In class 3 G we are working very hard in our Math class. The students are writing Math strategies with words and pictures to describe Math in a new and fun way. Each student has a “white board ” and marker to work with. Third graders now love math time. Students call the white board their own over head – just like the teacher’s.
Art Class
Students will learn about Negative & Positive Spaces and how we can use these spaces to create images. Using a 6X6 piece of black construction paper, they will cut the square into smaller shapes to create an image (of their choice). Once they have turned their square into a visual design they will glue it onto a white sheet of paper and see how the negative space of a design is just as important as the positive space.
Ms. Arnau
3G has chosen to follow the theme of non-fiction books about animals. They are borrowing one book that talks about animals and one of their choosing. It is important that they learn to read this type of non-fiction so that they can learn to research and learn new information. Third grade is also very excited about the Scholastic “Kids are Authors Contest”; they have decided to start writing their own book and with God’s help they will finish it and we will submit it. In your prayers remember to pray about this class and this project; I know that anything and everything is possible with the Lord’s help.
Mrs. Ruiz
We just finished a story called Max Malone. It was about Gordy, Max and their friend, Austin who wanted to get autographs from a famous baseball player, Dusty Fields. When Austin couldn’t go to get the autograph because he was recovering from surgery, Max and Gordy showed true friendship. They bought Austin a ball and had it signed. We learned how true friends treat each other.Mrs. Bienemann
Elementary School’s Christmas Program took place on Friday, December 12, 2008 – “Through the Eyes of the Friendly Beasts”. Third through fifth grade elective classes performed the drama, dance and chorus part of the program. Pre-school were dressed up as the world’s cutest angels. Kindergartners were the kings and brought gifts to Baby Jesus. First and second graders were shepherds out in the fields keeping watch over their flocks.
This program had us view the Christmas Story through the eyes of the animals that were present that Holy Night. The Sanctuary was filled with parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and many friends. Over 700 were in attendance.
Please check out “Galleries” to view some really cute pictures.
Fourth grade led our elementary school chapel on November 7. We performed skits about how people behave before and after they have God’s love in their heart. We talked about how we receive the fruit of the Spirit. How we need to be more patient and kind with each other- instead of rude, self-seeking, proud, and unforgiving. We ended our chapel by performing a song in sign language about God making a difference in us.
Miss Laforest
The third grade class is continuing to enjoy the privilege of borrowing two books per week at the library. We are following a different theme for every month. For the month of November they picked the theme of Christian literature. For this entire month they will be reading Christian books such as, “The Legend Of The Three Trees,” “You Are Special,” “Because I Love You,” which are all titles by Christian authors that reinforce great morals and characters. We will also read books about bible characters. We will be focusing on these books when we think of all the great things that we have to thank the Lord for providing us with; especially during this special time of Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Ruiz
We are having a lot of fun in computer lab so far this year. The elementary students come in once a week and have started to learn how to use a computer. The students are excited when they come in and get to play their games based on their grade level. The games they play incorporate every subject they are learning in class, and turns it into a lot of fun. I look forward to having their excited and smiling faces enter the lab each week.
Mr. Miller
My husband and I, through Word Vision, support a little boy named Jean Claude.
He lives in a poor village in Rawanda. I took his report card to show my 3rd grade class. The report card had all his grades and information. It also included a picture. One part had his prayer request. It said he wanted to continue his studies and do his best. My class was so touched as was I. We decided that each child would write him a letter about themselves. The letters were so moving that when I began to read them, my eyes welled with tears. They shared about families, sports, needs, prayer requests interests and all kinds of things. It was powerful. Such a simple little thing can mean so much. I’m so proud of my class for thinking of this little shoeless boy.
Mrs Guzzardo