h10368We have been reading a story titled “A Pig in a Wig”. We talked about the story being a fantasy or not real. The students recognized that is was fantasy because a pig doesn’t talk or eat out of a mixing bowl with a spoon.

Mrs. Bienemann

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emoticon_drums_hg_clrStudents have all been focused on rhythm and steady beat this month. They will continue learning about rhythm as well as adding dynamics and melody this. Students sing, play and move to the beat while in class.

Mrs. Racoma

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1C has enjoyed the privilege of borrowing books for the first time. We have gone over the procedures for checking out books, and how their books are to be taken care of while at home. They also have enjoyed quiet reading on their own and some story time as a class.

Mrs. Ruiz

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1c has taken off to a great start! We are all getting to know each other! Our theme this year is The Ginger Bread Man! We have been reading all different versions – “The Ginger Bread Boy”, “The Ginger Bread Baby” and “The Ginger Bread Friend” to mention a few. Every one in the class will get a chance to decorate their own Ginger Bread Person at home with their families and bring it to class to share.

Ms. Calma

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Reader’s Oath – by Debra Angstead

I promise to read

Each day and each night.

I know it’s the key

To growing up right.

I’ll read to myself,

I’ll read to a crowd.

It makes no difference

If silent or loud.

I’ll read at my desk,

At home and at school,

On my bean bag or bed,

By the fire or pool.

Each book that I read

Puts smarts in my head,

‘Cause brains grow more thoughts

The more they are fed.

So I take this oath

To make reading my way

Of feeding my brain

What it needs every day.

Children and adults need time to unwind and enjoy the summer, so make summer reading fun! Summer shouldn’t mean taking a break from reading (or learning) since students who engage in reading activities return to school refreshed, excited and ready to pick up where they left off. Also remember that most Evangel students have summer book reports to do so…

Here are some tips to make reading a positive experience:

Keep LOTS of reading material around the home –books, newspapers, magazines and always, the Bible

Read outdoors – at the park or beach

Read to your child (it doesn’t matter how old or young your child is!)

Let your child read to you (older children can read newspaper or magazine articles)

Visit the library, check your local library’s website for special reading-related

activities and age-appropriate book lists

Model reading – turn off the TV and each person reads his or her book

(including Mom, Dad, grandparent)

ASK them what they think about what they’ve read and LISTEN to what they say

Suggested websites:

www.http://kids.nypl.org/ http://www.ldonline.org/

www.reading.org/resources/tools/choices.html www.nea.org

www.scholastic.com/summerreading/ www.storylineonline.net/


Have a wonderful summer!

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For the month of May and June the classes enjoyed learning gymnastics.

The students did basic movements like toes to the head, tumbles, bridges, banana rolls, and cartwheels. The students also got involved in activity games like relay races, scooter races, steel the bacon, red light green light 123, cat and mouse, parachute activity, baseball basics, and basketball shooting game.

Mrs. Rosario

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Students made thank you/we’ll miss you cards and posters for their teachers. These cards showed the children’s appreciation and were placed in their teacher’s mail box on the last day of school.

Miss Arnau

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Students had a great time learning about all kinds of percussion instruments this month. I think this is probably the most fun instrument group for all kids!

Mr. Agosto

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Math is still in the air!
As we are bringing this years math instruction to an end,
we continue to explore:
Mondays Money: the class has been challenged to count sums of money well over a dollar.
Tuesdays Tally, Time and Temperature: Students move into telling time to the quarter hour.
Wednesdays Workout: we have been analyzing and extending a variety or growing and shrinking patterns. Thursdays Thinking: taps into children’s interest in big numbers as we race to 400 and spend $50.
Finally, Friday’s Challenge: continues to offer opportunities to see the children’s growing number sense.
Mrs. Calma

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