The fifth grade was quite busy this year. In science we created our own ecosystems, which included fish, snails, and aquatic plants. In math, we overcame our fear of fractions. We added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, and compared fractions. We became actors in Social Studies, reenacting various independence movements, including the United States and Mexico. Finally, the highlight of our year, outside the scope of academics, was the senior trip to Club Getaway. To award the graduating class for all their hard work, we spent a day at the outdoor adventure park set in Kent, CT. The students proved to be skilled archers, rock climbers, acrobats, zip-liners, and dancers!
Mr. Ortiz
Art Class
4th and 5th graders learned a lot about themselves this year in art. They had to create “All About Me ” boards. this helped them to be creative by finding magazine pictures that fit them and the tings that they liked.
Mrs. Colon
Dance Elective
The students danced for the Christmas Program and the Spring Program. For Christmas they danced to Christmas in Black and White and for the spring they danced to A Beautiful Day.
Ms. Rosario
Computer class
Jump Start
This year we concentrated on a program called JumpStart. Using this program the students learned the following:
• Math: Addition, Subtraction, Money Fractions, Tally Charts, Time
• Reading: Parts of Speech, Comprehension, Antonyms, Word Building
• Critical Thinking: Problem Solving, Patterns, Attributes, Classification
• Social Skills: Preparations, Perseverance, Cooperation
In addition to Jump start, the students participated in typing drills, PowerPoint workshops and various Google project including how to use Google Drive.
Mr. B
Reading Lab
Read, Read. Read!
It’s hard to believe that our 2012-13 school year is over. I’m happy to share that through the use of the research-based reading program and our students’ hard work all our students have excelled and went up at least two reading levels since September. Some went up five reading levels. Kindergarten through 5th grade were challenged in the reading lab to implement the following reading strategies as they read their weekly story selection and leveled readers.
Students were encouraged to summarize what they read, predict what will happen in the story, clarify and monitor what they read, ask questions while reading, visualize what they have read in their mind, and make connections with the text.
I would like to thank the parents for their efforts at home. As we look forward to the coming school year, I trust that as we continue to work together we will see greater success in the coming years. Please continue to encourage your child to Read, Read. Read!
Yvette Jimenez
End of Year News
Thank You Lord
Hard to believe, but this year has flown right by fifth grade. It has been an exciting eventful year. The class enjoyed their graduation trip to Club Getaway, they zip lined through the trees, they bungee jumped of a trampoline, they hiked and much more. It was amazing. The class also enjoyed a bowling and pizza party trip. These trips were a reward for all the hard work they performed through this year. To end the year the students walked through the alphabet in bible verses, it was amazing to see them look through the bible for verses that began with every letter of the alphabet. This was the most important activity for them in my opinion because they got to see how God is present in everything, He is amazing! We thank you Lord for seeing us through and helping us come out victorious.
Mrs. Ruiz
Music Class
The students in elementary enjoyed learning about music this year in its entirety . They learned how to cooperate with each other for when we had to move/dance to certain music. They have learned different aspect of music from the tempos in Italian to how to fine tune their social and motor skills.
Mrs. Colon
Art Class
Bible in Art
What an awesome year. We have learned so much in what seems now to be a little time. Students learned that they could use biblical titles in art. For instance they learned about Rene Magritte and his portrayal of the Son of Man. They created their own rendition with different things in front of their face from credit cards to pizza.
Mrs. Colon
Spring Program
We had a wonderful Spring Program. Elementary students danced to Shout to the Lord, with streamers. The middle school danced to Go Fast, and high school danced and ministered the songs that they did in Hawaii. The high school electives also danced to I’m Free.
Mrs. Rosario
Gym Class
Field Day
Students had fun doing relay races with obstacle courses. They also did their annual physical fitness test. At the end of the school year we had a field day in the gym.
Mrs. Rosario
Christmas Joy
Caroling Trip
The month of December has been very busy for 5th grade. We have been rehearsing for the Christmas celebration, and we have also been rehearsing for our caroling trip. This trip was a great success. The fifth graders practice Christmas carols and we sang at two separate places. I can say that we brought Christmas joy to those that heard our students. The students showed their joy and served the community by spreading their joy and ministering by singing carols that mentioned the Joy that we celebrate because of the Christ child’s birth. It was touching to see how the people were blessed. We went out to bless them and in return they blessed us with gifts for each student and even with a donation to our fund for our graduation trip in June. We had fun and thanked the Lord for his blessings.
Mrs. Ruiz
Bible Class
In bible we have talked about obedience as we learned about Moses and the Judges of Israel. We also took time to thank the Lord for his blessings and celebrated with a Thanksgiving Feast in our classroom. We also enjoyed the harvest fair.
Mrs. Ruiz
Social Studies
Ancient Civilizations
In Social Studies we have focused on ancient civilizations such as the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas. As a final project the students created booklets about one civilization of their choice. They did an amazing job!
