The students have been borrowing one book of their choosing and the second has been a biography. We have talked about biographies. They have been writing about what they are reading, about who they read and what they learned about that person. They have also been experimenting with writing their own biographies. We have had a great time in the library.
Mrs. Ruiz
The third grade class reading group had to read the story “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.” The story takes place in a town where it rained food for breakfast, lunch, dinner. When it rained, it also rained juice or milk. The reading class loved the story. They made their own menus including breakfast, lunch and dinner. They made it rain toast, juice, hamburgers and all kinds of food. One student even made a menu that included prices. They had so much fun creating!
September is one of my favorite months of the year. Some obvious reasons why, might be because I get to see my returning students, I get to meet new ones, and I get to set the tone for the rest of the year. These are among the main reasons I anticipate the start of the school year, but there is yet another reason I like September. And that reason is the “Fitness Test.” The Fitness Test is a New York State Test that measures student’s muscular strength and endurance. For one week, students have “Fitness Test Training,” where they are given a card with specific workouts and are expected to complete that card by the end of the class. For many students this card is an immovable mountain. They see what I expect of them and say, “Mr. Wong are you serious? Mr. Wong this is a joke right? Mr. Wong you’re a funny guy?” The truth is that I do have high expectations of my students and I take pride in pushing them further then they believed they could go. The conversations for the next couple of days are as follows, “I’m so sore, how about you? I cannot believe I actually finished ever thing on that card. Mr. Wong I have not worked out like that in months.” Little do they know that that’s music to my ears. It is not until the following week that they begin to realize the fruits of their labor. They understand why they were pushed so hard and how easy the Fitness Test actually is.
In Social Studies, we have learned some interesting facts about Brazil, China, and Japan. The differences between America and other countries are the most fun to learn about. For Science we have been doing some hands on experiments. Our most favorite science topic has been watching our ladybugs grow in Lady Bug Land.
Math! Math! and more Math! Well, Math has been a challenge for the students and teachers. Our new Math curriculum has given us a new way of exploring numbers. Through games and partner work, we have investigated this subject.
We all had a nice time in our trip to Green meadows Farm. We learned about Native American Indians and birds of prey and enjoyed watching other animals at the farm.
We plan to end our year with making a class fruit salad and vegetable salad and also share our favorite game from home at our year end party.
Well 3C, we did it! Go have fun and enjoy your summer. You deserve it. Love Mrs. Calma
It has been with great pleasure to be with the Third grade. Each child has a different gift and talent that they possess which made our group so much fun. One thing that they do have in common is that their hearts are tremendous. The love and care that they show each other when something goes wrong bears witness to all that we can witness the Kingdom of Heaven through the eyes of our little ones. Even in the midst of enjoying each other, 3C has been busy practicing our writing skills while creating and sharing interesting stories about their favorite animals, describing their most enjoyed meals and what exciting and fun things they would do if they were invisible.
Students in Pre-K to 5th Grade have enjoyed reading books in the library and also enjoyed reading together as a group. Third graders also enjoyed the Guinness World Record books, so we read a few of those together, because it was of their interest.
This year I have had the privilege of teaching Physical Education for Grades three through twelve. The year has been a wonderful learning experience filled with awesome memories. Some of my fonder memories include: Two of my seniors, Jennifer Wong & David Bonifas, managing my 3rd grade gym class. During which they wrote and executed lesson plans while maintaining a positive learning environment. The dedication of these two students was evident in the eagerness and anticipation of gym class among the third graders.
Joe Wong