Both PK classes have been “reading” books on their own. They have gotten a chance to walk around the library and pick books that they want to look at. It’s great to see how they love books. We have also continued to read one book together as a class at the beginning of the period.
Mrs. Ruiz

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Almost every day, Pre-K 4 has three Hurray Kids. Each teacher chooses a paper with one child’s name, and that child is a Hurray Kid. The teachers watch, and write down all the good things the child does that day, and the child takes the paper home at the end of the day. They LOVE being Hurray Kids!
Miss Holden

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Bible times have been special. On May 15th we presented a chapel story about David and Goliath, and sang an original song to help us remember that God is bigger than our problems. We learned about Joshua and Caleb going into the Promised Land, and trusting that God would help His people, but the people believed the bad report from other men who were afraid, so His people were not able to enter the Promised land. Paul and Silas were in prison, but instead of complaining, they praised God, and were freed.
Miss Holden

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We worked on dinosaur projects. We have a dinosaur book, a story about our pet dinosaur, a dinosaur visor, and on Friday, May 29th had a dinosaur egg hunt in our classroom. On Monday, June 1st, we will work on a big project and have a dinosaur snack. Come back next month to learn more!
Miss Honden

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In Science we made pictures showing the four parts of a plant: roots, stem, leaves and flowers. We also learned that our hair and teeth have roots, too, so that they don’t fall out! We planted popcorn in a big flower pot. Now we are waiting to see if it grows. Do YOU think it will?
Miss Holden

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In PreK 4 we practiced drawing people. It is hard to remember to put on hair, legs, eyes, mouth and nose, but our people were beautiful!
Miss Holden

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We continue to write the lettr of the week as we approach the end of the school year. We also have written short, simple words to practice our writing skills. We finished the numbers 1-20. When we got to 19 we made beautiful ladybugs with 19 black dots on them. When we did number 20we had a hard job. We had to color 20 fingers on 4 hands! Whew! That was a lot of coloring!
Miss Holden

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On Sunday, May 3, 2009, the congregation of Evangel Church was treated to a spectacular display of talent! Evangel Christian School’s littlest lambs, from Pre-K3 through 5th grade, sang, danced, read scripture, and gave awesome testimonies for the glory of God.

Featured in the annual Elementary Spring Show were the Junior Praise Dancers who performed to “Holy Spirit, Rain Down” and the Junior Chorus singing “He Knows My Name.” The Junior Drama Team gave a hilarious account of “The Eight Dwarf”–a mini-play featuring the character, Forgetful, who although he forgot many things, God never forgot him! Forgetful, and the audience, learned that he was fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)!

The grand finale featured the Junior Chorus and Praise Dancers coming together in “Firm Foundation”.

Teachers and students alike worked hard to make this production possible and it sure was worth all the hard work! Check out our school’s picture gallery to see the performers in action!
Mrs. Candelier

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Our elementary school had its first “Literacy Day: Tales by the Campfire” event. Our fellowship hall was transformed into a campground with stars and a moon dangling from the ceiling, six-foot forest trees, a sleeping tent, and a wonderful faux campfire, which the kids were really excited about. Each class was able to gather around the “fire”, snuggle in their blankets and hold tight to their teddy bears as they were read a series of children’s books by some of our staff and student leaders.

Each class was not only treated to stories by the campfire, but our helpful high school students performed two musicals inspired by two classic children’s books, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and Three Little Pigs. This was the highlight for most of the little ones, who especially loved the big bad wolf (he was a silly, not scary wolf!)

The PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) generously donated a new book for each class and encouraged all of our students to participate in the Book Fair taking place the following day. Mrs. Barillas, president of PTF was so excited to have this event take place a day prior to the book sale. “I really believe this event helped get the students excited about reading and it seemed to help boost our book sales tremendously!”


Mrs. Marko was so excited to hear such great responses from our students and staff, she decided we should end the school year with another day of reading encouragement. In June we will have an event called, “Literacy Day: Beach, Bonfire and Books!”

It was truly a successful event for all!

Please check out galleries for some great pics.

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lenny_lion_balance_ball_pole_hg_clrStudents are having fun working on their balance and learning all kinds of gymnastic moves. They are doing banana rolls, tumbles, bridges and “toes to your head” techniques. They are working on learning how to do push ups, so they can strengthen their arms to be able to learn to do a cartwheel.
Mrs. Rosario

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