Mrs. Ruiz
Science Class
Periodic Table
For the month of November students continued their unit on chemistry and have become experts on reading the periodic table. It is amazing to see their enthusiasm.
Mrs. Ruiz
Writing Class
For writer’s workshop students worked on a Memoir piece and again celebrated with a successful publishing party were they shared their pieces. We held our second bake sale in which we also achieved great success, thanks to all of you who have supported us.
Mrs. Ruiz
Math Class
Math Strategies
In mathematics we learned new strategies for multiplication such as the area model and partial products strategy.
Mrs. Ruiz
Social Studies
In Social Studies we learned about explorers and the reasons for exploration.
Mrs. Ruiz
Science Class
In October students learned about Chemistry in science class. They enjoyed this hands-on unit and experimenting with chemicals and observing reactions. We also enjoyed the lab in which we constructed molecules with marshmallows.
Mrs. Ruiz
Writing Class
Publishing Party
In writing they have worked on a personal narrative piece for the entire month and celebrated their accomplishment with a publishing party. We also held our 1st bake sale to raise funds for our end of year trip and graduation expenses. It was a great success.
Mrs. Ruiz
Bible Class
Our bible time has been of great blessing because our students memorize scripture and they are trying to form the bible reading H.A.B.I.T!
Mrs. Ruiz
Science Class
Scientific Process
In Science we have learned about the Scientific Process and students have worked through this process and conducted experiments on testable questions that they formed.
Mrs. Ruiz
Social Studies
The fifth graders have come in to this school year with great excitement. They are at the top of the elementary school and looking forward to a graduation in June. For the month of September we have learned about geography in social studies and created paper mache globes to practice our geography skills.
Mrs. Ruiz
Gym Class
During the month of December, our 4th and 5th grade students competed in their very own Olympics. During the Olympics students had the opportunity to compete in a wide array of events ranging from the flexed arm hang to the hula-hoop and relay races. These were just some of the events that the students could participate in. Not only did the Olympics offer students a healthy way to compete, but they learned the value of teamwork and good sportsmanship.
Mr. Wong
Reading Lab
Reading Street
Evangel is committed to assist our students to become successful readers. To achieve this goal Kindergarten through fifth grade are using a research-based reading program called Reading Street. Reading Street provides instruction in the five core areas of reading instruction; phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills and strategies. Students with their classroom teacher attend the reading lab daily where they‘re grouped to receive differential instruction. Students are taught Reading Strategies that focus on:
Summarizing what you have read.
Predicting what will happen in the story.
Clarifying and monitoring what you are reading.
Asking questions while reading.
Visualizing what you have read in your mind.
Making connections with your reading.
Decoding and trying to figure out difficult words
Our students are learning through varies types of genre in the weekly reading selection and leveled readers that good readers use different strategies before, during, and after reading. As they learn to apply these strategies they will be more engaged in what they read and eventually become successful lifelong readers.
Current research in reading reveals three important considerations for parents and teachers:
1. Children who read, and read widely, become better readers.
2. Reading and writing are complementary skills.
3. Parents are important to children both as role models and as supporters of their efforts
Each month elementary students have a “Spirit Day” where we focus on a theme, read books, and dress up for that day’s theme. September was “flash forward” day when students dressed like their grandparents or how they thought they might look in 70 years. October was “friends” day and they dressed up like twins or triplets. November was a fun time for elementary students as we celebrated Thanksgiving our spirit day was combined with the Harvest Fair and they dressed up like Cowboys, Indians, and Farmers. All of Elementary got together in November to participate in our annual Harvest Fair complete with crafts, games, obstacle course, and face painting! Instead of participating in Operation Christmas Child this year, we focused on collecting donations for Hurricane Sandy victims. We are so proud of our students for stepping up and having a heart of ministry! Each class had their own Thanksgiving meals in their classes and invited their parents to come and enjoy some great food and company.
See Galleries for great pics.
Money for Missionaries
Our student body had the privilege of hearing from a missionary family, the DiSalvo’s, who will be heading to the mission field of India. They leave in about three weeks to begin their language school. Our students were very receptive to hear what they had to say and asked many questions of how they would be sharing the gospel. The students found out that due to the countries rules about missionaries coming in, they are coming their to help students with their education as well as opening a coffee shop to help form relationships with the people of India and through those relationships, tell them about the eternal gift of Jesus Christ. Our students were so moved by the DiSalvo’s heart and love for Jesus and the people of India that they took up and offering of almost $500.00. The elementary students had also been taking up school chapel offerings since the beginning of the year and were able to add $200.00 more dollars into the offering so the DiSalvo’s could be blessed with a $700.00 check to help them as they leave to spread the gospel into a country that so desperately needs to hear about the love of Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Spiritual Emphasis week was by far the best we have ever seen here at Evangel. We thank God for the Spiritual guidance of our staff who helped prepare and speak for this chapel but it was the moving of the spirit of God through our kids that made this one so unique. The students took to heart the things that were spoken of in chapel and ran with it. They stayed late, past their school day and continued to pray and worship in the altar. It was an amazing site. Many times, when a movement takes place like this, students go back to their normal lives but our students have gone the extra mile. They have begun their own facebook and twitter page called “be the spark.” On this page, students encourage one another with scripture and more ideas of how to grow in the Lord. They have also begun morning prayer and lunch time bible study. They recently ordered bracelets with “be the spark” on them and are now selling them to the entire student body. God is continuing to do great things through our students as the spark was lit during Spiritual Emphasis week.
Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week was a great time as we learned that with God ANYTHING is possible. Through bible stories of faith and purpose, our students learned:
Why it Matters:
Adults may feel like kids have it easy- and by comparison, maybe they do. But every child has faced, or is facing something that seems impossible. For some, it’s falling asleep in a dark room while they imagine monsters under the bed. Other kids are dealing with intense peer pressure or unstable homes. Some kids might just need the courage to stand up for their faith or to obey God’s word. Those seemingly impossible tasks can seem overwhelming to kids…until they discover that EVERYTHING is possible with God!
The Gideons Visit Evagel
During our Spiritual Emphasis week we were blessed to have the Gideons visit us. They gave a Bible to all of our students in 5th grade through 12th grade. We are so very blessed to be able to study the Word of God. Many thanks to the Gideons and their generosity to our students.
Please see Galleries for pictures
Elementary School “Stepping Up”
Friday. June 15th our Fifth Graders “Stepped Up” to Middle School. The ceremony was wonderful and students received Presidential Academic Excellence Awards, and Achivement Awards. The class sang “I Need You To Survive” and recited verses. The students received their Bibles and Diplomas and National Honor Society Members wore their stoles. All NEHS officers wore yellow cords. Mr. Marko prayed over the gradutaes and then the recessional began.Congratulations Fifth Grade!
THe NED Show
The NED show came to our school with a positive message through the use of yo-yo tricks. NED stands for Never Give Up, Encourage others, & Do your best. The students stayed attentive during the show and answered questions as the presentation was given. They learned yo-yo tricks in the process of the show and were able to purchase their very own yo-yo’s to reemphasize the message the NED brings. The students have continued to talk about it and there has been a special area in the gym designated in the gym called the “NED” zone where students can practice the tricks they learned. We hope we can have the show return next year as it has such a positive impact on our school.
Please see Galleries for some wonderful pictures
National Elementary Honor Society
On Thursday, May 24th, we were so excited to invite many new members into National Elementary Honor Society. This is a beautiful ceremony where students carry candles. The NEHS Officers spoke and there are many presentations give. Officers received blue cords and 5th Graders received yellow cords to wear at graduation. We welcomed 18 new members and 26 old members into the society. Please see below for the history of NEHS and click on the Blue inserts below to see our bulletin. When the National Honor Society was founded in 1921, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage high school students’ academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. The National Junior Honor Society was founded shortly thereafter-in 1929 to recognize middle school students in the same areas. Now, over 80 years later, these Societies have become prestigious organizations with outstanding faculty members and students from the school community. Their reputation for excellence is the result of years of commitment on the part of everyone involved. In 2008 the National Elementary Honor Society was established. NEHS now is the first stage for students in a process that can bring recognition in the elementary, middle level and high school years to those students who commit to achievement. Membership is thus both an honor and a commitment.NEHS recognizes outstanding Elementary school students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.2012 bulletin inside nehs2012 outside bulletin nehs
Please see “Galleries” for some great pics.
Project Citizen
Project Citizen is a civics education program develped by the Center for Civics Education. This program “introduces and trains students in the methods and procedures used in political processess.” the goal is to help students develop a “committment to active citizenship.”
Grades 5, 6, and 8 spent the past 3 months researching problems in their communities and solutions. From their research, they developed public policy and developed an action plan. Many of the students stated that Project Citizen has help them become more aware of the problems that their communities face and has given them a method to address them.
Local Firemen Visit Evangel
THANK YOU FDNY Community Relations team!!! Evangel Christian School is so thankful…for the 3rd year in a row the FDNY has sent a community specialist to teach a fun workshop about a very serious issue…. fire safety. The morning started off with a real FDNY retired firefighter coming in and meeting with our Prek3 through 5th grade students, he brought in his uniform and special tools as well as hosting a Question and Answer session for the students. The morning ended with a wonderful video about fire safety encouraging students to check with and talk to their parents about a plan to evacuate, stop drop and roll and never touch matches or a lighter and make sure you have batteries in your smoke detector. Every Student left with a gift from the FDNY of a coloring book or afire safety facts page. We are so grateful for this completely free course the FDNY provides for our school! BE COOL ABOUT FIRE SAFETY is a message we all need to keep in mind!!!
See “Galleries” for awesome pics.
Spring Celebration
Singing…..Dancing…..Drama……Poetry…….Worship……Fashion Show………..Flags……..and using our talents to honor the Lord. Our Spring Celebration was an amazing time and our student worked so very hard. Tuesday, May 22nd will be an evening to remember! A bid Thank You to all those who made this evening so very special.
