Spring is Coming

We had a great time decorating our kites and shared all about how we know it is Spring.

Rain, Rain -go away – we want to fly our kites!

Ms. Calma

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Look who is back!

The Gingerbread Man has returned from his travels and he brought us goodies! He brought us Easter eggs to color and hide! The Gingerbread Man still looks yummy, but we won’t eat him! We promise!

Ms. Calma

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Can you guess what’s in the box?

Don’t Peak, Don’t Tell. Each student has had a chance to hide a mystery item and write four clues so their classmates can guess what is in the box. This has been a fun leaning experience.


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Name Something Enormous:

Why were dinosaurs scary? Small Neck, Sharp Teeth, Small brain, Tiny Arms, Long Tail, But we have seen their bones!

Ms. Calma

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Treasure everywhere!

What treasures have you found? 1C shared all the different treasures they have discovered digging in the sand or in soil.

Ms. Calma

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Having a Ball in Gym Class

Students have been learning how to play soccer in gym class. They are learning how to get the ball to go in the direction they want without using their hands. They are learning how to guide the ball with only their feet. They not only get to kick the ball but they also take turns learning to be a goalie. The goalie has to use his hands and body to try and keep the ball out of the net.

Mrs. Rosario

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Skating on Paper Plates

Students have learned how to ice skate on paper plates to music this month. It has been very fun to see them do this. As the music changes from a fast song to a slow song, they change the tempo of their bodies. As a teacher it is neat to see how they are learning to move in correspondence to the beat.

Mrs. Racoma

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March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday and we’re celebrating by reading some of his best loved books together. Dr. Seuss books can inspire us to write our own wacky poems. We were wondering… “Do you like green eggs and ham?”

Miss DiGiovanni

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We love reading!

During February we thought about what we love about reading books and what books we love to read. Many of us especially enjoy reading the Bible. Reading makes us feel smart and it can help us relax after a long hard day of learning.

Miss DiGiovanni

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What’s in a word?

In January we learned some amazing new vocabulary words. The more words we know the better we’ll be at reading and writing. Now that it’s 2010 we’re getting ready for the next grade. How exciting!

Miss DiGiovanni

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