Yummy Books
Pre-K has been listening to stories written by Laura Numeroff. They have listened to If You Give a Moose a Muffin. If You Give a Cat a Cupcake was their favorite. They can identify with food that the animals like. They said that they love cupcakes with sprinkles just like the cat in the story. After they listened to the read aloud and we have our question and answer session they get to look at books on their own. They enjoy holding and looking at books.
Mrs. Ruiz
Ronald McDonald visited our students Pre-K through 5th grade on Wednesday, May 4th. Ronald shared a great message about being yourself. The show was filled with student interaction, comedy, games and a great life lesson. The lesson about “being yourself,” supported what our students are learning in their classrooms. We teach our students to be who God made them to be and not follow the crowd. It was a great show and students are continuing to talk about it. As students left, they each got to shake Ronald McDonald’s hand. How exciting! What a great show!
The sounds of singing and music could be heard and the smells of delicious food filled the hallways and classrooms of our school. What an awesome night it was! On Thursday, March 24th the school was filled with over 1,500 adults and children. One parent described it as a “huge party”! Students proudly explained their projects as eager listeners tasted, smelled, and watched.
The students and staff worked very hard and I believe this year was the very best Annual Academic Fair we have ever had. Pre-K focused on plants and they even grew their very own. One Kindergarten studied the planets and the Solar System and even made costumes and performed a play. The other Kindergarten focused on the book “A La Casa de la Mama Provie”. Were she goes door to door to gather food for her recipe. The Kindergartners made recipes and then cooked the dish. First Grade learned about community helpers and chose one to focus on.
Third through Twelfth grades chose their own projects from a variety of subjects such as: Science, History, English, Sports, Math, Bible, etc… Projects ranged from animal dissections to a car made out of recyclables to delicious cupcakes made from scratch. A big thank you goes out to everyone involved from staff to students to parents for making this event a HUGE success!
Check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures!
Wonders Under The Sea
The PreK-K Afterschool students have been talking about sea creatures with their letters of the alphabet. They listened to a story about a Dolphin entitled Guru Dennis Dolphin: Communicate Kindness by Dr. Michael J. Tudor. The children also looked at beautiful photos in a book entitled Oceans published by National Geographic Kids written by Johnna Rizzo. National Geographic has wonderful resources for children. nationalgeographic.com/books. After coloring pictures of sea creatures we put them on the Bulletin Board.
Mrs. Hampton
In Pre-K Music, we are continuing to rehearse the letter of the week and incorporate some of the words in the songs of the day. The children love to guess what the music teacher is creating with fuzzoodles. Recently the creation was a bee, which we sung about. For another song, the teacher created a spider, which we also sang about. Shapes were also created and sung about. And one creation that had all the children giggling for a while, was a little creation of a person what would dance to the song they were dancing to. The children love to sing and move, and dance, and march!
Ms. Farrell
The Gingerbread Man
Our preschoolers have enjoyed listening to different retellings of The Gingerbread Man. We read, The Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett also Gingerbread Friends and finally the original story of The Gingerbread Man. The favorite seemed to be The Gingerbread Baby. We have had great fun reading and listening to these stories.
Mrs. Ruiz
Helping those in need…
We are always looking for opportunities to instill in our the importance of ministering to those in need. An opportunilty arose through the contact of a parent who led us to “Project Angel Hugs.” Project Angel Hugs is a Christ-centered organization ministering to the emotional eeds of children with cancer and their families. To youth touched by cancer and their families, they offer encouragement through prayer, words, gifts, and festivities; harnessing the adundant energy from healthy youth to accomplish work generated by this project while instilling in them a pssion for volunteering.
Evangel students were able to touch a child with cancer by making home-made Valentine’s Cards that will be distributed o Valentine’s Day. We collected 170 Valentine’s cards from our students to send to Project Angel Hugs. The students really enjoyed being able to “reach out and touch someone” in need with card.
See “Galleries” for pics.
Step Up Your Faith
January 3rd- January 7th
“Step up You Faith,” the theme for the week, encouraged students to go a step further in their walk with God. Middle School and High School students were challenged with speakers each day to take their faith to the next level. Our Elementary students looked at a different bible stories each day as well as completed crafts to encourage them to “step up their faith.” Our memory verse for the week was Luke 17:5-6
Winter Wonderland
For the month of December we have read books about winter and about Christmas during our reading time. We read My Friend the Snowman. In this book the children learned about the changing seasons and about animals that hibernate for the winter as is the case of marmots which is one of the characters in the story. They also learned that snowmen are only around in Winter and as Spring comes around they melt. We also read On This Special Night a story that tells us about Jesus’ birth from the point of view of a little cat. They loved all the little animals presented in this story.
Mrs. Ruiz
Letter Songs
We sing songs by the next letter of the alphabet each week. We have sung songs up to and including letter M. As we rehearse words for each letter, songs are chosen to accompany those words and more. Songs with expression and fun movements work well. One of the songs the children love is The Ants Go Marching. With this song, we rehearse words, numbers and include fun movements as we march in a line.
Miss Farrell