“Christmas Hang Ups”

“Christmas Hang Ups,” the title of our elementary program this year was another take on what Christmas is really about.  Our students told a story through the eyes of Christmas ornaments.  It showed us how we get “hung up” on so many things, other than the true meaning of Christmas.  The students sang, danced, and acted out the true meaning of Christmas.  It was a great night filled with great joy of our Savior coming to this earth, Jesus Christ, and there were over 500 in attendance

Please see “Galleries” for some great pictures.

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Christmas Decorations

Elementary classes got a chance to make temporary sculptures this past month. Pre-K practiced with shapes and towers, while Kindergarten through 2nd grade practiced alphabet skills, all with Play-Doh. They also prepared for the Christmas season by making homemade, decorated Christmas cards and coloring beautiful Christmas templates.

Miss Kleinschuster

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Wish List

To enjoy the Christmas season and learn new skills in word processing such as changing fonts and centering text, we made fun things like colorful Christmas poems and bulleted Christmas lists. Some of the Christmas lists were pretty incredible. I wish I could have a jet pack for Christmas too!

Mr. Boyd

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Spirit Week

I was impressed with how many students in both elementary and middle school entered a drawing, painting or collage of our school mascot, the eagle, in the first ever Spirit Week art contest here at Evangel. Thanks for participating, guys!

Miss Kleinschuster

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Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st grade continue to celebrate the beauty of autumn by making their own customized trees decorated with abstract leaves. They, along with second grade, also celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday by constructing their own turkeys and writing down what they were grateful for.

Miss Kleinschuster

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Literacy Day

Our Nativity Story Literacy Day was a great success. We read so many books about Jesus’ birth and some of us even dressed up like angels, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and the wise kings. We had a blast!

Ms. DiGiovanni

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The Ture Meaning Of Christmas

December has been so exciting! We are getting in the true spirit of Christmas by making Christmas cards for the veterans in the VA Hospital in Brooklyn. We have prayed for them and we want them to know that we love and appreciate them!

Ms. DiGiovanni

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From Land to Sea

It might be cold outside, but it has not stopped us from designing our own sea creatures, for our Crabs Looking at Tens chart and our classroom Sea Star Quilt. These charts will help the first graders gain a greater understanding of operations and counting patterns for addition and subtraction. Counting by 10’s and 5’s.

Ms. Calma

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He Is Back

The Gingerbread Man has kept in touch as he promised. He has been traveling all over the United States and sent us postcards of his journey. He is working his way back to Evangel. We have recorded his adventure on our map and can’t wait to see him again. Now he is back bearing gifts and yummy cookie ornaments to decorate!

Ms. Calma

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The Nativity

On December 14th, our elementary students came dressed as the nativity scene.  They had the chance to come dressed as the stories they heard that day.  Students had a great time reading and illustrating the Christmas story.

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