We learned about Adam and Eve in the Bible, and that God wants us to obey Him, our moms and dads, and our teachers. We are learning to say Gen. 1:31, Col 3:20 and Gen 9:13. We worship and pray together every day.

Miss Holden

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When we learned the letter “f” we had a very special event. We had a Funny Feet Day.” We brought slippers from home and put them on in school. Then we marched to different classes in the school and sang a song about our Funny Feet. The other classes liked hearing our song. Even the teachers wore silly slippers. We made brown gorillas and decorated them with chocolate chips and dry coffee grounds. Our class smelled good! Our orange pumpkins decorated the hallway bulletin board. We made frog puppets and an elephant on a stick.

Miss Holden

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Pre-K 4 continues to be a fun and busy place.We have learned up to the number 5 and made sheep out of our hands! Maybe in November we will get up to the number 10! We created our own picturess using just rectangles. Our Oscar Ovals looked silly with beards, musaches and funny-colored hair. We played real triangles and colored and cut out diamonds.

Miss Holden

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Trips To Green Meadows Farm

Our Prek3, KV and 1st Grade classes went on field trips to the Green Meadows Farm. At the farm, students were able to feed the sheep and goats, pet baby chicks and guinea pigs and chase after chickens. The highlights of the trip for many of our students was being able to go on a pony ride.  Students were treated to a  funny puppet show and before leaving the farm, each student was able to pick his or her own pumpkin to take home. Students and volunteers all had a wonderful time at the Green Meadows Farm and look forward to visiting again!
To see some great pics please visit “Galleries”.

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Come to Pre-K3 on Tuesdays and you’ll be involved in “Station Day.” Children are separated into groups of two and works at a particular station. Every 15-20 minutes the child cleans up and rotates into another station. We have the playdough station with cookie cutters and a whole bunch of assortments to decorate and build with playdough. Art station consists of a craft and they are also able to freely express their artistic abilities by creating collages with glitter, sequence, crayons, markers, pompoms, craft sticks, stickers, etc. At the sand station students can play with animals that belong in the sand and create a desert. Next is the water and bubble station where children must determine what objects sink or float. Our next station is the chalk station where they use different color chalks to draw pictures and express there imagination. We also have a puzzle station where a more difficult puzzle is displayed and they must use team work to solve it. We also set out a board game station, usually memory games to also encouraging sharing, taking turns, and communication. Last but not least we have a sewing and lacing station to enhance fine motor skills. Overall this is a very messy but fun day of the week for us. The kids love it.

-Desiree Rivera

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“Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!”

What better way to enjoy school than with your favorite furry friend?  That’s exactly what students in grades Pre-K3 through 5th got to do on Tuesday, September 29.  Students and teachers were encouraged to bring their most beloved friend to show off during the day.  Children excitedly placed their favorite animals on their desks as they worked hard throughout the day.  “Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!” – just another way we get to know each other a little bit better here at Evangel Christian School!  Check out the cute and cuddly pictures in the gallery section of our website!

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Prek-3 has been doing a phenomenal job, considering the fact that they have completed only one month of school. We have been focusing on the letter A, color red, numbers zero and one, and the circle. This month has been a very crafty, hands-on month and we have also been learning all about God’s Creation. We have done sensory A’s using small alphabet sprinkles to trace the capital letter A. We have done apple prints to reinforce both the color red and the fact that God created food for us to eat. We have also made apple peanut butter smiles, Oh were they yummy. The children loved them so much that they wanted to eat more and more. They even wanted their mommies and daddies to make some. Overall we have kicked off the New School Year with a bright, creative, and fun start. I look forward to next month where we will focus on learning the letter B, continuing the circle, numbers zero, one, and two, the color gray, and the story of David and Goliath.

Mrs. Rivera

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PK3-Kindergarten are having fun learning to sponge painting with number, letter and people shaped sponges.

Ms. Arnau

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What better way to enjoy school than with your favorite furry friend? That’s exactly what students in grades Pre-K3 through 5th got to do on Tuesday, September 29. Students and teachers were encouraged to bring their most beloved friend to show off during the day. Children excitedly placed their favorite animals on their desks as they worked hard throughout the day. “Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!” – just another way we get to know each other a little bit better here at Evangel Christian School! Check out the cute and cuddly pictures in the gallery section of our website!

Elissa Candelier

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emoticon_drums_hg_clrStudents have all been focused on rhythm and steady beat this month. They will continue learning about rhythm as well as adding dynamics and melody this. Students sing, play and move to the beat while in class.

Mrs. Racoma

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