“Christmas Hang Ups”
“Christmas Hang Ups,” the title of our elementary program this year was another take on what Christmas is really about. Our students told a story through the eyes of Christmas ornaments. It showed us how we get “hung up” on so many things, other than the true meaning of Christmas. The students sang, danced, and acted out the true meaning of Christmas. It was a great night filled with great joy of our Savior coming to this earth, Jesus Christ, and there were over 500 in attendance
Please see “Galleries” for some great pictures.
Christmas Decorations
Elementary classes got a chance to make temporary sculptures this past month. Pre-K practiced with shapes and towers, while Kindergarten through 2nd grade practiced alphabet skills, all with Play-Doh. They also prepared for the Christmas season by making homemade, decorated Christmas cards and coloring beautiful Christmas templates.
Miss Kleinschuster
Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st grade continue to celebrate the beauty of autumn by making their own customized trees decorated with abstract leaves. They, along with second grade, also celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday by constructing their own turkeys and writing down what they were grateful for.
Miss Kleinschuster
Merry Christmas
December has been an awesome month. Our children have learned so much from Letters to numbers. They have been so willing to learn more and more new things. They had two Christmas songs to sing and did a wonderful job singing in the program. Their willingness to practice was a blessing to me. We have talked and learned about the reason for Christmas and why we celebrate it. Stories of Gingerbread men and creating special gifts for the season has also gone well.
Mrs. Colon
The Nativity
On December 14th, our elementary students came dressed as the nativity scene. They had the chance to come dressed as the stories they heard that day. Students had a great time reading and illustrating the Christmas story.
November was a great month of learning. The class learned the lesson of giving and sharing. They enjoyed creating pumpkins from their hand print using paint and learning what the purpose of a scarecrow is. They created their own place mat with a farmer or scarecrow.
Our Thanksgiving Feast was a success and the children enjoyed themselves. Thank you to all who were involved and made our day fun.
Story Time
The Pre-K class has enjoyed story time in the library this month. We read “How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?” This was a perfect story especially at this time of the year when we all are prone to getting sick. The children enjoyed listening to the story and talking about their own feelings when they are sick and how we get better soon. We also discussed the steps we need to take to prevent illnesses from getting to us, for example washing our hands. The children also enjoy looking at books on their own after story time.
Mrs. Ruiz
Know Christ
We are currently practicing our songs for the Christmas Program! Students are excited and some looking forward to singing a solo while others are looking forward to singing nice and loud within their class groups. It will be a fun time and a time of reflection pointing to what this holiday season is all about, and how it is displayed through the words they are singing. As someone once said,
No Christ, No Christmas! Know Christ, Know Christmas!
Miss Farrell
Stuffed Animal Day
“Where the Wild Things Are,” & “Corduroy,” are just a couple of the books students got to hear at our first Literacy Day this year. Literacy day is a day to show students how much fun reading is. At our first literacy day, students brought in their favorite stuffed animal and cuddled up with it in our new library as they heard fun and exciting stories. We are looking forward to next month, “Fall Fun,” as students hear adventurous stories about the change of season.
See Galleries for some adorable pictures!
Cultural Explosion!
We enjoyed a week of cultural exposure. We saw different costumes and traditional dress, tasted exotic foods from far away lands and learned about traditions. We also had new students place pins in our world map located on the first floor as people enter our building. This map represents all the countries our students come from – over 73 countries!
See “Galleries” for pictures