Please see Galleries for wonderful pictures of the evening!
We want to thank everyone for your support of Evangel’s ANNUAL ART SHOW on TUESDAY APRIL 3RD.
It was a very special afternoon as we celebrated all our young artists at Evangel. We believe it is critical to keep the arts in the schools! We are in a time when art programming is being cut from many public schools due to budget cuts, etc… at Evangel we are committed to continue with the arts programming even with our tight budgets(we operate on ½ the budget of the public school system)
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event… through touring and viewing the Art, or making an anonymous donation to our collection box, participating in the silent auction of a few pieces of student artwork or just buying a cupcake in support of the art program! We appreciate you! A special thank you to our volunteer judges, some were our teachers and to keep it really interesting we brought in three special friends from the community who donated their time to be judges…. Janet Banks of our Foundation For ECS Scholarship, Inc. Board, Ms. Erika White a supporter and friend from Evangel Church, and Albert Popa a famous Christian Painter. Of the hundreds of students that participated in the our Art Show, 28 students artwork was voted best and went on to the ACSI Regional Art Show . At that Art show many of our students received ribbons and two of our students were named BEST IN SHOW , 2nd grade John Costa and 8th grade Christine DeArruda. We are so proud of all of our artists!!!!
In addition to enriching the students love for Art Appreciation and extending goodwill throughout the school the afternoon raised $400 for the Art Department and $40 for our Middle School Magazine production! Special thanks to our PTF- Parent Teacher Fellowship they made a generous $100 donation, they told us they were so thrilled to see another outlet supporting Art appreciation at Evangel School. Of course the biggest thank you goes to Mrs. Bueno for coordinating this very special event. We love you Mrs. Bueno!
Please “Galleries” for some incredible pictures!
Academic Fair 2012
Ms. Gloria Gaynor
Academic Fair 2012
Over 1,000 people got a chance to attend our Annual Academic Fair on Thursday, March 22nd from 7pm to 9pm. Each student from Prek 3 through 12th grade designed and inquiry project which included a Project, Project Board, Research Research Paper and Presentation. Projects covered a gamut of Subjects: Science, History, English, Bible, Math, Sports, Home Economics, Technology, Fashion, etc…
The night was filled with excitement, smells of food from different countries, dances, singing, and so much more. We were honored to have with us Ms. Gloria Gaynor, famous for the song “I will survive”. Also, Mr. Michael Strawberry, brother of Darryl Strawberry, a former major-leauger, was able to attend and spend some time with our students. We are seriously honored to have had all the parents and students, families, friends, alumni, associates and partners that were able to attend.
We are so very proud of all of our students and we thank all the parents, staff and students for all of their hard work.
See “Galleries” for lots of incredible pics.
Reading Lab
Keep On Rolling
As we reach the half way point this year, we’re already looking ahead to next year. Our stories are getting tougher, and we’re using our reading skills to face the challenge. We’re learning to apply the skills and strategies that we already know to anything we read. We’ve built up a great momentum and we’re going to keep on rolling!
Miss DiGiovanni
Elementary Christmas Program:
“A King is Coming to Town” was a great story of our Savior coming to this earth which our elementary students shared for their Christmas program this year. It was a great journey as students looked at various kings, such as, King Tut, Elvis, The King of the Jungle and more on their discovery to realize that Jesus is the true King of Kings that came to this earth for us and is still alive today.
See Galleries for great pics.
Harvest Fair
The Elementary School had a day filled with fun and adventure for our Harvest Fair! Students came to school dressed as Cowboys, Indians, Turkeys, etc… During the day each class went to the gymnasium to play a myriad of games for which they won tickets and then used those tickets to buy prizes. t was a day filled with Thanksgiving!
Bio Poems
“Fifth graders have enjoyed learning how to write Bio poems and Memoirs in Writing class. The publishing party in September was a great way to showcase their hard work for the month on Bio poems. They are excited about showing off their Memoirs for October as well.”
Please see Galleries for pictures of our Writer’s Celebration
Reading Lab
November is a great time to think about all of the things we are thankful for. God has blessed us in so many ways, and it is important to take time each day to tell Him how much we appreciate it. We’ve been reading many books about being thankful.
Miss DiGiovanni
Reading Lab
October is all about forgiveness. Through Bible verses, books, and class discussions we are learning about why forgiveness is so important. Forgiveness is deciding that someone who had wronged you doesn’t have to pay. We can all think of a time when we were forgiven, so we also must forgive others.
Miss DiGiovanni
International Week
International Week at Evangel was filled with diversity an a unique blend of rich cultures. Over 73 different nationa are represented at Evangel and how awesome it is to share about our heritage with eachother.
Each day of the week was filled with something new… from wearing the colors of our flags, to country costumes, to food and desserts from our homelands. Each new student gets tpplace a marker in our wall map to represent where they are form.
