and performed a play. The other Kindergarten focused on the book “A La Casa de la Mama Provie”. Were she goes door to door to gather food for her recipe. The Kindergartners made recipes and then cooked the dish. First Grade learned about community helpers and chose one to focus on.

Third through Twelfth grades chose their own projects from a variety of subjects such as: Science, History, English, Sports, Math, Bible, etc… Projects ranged from animal dissections to a car made out of recyclables to delicious cupcakes made from scratch. A big thank you goes out to everyone involved from staff to students to parents for making this event a HUGE success!

Check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures!

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Annual Academic Fair

March is all about choices

We’re also talking about making healthy choices when we eat during our Healthy Foods Literacy Day. God put so many yummy fruits and vegetables here for us to eat. We’re having fun reading books, watching videos, and making projects that will help us choose the foods that make our bodies strong!

Regina DiGiovanni

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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Can you decide to be like Saint Patrick and use your life to spread the Gospel? Maybe we can’t travel an entire nation yet, but we can tell the friends and family we have around us about Jesus, just like Saint Patrick did!

Miss DiGiovanni

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Learning the Recorder

For 3rd grade music, we are teaching the students how to play the recorder. We have learned out first three notes, how to identify these notes on a musical staff, how to position the hands on the instrument and which recorder openings to close for each note. We’ve had a student request to play a song in front of the class, which included the three notes we just learned. Very impressive! They are ready to start playing song selections, and songs they will play!

Ms. Farrell

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Notepad, Word Pad, and Word

In class we are working on learning three different word processing programs, Microsoft Notepad, Word Pad, and Word. We have finished the lists and are now focused on writing a critical comparison review of the three programs to find out which one we like the best.

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Valentine Ode

For Valentine’s Day, the students tried their writing skills on a free-verse ode to something they love. An ode is a lofty poem to a person or thing. Most students chose their pillow pet; a few their games, computers, or bicycles; some opted for their mom, an aunt, teachers or school, and one, the rain! They had fun writing. If you come by our classroom, the poems are all tacked up on our bulletin board for you to enjoy.

On top of that bulletin board is a verse from Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. The students discussed what this verse meant to them and wrote a note in response on a piece of heart-shaped paper. These notes are now the borders of the bulletin board.

When you look at our bulletin board, it is very telling. Yes, the things and people we love take center stage of our lives and God is on the periphery. The third graders were challenged to make it their goal by the end of this school year to reverse this – making God the center of their lives!!!! Let’s keep them in our prayers as they seek to put God first.

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Fun with Legos

Writing?! Five sentences?! THREE PARAGRAPHS?!?! That’s the reaction you get when you want the third graders to write (well for most of them). Forget about telling them to add more details or rewrite a sentence or, horrors of horrors, calling their finished work a draft!

Last week, as a fun idea, I brought Legos into the classroom to illustrate the writing process. The students were randomly put into five teams. Each team was given the same number of Lego bricks (15-2×4’s, 9-2×2’s, 8-1×4’s, and 2-1×8’s). They had 5 minutes to create something out of them. Teamwork was crucial too. As a matter of fact, one team couldn’t pull themselves together and had nothing to show when the time was up. Thus only four teams presented their creations and we voted for the best one.

Then the teams were given unlimited amount of Lego pieces, which included people, windows, doors, flowers, trees, wheels and more. Again they were given 5 minutes to come up with an award winning creation. This time the dysfunctional team pulled themselves together and created something. Each team presented their creation and they told why the second one is superior to the first. The students used terms like better, awesome, hotter, more details, clever, cooler details, bigger, and has an environment. The last one I wasn’t sure of at first, but after questioning the team, I suddenly realized they meant setting!!

Afterward we spent a few minutes relating their Lego creations to writing. How, when we use a limited vocabulary, our writing is boring, which was the exact word they used in describing their first creations. In order to make our writing better, cooler, hotter, we have to include details, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases and, of course, a setting. Sometimes we have writer’s block, like the team that couldn’t work together, but we should not let that deter us from writing. We need to push forward and do it. The next day, a student brought in his war cycle from home that he had built with Legos. He told me that he had to make six drafts (that was his exact word) before he settled on this final design. I loved it and told him to write down the drafting process to create this war cycle.

In the upcoming days, the third graders will be collecting Lego Blocks of Words. For now, there will be two strips of paper on the classroom wall – one titled Lego Blocks – Grownups and another Lego Blocks – Children. Underneath you will find all kinds of adjectives for that category. If you have a Lego block for these categories, let us know. We will add them to our collection. You never know, your block might appear in one of the student’s writing.

Mrs. Work

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