Music Class

Students are so excited to share their Christmas program with family and friends. They have learned a lot through this experience. This program focuses on countries all around the world and how they celebrate Christmas. After we have made it through the program, students will be able to sing Christmas carols and share what the true meaning of Christmas is for the last week of December. We look forward to coming back in January and continue learning music through instruments, voice and movement.

Mrs. Racoma

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Christmas Around the World

Students have been working hard in preparation for the 2009 Christmas Program: Christmas Around the World. First grade will be singing, Joy to the World, all three verses. They are working hard to make sure they line up just the right way. In their last practice, first grade blew me away with how they knew how to line up and exit the sanctuary with such ease. They even begin challenging each other with trying to improve how they lined up. It brought joy to my heart, because they are beginning to take pride in their show.

Mrs. Racoma

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People In Communities

During the month of November, the first graders in My Sidewalks Reading Intervention class read about People in Communities. We learned how families work together; how we learn together at school, and who makes our neighborhood a nice place to live in.

Mrs. Jimenez

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Our Gingerbread Man

Well … We were very sad when the Gingerbread Man that we baked escaped from the oven… But he is keeping in touch and sending us postcards from all over the United States and telling us all about his adventures. He also made sure to send us each a gingerbread cookie to decorate and gobble up! We have been thinking of all the different ways he could have escaped from the oven………….. We hope he doesn’t get eaten up.

Ms. Calma

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Operation Christmas Child Visits Evangel

Operation Christmas Child, a ministry under Samaritan’s Purse, asks people to fill shoe boxes with items and love yearly, to distribute to children in need around the world.  From basic essentials like toothbrushes and bars of soap to fun activities like crayons and flash cards, people around the world give a little bit of hope to children who may not otherwise have any.

Evangel Christian School continued our tradition of packing shoe boxes.  On Friday, November 13th we dedicated these shoe boxes to the Lord at our chapel services.  Students shared testimonies about what packing a shoebox meant to them.  We prayed that these shoe boxes would reach their destinations and that the child whose hand a shoebox landed in would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

We then received the honor of having a film crew from Operation Christmas Child come to Evangel on Tuesday, November 17th to film our students praying over their shoe boxes.  Selected students also went up to our roof to shoot various plugs for OCC!  This footage will be used in future Operation Christmas Child promotional videos.  How exciting!  The OCC film crew and staff were impressed with our children’s enthusiasm and the abundance of shoe boxes collected.  Colorful posters and even some students wearing self-made t-shirts graced the sanctuary for all to know that Evangel loves Operation Christmas Child!

In total, 211 shoeboxes were packed and more than $800 (that could be visibly seen in a shoebox) in donations were collected.  These donations cover the shipping costs for each of the shoe boxes.

More than 69 million children world-wide have been impacted by Operation Christmas Child and Evangel is so proud to be a part of this.  Check out pictures from our chapel and the film crew coming to visit in the Galleries section of our website!

We pray that many children will be blessed this Christmas season!  Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event a success!

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Harvest Fair 109

Harvest Fun Fair

This year’s Elementary School’s Harvest Fun Fair was a blast! Students dressed up as Pilgrims, Indians, and Turkeys – talk about cute!!!!!!!! The children also had an opportunity to play several games, such as Tic Tac Toe Ring Toss, Turkey in the Straw and Roll The Gourd. Our Elementary School students were able to work on Pilgrim and Indian crafts, as well as getting their face painted by our talented National Honor Society students. The day ended with each student receiving a bag full of candy. A perfect ending to a perfect day!

Harvest Fair 050

Please check out “Galleries” for some cute pictures!

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1C has been continuing to enjoy the opportunity to borrow books from the library. We have also been reading as a class. We read “Fluffy Bunny,” A wonderful story about a little bunny that is looking for a family to fit into until he finally finds his own family of bunnies. It is a touching story that teaches our children to be thankful for their family. It also shows how all families are unique and God has put us all in the perfect family, which fits us properly.

Mrs. Ruiz

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Reading Intervention

In our Sidewalks Intensive Reading Intervention class we are completing our first unit- Animals Tame and wild. We are thrilled that we can read one or two sentences without assistance. Last week we were so excited when playing a board game we realized that we have already learned over 15 high frequency words and we discovered that we are able to write and spell most of them.

Mrs. Jimenez

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Literacy Day/Crazy Hair and Hat Day

Elementary Literacy Day 014

This year we decided to combine two events to create one incredible, exciting fun filled day for our Elementary School students on Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our Fellowship Hall was transformed into a wacky hair salon called  —– Hairy Situations. Teachers had to confirm their appointment with Tanya, one of the salon stylists, who was working the front desk. She welcomed in all our students who came in to salon. Many of the students and teachers walked in to the salon with crazy hair or hats. For those who didn’t have  a hat, we provide hats for them.

We played music videos and sang along to some popular Veggie Tale tunes.  After a fun time of singing, students were treated to books about hair or hats. After story time, the students watched some of our High School students act out a skit based on a Bible character named Samson. (Did you know the source of Samson’s strength was his hair!) During this fun time for students, teachers and aides were getting their hair done at the salon by a wacky hairstylist.

We wanted students to not only have fun, but to learn and get excited about reading!

Many students and teachers said this was the best Literacy Day ever!

Please check out our gallery on the school’s website to see some great pictures!

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Fun In Gym Class

Kindergarten through second grade did scooter races. We used the scooter in different ways like lying on your stomach, on your knees, backwards, and forward, making it very challenging but lots of fun!

Ms. Rosario

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