Count to Ten
December was a fun and busy time in Pre-K 4. We counted to number 10 and decorated a paper with ten shiny stars. We practiced classifying again, and reviewed all numbers we have done so far.
Miss Holden
Christmas Around The World
What a wonderful evening was had by all as we celebrated our Savior’s birth! On Friday, December 11th our Elementary School celebrated Christmas Around the World. Songs were sung from different countries and children spoke about the way Christmas is celebrated in places other than America, such as Ireland, Brazil, etc.
Each grade had a special part to play and our Elementary Electives came through with “shining colors”. Our Dance Team danced to “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”. The children did a great job and it was a beautiful dance. Our Drama Team took care of all of the narration! Way to go guys! Our Junior Chorus sang”This Little Light of Mine” and “Spread a Little Love”.
This was an awesome way to celebrate our Savior’s birth. Thanks for all who helped to make this a wonderful evening.
Check out “Galleries” for some super pictures!
Music Class
Students are so excited to share their Christmas program with family and friends. They have learned a lot through this experience. This program focuses on countries all around the world and how they celebrate Christmas. After we have made it through the program, students will be able to sing Christmas carols and share what the true meaning of Christmas is for the last week of December. We look forward to coming back in January and continue learning music through instruments, voice and movement.
Mrs. Racoma
Miss Mary Mack
Singing is a part of every day. We love to sing Miss Mary Mack especially when Miss Holden tries to trick the class by singing the wrong words – but the kids are too smart – they always catch the tricks!
Miss Holden
Learning New Things
We have had our first official zipping lesson. Learning how to put the two parts of a zipper together can be really tricky. We also continue to occasionally practice dialing 911 on a disconnected phone to ask for help.
Miss Holden
Bible Time
In Bible we have learned the story of Joseph, a man greatly wronged by his brothers. Joseph was able to walk in forgiveness toward them, thus preparing the way for God to save and greatly bless the family.
Miss Holden
Math Time
In Math we once again practiced classification, and some proudly did that during playtime by classifying the jungle animals. We also began to learn about arranging things in size order. That can be a little tricky. And we have made our way to the number 10.
Miss Holden
Will It Sink Or Float
In Science we found many ways we use water every day. We experimented seeing which things would float or sink in a tub of water. There were some surprises!
Miss Holden
We Love Purple
On November 4th a special guest came to our class and school. Miss Purple made her annual appearance in Pre-K 4, wearing her favorite purple hair, sweater and sunglasses. We all grabbed musical instruments and went on a short parade through the school, making noise and singing about the color purple. It was fun. But she only comes once a year, so it will be a long time before we see her again.
Miss Holden
Fun In PreK 4
November has been a busy month in Pre-K 4. We continue to march through the alphabet one letter at a time. When we get to the letter Oo, we will start writing the letter of the week. That will be an exciting time! We have also learned the major shapes and colors. And in honor of Thanksgiving, have learned about the Pilgrims, the Mayflower and the Native Americans who befriended them. For Thanksgiving, we had a sharing snack in which we brought snacks to share with our classmates. Yummy!
Miss Holden