We are so blessed at Evangel and we thank God for blessing us with such diversity.
Please see “Galleries” for some fantastic pictures.
Click on the link below to see News about our Curriculum.
October 26th to the 30th was Spirtual Emphasis week at Evangel. Students had an amazing week during our Spiritual Emphasis week. Our younger students learned how God loves them just the way they are. They alsocompleted crafts and sang songs each day with our theme, “Panadamania.” The students are continuing to learn that God is “wild” about us! Our older students had an amazing week as our speakers, Ron and Heather Rhoads flew in for the week to share the love of God through the Word and song. Many students responded to the message that was given each day and we are blessed as a staff to see the seeds being planted in our students’ lives.
Please check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures.
Music Class
In the 4th and 5th grade music classes, the students are rapidly progressing in playing songs on the recorder! They learn fast, they are eager and also excited to play solos. We have spent time on scale drills, on the song Hallelujah, and also introduced the song He Knows My Name, which have great lyrics. Put a recorder in their hands, and they are even inclined to write a song of their own. Great class and some musicians in the making!
Miss Farrell
Stepping Up Ceremony
We worked hard and now we have made it!!! Middle school here we come!!! I don’t want to leave 5th grade, can I stay one more year. These were some of the last comments and thoughts as 5th grade prepared for their stepping up ceremony. As each one shared a thought it reflected what had taken place in the last 10 months. At the very end the students came to the conclusion that fifth grade was there best year ever and that they would never forget it. I only have one thing to say PRICELESS
Mrs. Emestica
Senior Trip
Spruce Lake
Rock Climbing, Nature walk, and power swing – a class trip couldn’t get any better than this!! Each endeavor came with a challenge attached. As put by one of the students the rock climbing was like a symbol of life. In your life there are going to be easy parts to climb and hard parts. Don’t let the fear like a giant scare you from climbing the wall to reach the goal. Which, in this case was a cow bell at the top of the most difficult part of the wall!
Mrs. Emestica
History Class
Gracie Mansion
Did you know about all the History here in New York? Well 5th grade became adventures as we went to Manhattan and took a visit to Gracie Mansion. The tour guide explained how it is the governor’s place of meetings and how we can also participate in a tea party. All of this was because the Dutch settled New York first. If you see a blue, orange and white flag it represents the Dutch flag and if you take a look at the Met’s baseball team they wear the same colors. I recommend if you have never been to visit the governors house please do you will find it very interesting.
Mrs. Emestca
Science Class
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
Did you know that for every human there are 100,000 insects? Some of you might think this is gross but 5th grade had a great time being scientists and investigating their own insect. At the end of our unit each student had to make a presentation about their insect. It is amazing how many different insects there are and how many more have not been discovered yet. Each insect that was spoken about had a divine purpose and is part of our ecosystem. As 5th grade shared we all learned facts that we didn’t know about each other’s insect.
Mrs. Emestica
Math Class
Math Poem
Now 5th grade is beginning to understand why they needed so much math. We are learning Algebra and to begin 5th grade had to learn an neat poem that helps them to remember what comes first , second and last. PEMDAS (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally), This is what helped 5th grade remember Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. As long as they followed the rules of PEMDAS they were able to do well with Aunt Sally.
Mrs. Emestica
Fantastic Field Trip
Let’s Go To The Movies
5th grade couldn’t wait to see Chronicles of Narnia the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Especially after reading the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. After the movie we had a discussion about all the underlining themes in the movie. We came to the conclusion that three of the ideas in the movie were about 1. In the journey in our life we must know and believe Jesus is near us, he will never leave us nor forsake us. 2. Face your fears don’t let fear govern you. 3. Love yourself for who you are because you were fearfully and wonderfully made.
Mrs. Emestica
Dance Elective
Spring Celebration
The students practiced on their two songs for the spring celebration. They also worked with the flags and streamers. They took time to go in the sanctuary to work on their routine so they could get the feel of how it would be on stage.
Mrs. Rosario
Library Class
5th grade is again in research mode. This time they must research and study facts about an insect that they were assigned to. They are finding amazing facts about their bugs and they are completing their end of year insect science projects. We are also learning a lot as we help them along.
Mrs. Ruiz
End of year
5th Grade is in research mode. Our students are using their research skills in the library to work and complete their state books. These are a part of their end of year Social Studies project. I am glad that the Library is here to assist them in the process.
Mrs. Ruiz
Library Time
Escaping the Giant Wave
Our 5th graders have continued to listen to Escaping the Giant Wave. We are now getting to the best part. They have also continued to borrow books and work on their SRA’s when we don’t have a read aloud session.
Mrs. Ruiz
Library Time
The Big Wave
5E is enjoying the book, Escaping the Giant Wave, a story that talks about a boy their own age who escapes from a Tsunami with his little sister by fleeing just in time to higher grounds. This story is especially touching now since the Tsunami took place in Japan, and it is something that they can relate to in their own time.
