
Operation Christmas Child Visits Evangel

Operation Christmas Child, a ministry under Samaritan’s Purse, asks people to fill shoe boxes with items and love yearly, to distribute to children in need around the world.  From basic essentials like toothbrushes and bars of soap to fun activities like crayons and flash cards, people around the world give a little bit of hope to children who may not otherwise have any.

Evangel Christian School continued our tradition of packing shoe boxes.  On Friday, November 13th we dedicated these shoe boxes to the Lord at our chapel services.  Students shared testimonies about what packing a shoebox meant to them.  We prayed that these shoe boxes would reach their destinations and that the child whose hand a shoebox landed in would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

We then received the honor of having a film crew from Operation Christmas Child come to Evangel on Tuesday, November 17th to film our students praying over their shoe boxes.  Selected students also went up to our roof to shoot various plugs for OCC!  This footage will be used in future Operation Christmas Child promotional videos.  How exciting!  The OCC film crew and staff were impressed with our children’s enthusiasm and the abundance of shoe boxes collected.  Colorful posters and even some students wearing self-made t-shirts graced the sanctuary for all to know that Evangel loves Operation Christmas Child!

In total, 211 shoeboxes were packed and more than $800 (that could be visibly seen in a shoebox) in donations were collected.  These donations cover the shipping costs for each of the shoe boxes.

More than 69 million children world-wide have been impacted by Operation Christmas Child and Evangel is so proud to be a part of this.  Check out pictures from our chapel and the film crew coming to visit in the Galleries section of our website!

We pray that many children will be blessed this Christmas season!  Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event a success!

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Harvest Fair 109

Harvest Fun Fair

This year’s Elementary School’s Harvest Fun Fair was a blast! Students dressed up as Pilgrims, Indians, and Turkeys – talk about cute!!!!!!!! The children also had an opportunity to play several games, such as Tic Tac Toe Ring Toss, Turkey in the Straw and Roll The Gourd. Our Elementary School students were able to work on Pilgrim and Indian crafts, as well as getting their face painted by our talented National Honor Society students. The day ended with each student receiving a bag full of candy. A perfect ending to a perfect day!

Harvest Fair 050

Please check out “Galleries” for some cute pictures!

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Dollars and Sense

In our Sidewalks Intensive Reading Intervention class we just completed our first unit, entitled Dollars and Sense. We learned about building a community, trading & swapping, smart saving, money; it’s value and how kids can have a business. One of the stories we enjoyed most was when we read how money is made in the U.S. Mint.

Mrs. Jimenez

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Fun In Third Grade

In Social Studies we are talking about rivers, oceans and lakes and in Science we are learning about plant life. Reading is taking us to Antarctica to learn about Penguins.

There is something new every day in the third grade.

Mrs. Guzzardo

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Math Time

We are doing measuring in math. Students had an opportunity to walk around the room and use a measuring tape. They measured the chairs, the boards, books, the sink, the rug, and each other. They used it on EVERYTHING even me.

Mrs. Guzzardo

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Literacy Day/Crazy Hair and Hat Day

Elementary Literacy Day 014

This year we decided to combine two events to create one incredible, exciting fun filled day for our Elementary School students on Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our Fellowship Hall was transformed into a wacky hair salon called  —– Hairy Situations. Teachers had to confirm their appointment with Tanya, one of the salon stylists, who was working the front desk. She welcomed in all our students who came in to salon. Many of the students and teachers walked in to the salon with crazy hair or hats. For those who didn’t have  a hat, we provide hats for them.

We played music videos and sang along to some popular Veggie Tale tunes.  After a fun time of singing, students were treated to books about hair or hats. After story time, the students watched some of our High School students act out a skit based on a Bible character named Samson. (Did you know the source of Samson’s strength was his hair!) During this fun time for students, teachers and aides were getting their hair done at the salon by a wacky hairstylist.

We wanted students to not only have fun, but to learn and get excited about reading!

Many students and teachers said this was the best Literacy Day ever!

Please check out our gallery on the school’s website to see some great pictures!

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3-D Art

Elementary is a special age, things can become so mundane to this age group that even sometimes art becomes boring…so I introduced 3D art. I held up a bottle of paint, a paintbrush, glue and a role of aluminum foil and asked the class which one or ones of these is used to make art? Just as I had expected everyone (with the exception of 2 students) said the bottle of paint, paint brush and even sometimes the glue. I then revealed to them that aluminum foil can be used as art as well. They were asked to create, draw and color their own character’s face and to give it a name. Once they completed and colored their picture they were given aluminum foil and glue to bring their drawing to life in 3D form. After they paint their 3D faces they will be displayed for all to see, that typical household items (such as aluminum foil) can also be used to create art. Great job guys!

Miss Arnau

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Enrichment Class

Researching, writing, and thinking… oh my. Every class is learning a lot of information about each groups “technology.” The students will be researching their technology in the areas of history and current technology. The groups will be writing interesting paragraphs to further finish their projects. After that, the teams will continue on to the areas of breakthroughs and consequences. Each student is thinking of ways to further their project into a thing worthy of each persons ability. Here’s a fun and easy riddle: What is it that someone has to take before you can get it? … The answer is: Your picture.

Dustin Penland

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Compute Class

I have fallen in love with the excitement in their eyes when they walk into the room. Well, let me introduce myself, “My name is Ms. Lapointe.” This is my first year teaching at Evangel Christian School, and I am blessed to be here. The excitement is in the air, and the learning possibilities are endless.

 One fine day when I looked at the screens of the computers around the room, and there was a rainbow of colors with their students’ names typed in 72-size fonts in a document in Microsoft Word. It was wonderful! They typed their names using a small 8-font on the left margin, and then used the mouse to control the pointer to enlarge the letters. They edited the text: just their names.

 The lesson did not appear that significant at first. They came in quietly, holding their excitements and letting it loose once they entered the room. “Computers are fun,” one student shouted. First they always ask if they can play games. The answer is always, yes. “I have a wonderful game for you.” The students use abcya.com to warm-up. They turn on the computers, sign-in, and begin to use the keyboard game. The game is designed to help them learn the keys on the keyboard and to practice moving and controlling the mouse.

 Emmanuela Lapointe

Computer Teacher

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Learning About Melody

Students have been working hard on Melody this month. They have been looking at low notes versus high notes, skips & leaps in the melody. They have learned these various key elements in music through playing on the glockenspiel, using motions to illustrate low and high pitches as well as Kodaly hand signs. These classes have also begun their work on the Christmas program which is held in December.

Mrs. Racoma

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