Honey, honey ….Lion is the book that we focused on with our third graders. This is an extremely funny story about a bird and a badger that gets tricked into a position were he ends up face to face with a Lion all for not sharing his honey. We discussed the importance of being a good friend and sharing.
Mrs. Ruiz
The Dog Ate It
Third grade is continuing to borrow books on a weekly basis from the library. This month they really enjoyed listening to a story titled, The Best Homework Excuse Book Ever. We talked about why they enjoyed it and we discussed their homework excuses. It was extremely funny to listen to their excuses.
Mrs. Ruiz
Twins Day
Were we seeing double in May!? Well, not exactly… it was TWIN DAY! It was so much fun to pick a friend and dress alike for the day- even the teachers got in on the action. We read books about friendship and did partner activities where teamwork was the name of the game. Do you think you could find your match just by making animal noises? It’s harder (and noisier) than it sounds!
Regina DiGiovanni
Go Green
We went green in April. We celebrated Earth Day by reading about ways that kids can make a difference and care for the Earth. We even read that the Bible says, The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15). So, taking care of the planet is not just a good idea, but it’s something that God told us to do. We each planted some seeds in a recycled cup that we decorated. When the seeds become flowers we can replant them outside where they are not only beautiful, but also good for the environment.
Ms. DiGiovanni
Let’s Read
It is hard to believe that our 2010-11 school year is drawing to an end. This year I had the privilege of working with students in 1-4th grade who needed additional reading support besides their classroom instruction using a research based reading intervention program called My Sidewalks, five days a week. My Sidewalks provided instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills and strategies. Not only were theses skills strengthen but I was able to witness my students relax, gain confidence and believe that they can read as they learned to apply themselves and practiced reading daily. This summer students are challenged to read daily to improve their reading fluency and meet their reading speed goal for their specific grade.
Yvette Jimenez
After all the hard work the students did learning their dances, we decided to celebrate and have a party!
Mrs. Rosario
He Reigns
The students in 3rd-5th grade Dance Elective only had 30 minutes each rehearsal to practice their steps to the song they danced to for the Christmas program. They worked on sign language and dance steps, and then worked on how to move the flags and streamers and then put it all together. The song the students danced to was, He Reigns.
Mrs. Rosario
Elementary School is reviewing computer vocabulary and enjoying some new websites. We started using, which donates 10 grains of rice to charity for every correctly answered vocabulary question.
Mr. Boyd
Elementary School is learning how to use Pixie, which many of them already enjoy playing with. I’ll be showing them how to use the tools in Pixie to create great pictures.
Mr. Boyd
Let’s Type!
Elementary School is beginning a typing unit. 3rd-5th Grades will be using Mavis Beacon to try to increase their speed and accuracy.
Mr. Boyd