Mrs. Ruiz
Reading Lab
Twins Day
Were we seeing double in May!? Well, not exactly… it was TWIN DAY! It was so much fun to pick a friend and dress alike for the day- even the teachers got in on the action. We read books about friendship and did partner activities where teamwork was the name of the game. Do you think you could find your match just by making animal noises? It’s harder (and noisier) than it sounds!
Regina DiGiovanni
Reading Lab
Go Green
We went green in April. We celebrated Earth Day by reading about ways that kids can make a difference and care for the Earth. We even read that the Bible says, The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15). So, taking care of the planet is not just a good idea, but it’s something that God told us to do. We each planted some seeds in a recycled cup that we decorated. When the seeds become flowers we can replant them outside where they are not only beautiful, but also good for the environment.
Ms. DiGiovanni
Dance Elective
After all the hard work the students did learning their dances, we decided to celebrate and have a party!
Mrs. Rosario
Dance Elective
He Reigns
The students in 3rd-5th grade Dance Elective only had 30 minutes each rehearsal to practice their steps to the song they danced to for the Christmas program. They worked on sign language and dance steps, and then worked on how to move the flags and streamers and then put it all together. The song the students danced to was, He Reigns.
Mrs. Rosario
Computer Class
Elementary School is reviewing computer vocabulary and enjoying some new websites. We started using, which donates 10 grains of rice to charity for every correctly answered vocabulary question.
Mr. Boyd
Computer Class
Elementary School is learning how to use Pixie, which many of them already enjoy playing with. I’ll be showing them how to use the tools in Pixie to create great pictures.
Mr. Boyd
Computer Class
Let’s Type!
Elementary School is beginning a typing unit. 3rd-5th Grades will be using Mavis Beacon to try to increase their speed and accuracy.
Mr. Boyd
Computer Class
Web Addresses
Elementary School has been learning exactly how the internet works and how web addresses are built. We tried entering web addresses and learned that they have to be exactly right to work.
Mr. Boyd
National Elementary Honor Society
On Thursday, May 26th, we were so excited to invite many new members into National Elementary Honor Society. This is a beautiful ceremony where students carry candles. The NEHS Officers spoke and there are many presentations give. Officers received blue cords and 5th Graders received yellow cords to wear at graduation. Please see below for the history of NEHS and click on the Red inserts below to see our bulletin. Please see “Galleries” for some great pics. When the National Honor Society was founded in 1921, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage high school students’ academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. The National Junior Honor Society was founded shortly thereafter-in 1929 to recognize middle school students in the same areas. Now, over 80 years later, these Societies have become prestigious organizations with outstanding faculty members and students from the school community. Their reputation for excellence is the result of years of commitment on the part of everyone involved. In 2008 the National Elementary Honor Society was established. NEHS now is the first stage for students in a process that can bring recognition in the elementary, middle level and high school years to those students who commit to achievement. Membership is thus both an honor and a commitment.NEHS recognizes outstanding Elementary school students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
For the selection of Members to the NEHS Chapter:
Members must maintain a cumulative overall 85% average or higher for two consecutive semesters with 80% as the lowest grade in all subjects.
Members must be in good behavioral standing.
Members must demonstrate outstanding performance in areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character.
The selection of each Member shall be reviewed and approved by the this School’s Administration and Faculty each school year.
Ronald McDonald visited our students Pre-K through 5th grade on Wednesday, May 4th. Ronald shared a great message about being yourself. The show was filled with student interaction, comedy, games and a great life lesson. The lesson about “being yourself,” supported what our students are learning in their classrooms. We teach our students to be who God made them to be and not follow the crowd. It was a great show and students are continuing to talk about it. As students left, they each got to shake Ronald McDonald’s hand. How exciting! What a great show!
Annual Academic Fair
The sounds of singing and music could be heard and the smells of delicious food filled the hallways and classrooms of our school. What an awesome night it was! On Thursday, March 24th the school was filled with over 1,500 adults and children. One parent described it as a “huge party”! Students proudly explained their projects as eager listeners tasted, smelled, and watched.
The students and staff worked very hard and I believe this year was the very best Annual Academic Fair we have ever had. Pre-K focused on plants and they even grew their very own. One Kindergarten studied the planets and the Solar System and even made costumes and performed a play. The other Kindergarten focused on the book “A La Casa de la Mama Provie”. Were she goes door to door to gather food for her recipe. The Kindergartners made recipes and then cooked the dish. First Grade learned about community helpers and chose one to focus on.
Third through Twelfth grades chose their own projects from a variety of subjects such as: Science, History, English, Sports, Math, Bible, etc… Projects ranged from animal dissections to a car made out of recyclables to delicious cupcakes made from scratch. A big thank you goes out to everyone involved from staff to students to parents for making this event a HUGE success!
Check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures!
Reading Lab
March is all about choices
We’re also talking about making healthy choices when we eat during our Healthy Foods Literacy Day. God put so many yummy fruits and vegetables here for us to eat. We’re having fun reading books, watching videos, and making projects that will help us choose the foods that make our bodies strong!
