In honor of Earth Day, this month we focused on reading books that talked about ways in which we can help our environment. We spoke about recycling, and saving water and energy to help protect our earth. We read “Our Class Is Going Green,” which is a book that was written by Kindergarten children and was published by scholastic because it won the ‘Kid’s Are Authors’ contest. We also read the book, “One Tree,” written by Leslie Bockol. This book is special because it is made from 98% recycled materials.
Mrs. Ruiz
We made colorful and beautiful butterflies out of our feet! And we made shape hats for the tops of our heads. We also started learning about plants and seeds. Come back in May to learn if our seeds grow!
Miss Holden
We have now started at the beginning of the alphabet and will learn to write the letters A-N by June. We continue to write our first names, and have even written words, just like big kids! We will learn the numbers 17-20 by the end of May.
Miss Holden
Just before Easter vacation, instead of having a party, the class had a sharing snack. The children brought in snacks they like to share with their classmates. Yes, on this day, chocolate was allowed! We had lots of yummy things to eat.
Miss Holden
In Bible time we learned what Easter is really about. Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and that He is alive today! We memorized I Cor. 15:3 & 4, which tells the whole Easter Story. We have also been learning a song about David and Goliath for a chapel service in May.
Miss Holden
April started out with a bang in Pre-K 4, with a class trip to Chuck E. Cheese. We had so much fun! We drove cars, played games, rode the horse, won tickets and got prizes with those tickets. We climbed thru a tunnel high in the air. And we enjoyed all that noise that Chuck is famous for. Our trip ended with a lunch of pizza and fruit punch.
Miss Holden
We had a great time tracing our numbers with popcorn kernels and creating fun, silly
poems that would help the students gain number recognition.
Mrs. Rivera
“Spring is here, and we are all excited”. Children were able to learn about the different parts of a bird – beak, wings, etc. We also had a great time making our beautiful bright colored flowers. In chapel we are named the Sunbeams. Our slogan is “The Sunbeams Are Blooming!” Children traced flowers and decorated them with tissue paper and pictures of themselves
Mrs. Rivera
Elementary students are celebrating Spring! They are making colorful collages of the spring season using construction paper and tissue paper. You should see the wonderful creations they have made using these two mediums. Way to Go!
Ms. Arnau
Our preschoolers have been reading about God’s amazing wisdom and all the beautiful things that He created for all of us to enjoy. We read “God Thought Of It First,” which tells us about the greatest inventor ever, God. We learned about the inventions that man has created and how God thought of them first. For example the baby carrier that a parent straps on to carry their child resembles God’s invention for the Kangaroo who carries her baby in her pouch. It is amazing to see how Awesome our God is!
Mrs. Ruiz