This month students will be working on Valentine’s Day projects. Elementary will be making Valentines Day cards, necklaces and picture frames for their loved ones. Studenare reminded that the greatest act of love took place on the cross!
We created an Indian trail in our classroom. The children were required to walk between two long pieces of string and keep their balance. Most of them walked forward, however, some made it more interesting when they decided to walk on one foot or walk the trail backwards.
We played a game called “Under the Flap”. The children needed to count the chicks and identify the corresponding numeral. This helped them understand number concepts and count the number of objects in a set. We are having lotd of fun leasrning in PreK-3.
We designed a set of animal cards (adult and offspring) and put them on display. The students then had to try and identify the animal and match the adult animal with their baby. It was a lot of fun!
God’s Word is important and we learn the verse of the week when we have a new Bible story. we learn about God’s love and the miracles He did and still can do!
Miss Holden
Singing is a part of every day. We love worship songs, especially “Jesus, We Crown You With Praise,” and a new song, “Jesus Watches Over You.” New silly songs include the “Pussy Willow Song” and “On Top of Spaghetti.”
Miss Holden
Crafts continue to reinforce the letter of the week. We now have dancing raindrops on our bulletin board for the letter “R.” We did a graph for our class and can see that more people in our class like gloves than mittens.
Miss Holden
In January we learned the good things that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did for our country. We will soon be learning more about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
Miss Holden
We are learning about money, especially the coins. We learned that President Lincoln is on the penny and George Washington is on the dollar. we are singing a new song, about George Washington being the president of the “Yankee Doodle Dollar.” we have learned the numbers 1-15 and will soon continue to number 20.
Miss Holden
In January, the class dressed up like Israelites and lead by “Moses,” took a manna walk. The fire and the cloud led us, just like in the Bible, and on the 4th floor of the school, we found “manna” in the form of lollipops. It was fun!
Ms. Holden