Learning About Melody

Students have been working hard on Melody this month. They have been looking at low notes versus high notes, skips & leaps in the melody. They have learned these various key elements in music through playing on the glockenspiel, using motions to illustrate low and high pitches as well as Kodaly hand signs. These classes have also begun their work on the Christmas program which is held in December.

Mrs. Racoma

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Everything Is From God

In Bible Everything Is From Godwe are learning that all work is done for God! We serve Jesus by serving others.

I think our favorite time this month was our trip to the Queens farm Museum! We chased the hens, watched the cow being milked, had a hay ride, felt how soft the sheep were, petted a horse and finally we even were able to pick our own pumpkins!

Ms. Calma

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We are scientists! 1c has been carefully examining, observing and experimenting objects from nature. We have learning the difference between what is from nature (created from God) and what is manufactured (man made). We explored how mold fossils were created and made our own fossils; well actually we made molds using a turtle shape and a doggy biscuit.

Ms. Calma

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International Week

China. India. Mexico. Brasil. Nepal. Switzerland. Peru. Spain. These are just some of the 73 countries beautifully represented by our students and staff and Evangel Christian School. We held our semi-annual International Week to celebrate the heritages of our families. This year, our celebration took place from October 19th through October 23rd. Throughout the week, students had opportunities to research one or more countries that their families are from, present objects or pictures from their country to their classmates, and dress in their flag’s color or in an outfit native to their land. The highlight was definitely the food sharing portion of International Week where students brought in a dish to share with their peers. From “arroz con pollo” to “roti” and “flan” to a “guarana” drink, both students and staff alike appreciated the delicious and rich culture they got to partake in. We culminated our week by bringing students and staff down to the huge world map located right beyond our main entrace where they put a pin in the city and country they are from. On Friday, the last day of the event, we held a special missions-oriented chapel where an alumnus, Joseph Lee, talked about his parents who are missionaries to Indonesia and showed a slide presentation of their work there. Check out the wonderful pictures in “galleries” and be blessed as you see the excitement on the student’s faces as they show pride in their heritage!

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1C has continued to enjoy the opportunity to borrow books. After looking for books to check out we have a short story time. We have been reading books about the library. “Our Library,” and “Dewey There Is A Cat In The Library ” are a few. This last title they especially enjoyed since it was a true story of a cat that was dropped of at a library and became the library cat pet. It is a wonderful story that our 1st graders loved listening to.

Mrs. Ruiz

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Trips To Green Meadows Farm

Our Prek3, KV and 1st Grade classes went on field trips to the Green Meadows Farm. At the farm, students were able to feed the sheep and goats, pet baby chicks and guinea pigs and chase after chickens. The highlights of the trip for many of our students was being able to go on a pony ride.  Students were treated to a  funny puppet show and before leaving the farm, each student was able to pick his or her own pumpkin to take home. Students and volunteers all had a wonderful time at the Green Meadows Farm and look forward to visiting again!
To see some great pics please visit “Galleries”.

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“Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!”

What better way to enjoy school than with your favorite furry friend?  That’s exactly what students in grades Pre-K3 through 5th got to do on Tuesday, September 29.  Students and teachers were encouraged to bring their most beloved friend to show off during the day.  Children excitedly placed their favorite animals on their desks as they worked hard throughout the day.  “Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!” – just another way we get to know each other a little bit better here at Evangel Christian School!  Check out the cute and cuddly pictures in the gallery section of our website!

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Elementary grades are learning how to draw, not just how to draw but how to break down a picture by starting with shapes. For example they were asked to copy a drawing of a farm (animals included). Once they drew the picture their way they were shown how to draw more effectively by drawing the shapes within each animal first, then moving on to details. The second time they were given a different picture to copy and were much more successful in getting it accurate.

They also Decoupage their art folders with colorful pieces of paper and magazine cut outs.

Ms. Arnau

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What better way to enjoy school than with your favorite furry friend? That’s exactly what students in grades Pre-K3 through 5th got to do on Tuesday, September 29. Students and teachers were encouraged to bring their most beloved friend to show off during the day. Children excitedly placed their favorite animals on their desks as they worked hard throughout the day. “Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!” – just another way we get to know each other a little bit better here at Evangel Christian School! Check out the cute and cuddly pictures in the gallery section of our website!

Elissa Candelier

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We have taken off on a great start! In Bible we are learning all the wonderful things that God created.

Ms. Calma

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