Regina DiGiovanni
Reading Lab
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Can you decide to be like Saint Patrick and use your life to spread the Gospel? Maybe we can’t travel an entire nation yet, but we can tell the friends and family we have around us about Jesus, just like Saint Patrick did!
Miss DiGiovanni
Music Class
Music Theory
In the 4th and 5th grade music classes, recently we have been starting with a review of music theory. This includes one student at a time using the smartboard to identify each noted presented to them on the treble cleff musical staff. Each student identifies as many notes as they can, without making a mistake and the score is recorded. In this class we have practiced the C Scale, playing high and low notes with clear tones and are in the process of playing a song selection. Prior to playing the song, we are clapping the beat of the song, which currently includes quarter notes and half notes. The students are in approximately four groups and there is teamwork in identifying the notes and playing the music accurately. The class is very attentive and excited to play each music exercise and learn the song!
Computer Class
Notepad, Word Pad, and Word
In class we are working on learning three different word processing programs, Microsoft Notepad, Word Pad, and Word. We have finished the lists and are now focused on writing a critical comparison review of the three programs to find out which one we like the best.
Reading Lab
We LOVE to read
February is Black History Month, so we have been reading books about important people and events from the Civil Rights Movement. From leaning about Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream to recording facts and opinions about the Greensboro sit-ins, we recognize how blessed we are to be in a school where we can have friends of all sizes, shapes, and colors!
Ms. DiGiovanni
Reading Lab
How Do You Learn?
January sure was a cold, snowy month. What a great time to curl up with a good book! Line snowflakes, we are all unique, and we each learn differently. In our reading groups we have been talking about how we learn. Do you learn best when you listen to something? When you see it? When you touch it? When we know how we learn, we can be responsible for our own success!
Ms. Di Giovanni
Library Time
Research Books
Fifth Grade has been working on SRA’s, a reading comprehension program to help them sharpen their reading skills even more. This month they have continued to borrow books as always. They have borrowed books on many different topics in preparation for the academic fair. They have been borrowing books to help them in their research for their topic. Their topics are very diverse – from Forces of Nature to The Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico to Animal Research. They have enjoyed looking for books on their assigned topics.
Mrs. Ruiz
Project Angel Hugs
Helping those in need…
We are always looking for opportunities to instill in our the importance of ministering to those in need. An opportunilty arose through the contact of a parent who led us to “Project Angel Hugs.” Project Angel Hugs is a Christ-centered organization ministering to the emotional eeds of children with cancer and their families. To youth touched by cancer and their families, they offer encouragement through prayer, words, gifts, and festivities; harnessing the adundant energy from healthy youth to accomplish work generated by this project while instilling in them a pssion for volunteering.
Evangel students were able to touch a child with cancer by making home-made Valentine’s Cards that will be distributed o Valentine’s Day. We collected 170 Valentine’s cards from our students to send to Project Angel Hugs. The students really enjoyed being able to “reach out and touch someone” in need with card.
See “Galleries” for pics.
School Trip
Chronicles of Narnia-The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Our 5th through 12th grade students had the privalege of viewing the new movie, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” We were able to secure the entire theater exclusively for our students. We had a great time with snacks and viewing this new movie based upon C.S. Lewis’s books, “Chronicles of Narnia.” After we returned, students discussed the Christian Symbolism represented in the Bible! It was awesome!
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Step Up Your Faith
January 3rd- January 7th
“Step up You Faith,” the theme for the week, encouraged students to go a step further in their walk with God. Middle School and High School students were challenged with speakers each day to take their faith to the next level. Our Elementary students looked at a different bible stories each day as well as completed crafts to encourage them to “step up their faith.” Our memory verse for the week was Luke 17:5-6
Music Class
Playing Recorders
In 4th and 5th grade music, we have been rehearsing the fingering of notes on the recorder while reading each note on a musical staff. We have found creative ways to make this into a game, as the students practiced identifying the notes drawn on the board. One of the games included the use of arts and crafts where the students had to silently work as a team to create the specified note out of fuzzoodles. The first team to make the note and toss it in the basket received points for their team. After rehearsing the notes and how many beats each note gets, we will proceed on to playing the song for the day. More game time and tunes to come!
The Wizard of Oz
Do you remember the Wizard of Oz? What if you could write your version of the story or an alternate ending. 5th grade was given the challenge and many things were different. From having everyone in Emerald City which is green change to blue. 5E changed the story of the Wizard of Oz to reflect different imaginations and created a world within a world.
Mrs. Emestica
Math Class
Did you know that we use fractions every day. Well 5E learned that we use fractions on a daily basis more than we think. We use fractions for cooking in measurement. We use fractions for sharing like a half of a sandwich. We also use fractions for filling our gas tank as well as telling time and of course slicing a pizza into equal pieces.
