
1st Graders Fishy Facts:

*Fish are different colors.
*Some fish have points.
*Fish swim fast.
*Fish swim in water.
*Some fish have stripes.
*There are fish named Clown Fish.
*Big fish eat little fish.
*Fish are colorful!

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boxcar_childrenWe just finished reading the novel, ” The Boxcar Children” written by, Gertrude Chandler. Over Spring break many children wrote a book report about their favorite part, illustrated it and came back ready to share!
Mrs. Calma

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kite_close_hg_clrSpring is in the Air! Let’s go Fly a Kite!
1C made an incredible collage of kites welcoming spring! On each kite each child wrote a sentence about how they know spring is approaching!!
Mrs. Calma

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smoke_signalsHave you ever thought what it would have been like to live 100 or 200 years ago? Well………1C discussed how it might have been, fun for a while, but soon we would miss all the things we have now. Sending messages to a friend or learning about the world was done so differently many years ago. We learned that instead of picking up the telephone or sending an e-mail or even writing a letter, people sent smoke signals, used stage coaches to carry mail or heard local news from the town crier. We all agree that it is faster to send a message for us, than it was for the Indians!!!
Mrs. Calma

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mini-spring-flowersElementary students are celebrating Spring! They are making colorful collages of the spring season using construction paper and tissue paper. You should see the wonderful creations they have made using these two mediums. Way to Go!
Ms. Arnau

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1C read the book, “If You Give A Cat A Cupcake,” They colored a picture of the cat featured in this book and some beautiful cupcakes. This was a special treat for them and they really enjoyed themselves.


We also read the book, “Easter” by Gail Gibbons, which gave us a great opportunity to talk about this very special event that is coming up.
Mrs. Ruiz

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mister_pc_silly_hg_clrElementary has learned many new things in the computer lab this month. We have been using a new program to increase their skills and reinforce what they are learning in their classrooms. The students are having a blast and the younger students can’t even tell they are learning the alphabet and math at the same time.
Mr. Miller

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Singing, Dancing, Eating, Rapping, Performing, and Sharing were all a part of our Academic Fair which took place on Thursday, March19 th, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. What an exciting evening it was for all – students and visitors alike. Students in all grades had been working feverishly since January on their projects and reports and as you walked aroung the school the aroma of wonderful foods filled the air. Foods from India, Africa, Guatemala, and many, many more countires were represented. THe sounds of students talking with visitors, projects humming, music playing, and students reciting were all sounds that filled that evening. There were many different sections to the Fair: Technolgy, Dance, Art, Science, History, Health, Bible, English, Home Ec., Countries, and many more. Many students dressed up to represent a certain person, or country; there were also scientific dissections to witness. Students were so excited as they got the chance to explain their projects and research to our visitors – nearly 1,000! What a great job all teachers, staff, parents and students did! We applaud you and can’t wait until next year!

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As overseer of Chapel, it has been my desire to see the hearts of our students be drawn closer to our Lord and Savior. The Lord has been faithful to hear my heart’s cry. There has been such a growth and hunger in our students to worship God and carry out His purpose for their lives. From Elementary to High School, there has beenĀ  steady growth and our Spiritual Focus for the year has truly been our anthem:
Philippians 3:13 NIV
“I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Please continue to pray for our chapel services. We need to continue to ask God to open our children’s hearts and minds, we need the Lord to anoint our worship teams and we need God to empower every speaker who shares.
Mrs. Torres

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What kind of Community do you live in? 1C located the United States on a world map, then we located New York State on a United States Political Map, before our discussion about what kind of community we live in, a town with a lot of trees, a village with lots of trees, but with more houses and stores or a city with a lot of big buildings, houses and plenty of stores near by? This led our discussions right back to our community workers and how they are important to any kind of community.
Ms. Calma

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