A dip what?
Our Spelling lessons are fun and we are now writing in script. In Phonics we are going over Diphthongs, which are two letters that come together and make an unexpected sound.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Lets divide
In Math we are starting to do division. Its great fun to see how adding plays a role even in doing division. Fractions are also some things we are talking about.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Fun in Science
We are doing the most exiting things in Science. We are learning about the Skeleton and we even have a model in our classroom. The students call him Mr.. Bones.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Over 1,000 people cam to Evangel on Thursday, March18 to experience our Annual Academic Fair. Students in PK through 12th grade, worked for 2 and one half months to create a Research Paper, Project and Project Board for our fair. Students picked a topic of their choice from a variety of subjects such as: Science, English, Bible, Home Economics, Fashion, Art, Design, Technology, Math, Music, History, etc…
As you entered the school you experienced the sound of music, the smell of delicious foreign foods cooking, students super excited to share about their projects, dancing, acting, singing and so much more. Although the Academic Fair was a lot of work, it was well worth it.
We thank all the parents, students and staff for their hard work to make this year’s Academic Fair a HUGE success. We look forward to next year and if you didn’t make it this year we look forward to seeing you then.
Please check out our PHOTOBLOG and GALLERIES for some fantastic pics.
Whats going on
During our Math class we have been working on Word Problems. In Science we learned all about frogs and tad polls. For Phonics we have been learning about vowels diagraphs and consonant diagraphs. For Socials Studies we have been talking about the States and the capitals. We are always busy in Third Grade.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Who has Integrity
We have been learning about Joseph in our Bible time. Even though he was a young boy he still had Integrilty.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Lets Dance
Students are having a great time learning line & folk dances to traditional folk tunes such as “Alabama Gal”, “Old Brass Wagon,” & “Dinah.” Once the students get passed having a partner they do a great job of singing and dancing to the music.
Mrs. Racoma
And the sum of the product is…
On March 3rd Evangel hosted the Association of Christian School International (ACSI) Math Olympics. Six Christian schools participated in the event, and a total of 104 math scholars from third through eighth grade competed. Elementary students from each elementary grade met with Mrs. Ruiz weekly during their lunch/recess period to practice for the Olympics and were given extra homework to help them prepare. Middle School students met with Mr. Boyd and Mrs. Christian weekly for training. The Math Olympics consists of a series of timed tests in the areas of either computation or reasoning. At the awards ceremony following the competition the top five students from each grade in each category received an award. Be sure to check out the photos in our photoblog!
We congratulate the following winners from Evangel:
3rd Grade:
Isadora Macedo – 1st Place in Reasoning
Vincent Tupacyupanqui – 4th Place in Computation
4th Grade
David Pamintuan – 2nd Place in Computation
Aliyah Tupacyupanqui – 4th Place in Reasoning
Amber Reyes – 5th Place in Computation
5th Grade
Rebecca Edwards – 2nd Place in Reasoning
Leslie Aguilar – 3rd Place in Computation
Zhane Lamb – 4th Place in Reasoning
Jorge Ruiz – 5th Place in Reasoning
6th Grade
Dean Cuadrado – 2nd Place in Reasoning
Lucas Gomes – 4th Place in Reasoning
Felipe Alvarez – 4th Place in Computation
7th Grade
Jerry Meng – 1st Place in Computation
Carl Roberts – 2nd Place in Reasoning
Johannah Gepte – 3rd Place in Computation
8th Grade
Keoana Arnett – 3rd Place in Reasoning
Victor Sanchez – 4th Place in Computation
GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!
Thank you to our staff, parents, and students who worked hard to make this event so successful! Great job everyone! Now to start practicing for next year! 🙂
Exploravision Contest
February is the ending month of the Exploravision contest. Every group had great ideas and there is a possibility that in the future some of these very ideas will come to be real items that will be available on the market. In March the groups will get the chance to make their models. We have graciously been given a grant to purchase material for the groups to create their ideas. I am very surprised to find how many students still enjoy playing with Lego’s. Yes that includes the High School students.
Mr. Penland
Computer Class
The 3rd grade class has finished working on Microsoft Word- WordArt In January. We have worked on a project where we have chosen a piece of technology that we cannot live without and have used WordArt to make it more appealing to our audience. Each student has also taken a pretest to help determine what they know and what they still need to learn in Microsoft Word. Check out Recipes4success online. Our school’s user name is ECS and password school. (Anyone connected to Evangel may use it!)
Miss Stahler