“My whole heart follows hard after you and clings closely to you!”
We were thrilled bout our first spiritual emphasis week for the 2010-2011 school year. It was held September 20-24.
The theme for Elementary School was “Spirit of the Seas.” Each day during bible time, students focused on a bible story which all centered in on obedience. The stories covered during this week were: Jesus Calming the Storm, Noah and the Ark, Jonah, The Disciples Casting Their Nets & Peter Walking on the Water. Each day students were able to have worship time, a bible lesson, memory verse and complete a craft. The week concluded with an interactive bible story, including a large boat and someone “walking on water,” during chapel. It was a great week and students received a certificate and snack for their completion of our Spiritual Emphasis Week.
Pastor Tom Mahairas (founder of Manhattan Bible Church) came in to speak to our Middle and High Schoolers. He graciously shared his testimony with them and spoke about how God rescued him from a life of drug addiction. Pastor Mahairas also shared that there are 3 types of Believers….. The Believer, The Non-Believer, and the Make-Believer…….he challenged them as to which one they were. At the end he asked all those that would like to rededicate their lives to Christ to come forward. On Friday he shared with them that they are special and that God loves them very much. Seven students came forward to receive Jesus as their personal Saviour. He also asked student to pray for one another.
We praise God for His presence and for moving amongst our students. We are excited to see what He has in store for us this school year!
See Galleries for some great pics!
Spring Celebration
Students did a great job for the Spring Celebration. They learned two dance routines and danced to Shackles and My Life Belongs To You. They worked really hard during their recess time and learned both dances in less than two weeks. Everyone was blessed at the program.
Mrs. Rosario
We can read!
It is hard to believe that our 2009-10 school year is drawing to an end. This year I had the privilege of working with students in 1-3rd grade who needed additional reading support besides their classroom instruction using a research based reading intervention program called My Sidewalks, five days a week. My Sidewalks provided instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills and strategies. Not only were theses skills strengthen but I was able to witness my students relax, gain confidence and believe that they can read as they learned to apply themselves and practiced reading daily. This summer students were charged to read daily to improve their reading fluency and meet their reading speed goal for their specific grade.
Yvette Jimenez
Communities of America
This lesson started us taking about diversity in our community. How we all come from different family cultures. These talks lead into immigration. Our ancestors all traveled to this country form somewhere else. In our reading we are taking about the Statue of Liberty and how it came to be in our New York harbor.
Mrs. Guzzardo
The 329 Friend
We are multiplying with 2 digit number s, continuing in word and story problems, and now subtraction 3 digit numbers. Our class math story is The 329 Friend. We had so much fun with story. It’s about Emery the raccoon. He invites 329 friends to his house and must make a lunch for them. He must count out 329 napkins and plates and forks and so on. its great fun.
Mrs. Guzzardo
God Is Faithful
God continues to show Daniel His faithfulness. We see some Godly character traits in Daniel that Christ has. God gave Daniel wisdom to interpret dreams for the king. He served under the leadership of three kings so far and they each said God was mighty and powerful. At the end of their lives they served the one and only living God.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Brain Pop
How to explore absorption. How does this work? We talked about the clouds, rain fall, mountains, and all sorts of things. Brain Pop was a big part of what we did in class. For the first time we were shown how to use a microscope. It was great fun! We also had fun working with a partner.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Word Problems
Story Problems – this will take us far as we will cover Math and Vocabulary. Word problems come in steps and each step must be done and worked out before we can move on to the next step. We are finding out that Reading is a big part of Math as well.
Mrs. Guzzardo
Joseph and Daniel
We just began the Beattitudes found in Matthew chapter 5:3. The whole class will learn about this passage. We are also reading through the book of Daniel. We are going to compare the lives of Joseph and Daniel and how God brought them through every trial in their lives. Each time, we will see that God will bring them trough.
Mrs. Guzzardo