Pre-K 3 had a wonderful year this year as they explored a world of numbers and letters, discovered creations of land and sea, and experimented with colors all found in the rainbow. Pre-K 3 has created many memories to take along with them as they grow into little leaders for Evangel Christian school. I have seen my little ones grow into unique individuals all with a different character and story to tell. I will hold on to many stories of celebrating holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Some other memories include taking a trip to the Queens Farm to go pumpkin picking and celebrating our annual Fairytale Month. We took many adventures learning about some great classic stories such as Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Rapunzel. Our Animal Masquerade was quite the hit as we ended the year with our moving up celebration with a big roar of pride! I am thankful for a very fun-filled and educational year. I can celebrate as well in my students’ achievements as half the class can write their full name and the rest can write at least a few letters of their name. We achieved many great goals in math standards and drew closer to God as we learned about prayer and the bible. This will definitely be a treasured memory that we will take with us wherever we go.
Ms. Aponte and Ms. Wilson

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This year in art has been great for the kids. Pre-K 3 & 4 learned about one of their favorite authors Dr. Seuss. They created Thing 1 and Thing 2 out of their hands and also the mustache from the “Lorax”. They also had fun learning to make puffy paint out of shaving cream and glue.
Mrs. Colon

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The Parachute Game

The highlight of the year in gym was the parachute game. Bean bag frogs and turtles were placed on the parachute and the students shake it. Students then say how many are left and what color they landed on. They loved it.

Ms. Rosario


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Fun in the Sun

We ended the year with a picnic in the playground. Pretend desert sand, plastic dolphins in water, bubbles, cheerful tablecloths, and wonderful snacks helped make the day special!

Mrs. Hampton

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Animal Masquerade Party

To celebrate what they learned about animals, PreK 3 had an Animal Masquerade Ball/Party. The children reviewed what they had learned in Bible lessons about God’s creation of the animals and Noah’s Ark. They had a Science Lesson about animals: where they live, how the live, how they look and move. Animal masks were then created in Art Class. A joyous time was had by all who attended.

Mrs. Hampton

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How things Grow

For our unit on “How things Grow and Mother’s Day, the children planted an edible salad cup. They planted Romaine Lettuce, Iceberg Lettuce, Spinach and Nasturtium seeds. Once sprouted and growing, their Moms had mixed salad greens. Both the leaves (peppery taste) and the flowers of the Nasturtium are edible. The children also helped to care for an Avocado tree that was started from a pit. After eating a Mango they observed the removal of a Mango seed from the pit and then placed it in a sandwich bag with a damp paper towel. Excitement prevailed when they saw the first root of the Mango seed start to grow. Healthy foods and how they grow helped make learning fun!

Mrs. Hampton

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The students in elementary enjoyed learning about music this year in its entirety . They learned how to cooperate with each other for when we had to move/dance to certain music. They have learned different aspect of music from the tempos in Italian to how to fine tune their social and motor skills.

Mrs. Colon


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Beautiful Butterflies

What an awesome year. We have learned so much in what seems now to be a little time. Pre K to Kindergarten has learned the power of the Lord’s creation by learning the stages of a butterfly.

Mrs. Colon


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We Have Fun Together

Our class went on a trip to the pumpkin farm and we each picked a pumpkin, and rode on the school bus.

When we go to the library we listen to great stories. We all prayer together, have snack and lunch together too. We are leaning so much in Pre K 3. Thank You Jesus.

Ms. Banoff

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Songs Help Us Remember

We pick out puzzles shapes and colors, we know so many now. We have magnets with our alphabet letters on them and we sing songs to help us remember them. We trace them and color them too.

In class we play games to teach us things that are the same and things that are different.

Ms. Banoff

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