
Why Teach Geometry in First Grade? YES Geometry! Its great for problem Solving!
Our first fun activity was putting together 3 Pattern Block Puzzles, using triangles, hexagons, rhombus’ and trapezoids. It was so much fun, we even cut out our own shapes and then glued them into a larger shape. Then the class shared and recorded their ideas! Oh yeah, this is a math lesson! We almost forgot  – we  were having so much fun. Ms. Calma

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Stop by room 204 and see if you can find the snails. The first graders have been busy reading about snails and making snails. You will find them on the door, if you open the right one.
Mrs. Bienemann

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“Character” was the theme that was emphasized during Ronald’s visit to Evangel on Tuesday, March 10, 2009. The students played games, saw a puppet show and had a great time learning about Trustworthiness, Fairness, Responsibility and Respect. Even the teachers got involved as Ronald told a story and they got a chance to act it out. We are very grateful to McDonald’s for sending Ronald to our PreK – 3 through 6th grade to share how important character is. We can’t wait until he comes to visit us again!!!!!!

Please visit our “Galleries” to view some wonderful pictures.

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On March 3rd, Evangel Christian school participated in the annual Read Across America project of the National Education Association, which celebrated Dr. Seuss’ 105th birthday. Dr. Seuss, the man who taught children that reading is fun was born, Theodor Seuss Geidor in Springfield Massachusetts, on March 2, 1904.

On this fun -filled day, Mrs. Jimenez came dressed as the Cat in the Hat, had the most fun of all, as she read several stories to the students written by Dr. Seuss. Hop on Pop, The Cat in The Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish were read to Pre-K3- 5th grade.

The students also went home with worksheets and door hangers created in class to remind them about the importance of reading. Our Pre-K 3’s made Cat in the Hat hats and ended their celebration by making their own green eggs and ham the following day. A great big “Thank You” to Mrs. Jimenez for all of her hard work!!!!

Please check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures.

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If it has letters then we can code it, blend it and READ IT! OH NO a site word! Those we just have to know! WE ARE READING!!!!!!
Mrs. Calma

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What Do you Notice About Whales?
We are recalling that crabs and lobsters have helped us learn to count by 10’s and sea stars by 5’s. After some observations and listening to a poem about whales … each of us have made a paper cut out whale for our class Chart “Whales’ Tails Have 2 Flukes Each”.
All our whales were assembled into a triangular arrangement – one more whale in each row. After we have learned that each whale has two flukes this will help reinforce counting by 2’s.
Mrs. Calma

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Everyone is working hard on their Academic Fair Projects. IC’s topic for the fair is community workers. We have been reading books and watching videos and discussing all the different community workers and how important they are to our community. The two most popular helpers are doctors and police officers.
Mrs. Calma

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The first graders have continued to borrow books from the Library for their academic fair projects on community helpers. We read the story of “The Empty Pot” by Demi. They enjoyed learning about this character-building story, which teaches them to be honest even though it may be hard,and in the end they will be rewarded for their honesty.
Mrs. Ruiz

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This month students will be working on Valentine’s Day projects. Elementary will be making Valentines Day cards, necklaces and picture frames for their loved ones. Studenare reminded that the greatest act of love took place on the cross!

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Elementary is learning to play ABC on our recorders. We are also learning to conduct in 4/4, 3/4 and 2/4 time. This helps us feel the beat and helps us learn to lead.
Mr. Agosto

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