Mrs. Emestica
Science Class
The hip bone connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone connected to the leg bone well you get the idea. In our Science lab we had to make a ball joint using a paper towel roll, rubber bands, a rubber ball and pipe cleaners and balloons. They had to make sure their joints had flexibility if it wasn’t done correctly the ball would pop right out to the joint. We learned the importance of having parts of the body that bend.
Mrs. Emestica
Elementary Christmas Program
“Christmas Hang Ups”
“Christmas Hang Ups,” the title of our elementary program this year was another take on what Christmas is really about. Our students told a story through the eyes of Christmas ornaments. It showed us how we get “hung up” on so many things, other than the true meaning of Christmas. The students sang, danced, and acted out the true meaning of Christmas. It was a great night filled with great joy of our Savior coming to this earth, Jesus Christ, and there were over 500 in attendance
Please see “Galleries” for some great pictures.
Art Class
Color Mixing
Did you know there are at least three different ways to mix the color brown? 3-5th grades do! They can mix virtually any color from 5 basic colors: primaries, black, and white. They also prepared for the Christmas season by making homemade, decorated Christmas cards out of construction paper, miniature templates, markers and glitter.
Miss Kleinschuster
Computer Class
Wish List
To enjoy the Christmas season and learn new skills in word processing such as changing fonts and centering text, we made fun things like colorful Christmas poems and bulleted Christmas lists. Some of the Christmas lists were pretty incredible. I wish I could have a jet pack for Christmas too!
Mr. Boyd
Art Contest
Spirit Week
I was impressed with how many students in both elementary and middle school entered a drawing, painting or collage of our school mascot, the eagle, in the first ever Spirit Week art contest here at Evangel. Thanks for participating, guys!
Miss Kleinschuster
Art Class
Colors, Colors, Colors
Upper elementary students continued to master their knowledge and manipulation of primary, secondary, and neutral colors. 4th and 5th grade also created monochromatic, or single-color, drawings. They learned that a single colored pencil can be very versatile!
Miss Kleinschuster
Reading Lab
Literacy Day
Our Nativity Story Literacy Day was a great success. We read so many books about Jesus’ birth and some of us even dressed up like angels, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and the wise kings. We had a blast!
Ms. DiGiovanni
Reading Lab
The Ture Meaning Of Christmas
December has been so exciting! We are getting in the true spirit of Christmas by making Christmas cards for the veterans in the VA Hospital in Brooklyn. We have prayed for them and we want them to know that we love and appreciate them!
Ms. DiGiovanni
Literacy Day
The Nativity
On December 14th, our elementary students came dressed as the nativity scene. They had the chance to come dressed as the stories they heard that day. Students had a great time reading and illustrating the Christmas story.
Social Studies
In Social Studies we became investigators and found out when Thanksgiving was made an official holiday and what the Pilgrims and Indians ate during the feast as well as how long it lasted. We ended November with a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and remembered how grateful we are for the things we have and our families.
Mrs. Emestica
Math Class
M and M Math
In math we are using the m and m’s (multiplication menus) to solve long division problems. We also used the m and m’s to conserve water in water conservation word problems.
Mrs. Emestica
Science Class
How does the eye see?
Many great things are happening in Fifth grade. In science we found out how the eye functions and did a hands on lab to see how an image can appear in the back of the retina. We used a balloon, lens and candle to see the image of the flame upside down on the back side of the balloon which is the retina.
Mrs. Emestica
Computer Class
Jump Start Fun
Students are nearing the end of their introductory keyboarding unit. We have learned the eight home row keys and have begun to practice reaching other keys while staying in home row position. We will wrap up the unit by learning about the 10 key number pad. We’ve also been having fun in 3rd through 5th grade Jump Start and our various painting programs.
Mr. Boyd
Know Christ
We are currently practicing our songs for the Christmas Program! Students are excited and some looking forward to singing a solo while others are looking forward to singing nice and loud within their class groups. It will be a fun time and a time of reflection pointing to what this holiday season is all about, and how it is displayed through the words they are singing. As someone once said,
No Christ, No Christmas! Know Christ, Know Christmas!
Miss Farrell
Reading Lab
November Happenings
Wow! What a November we’ve had in the Reading Lab!
Literacy day was a great success. We did projects and read books about Thanksgiving. We also talked about all of the things that God has blessed us with this year. We have A LOT to be thankful for! The puzzle contests were so much fun, and we had some crazy harvest prizes… corn, turnips, parsnips, and carrots!
Miss DiGiovanni
Literacy Days
Stuffed Animal Day
“Where the Wild Things Are,” & “Corduroy,” are just a couple of the books students got to hear at our first Literacy Day this year. Literacy day is a day to show students how much fun reading is. At our first literacy day, students brought in their favorite stuffed animal and cuddled up with it in our new library as they heard fun and exciting stories. We are looking forward to next month, “Fall Fun,” as students hear adventurous stories about the change of season.
See Galleries for some adorable pictures!
International Week
Cultural Explosion!
We enjoyed a week of cultural exposure. We saw different costumes and traditional dress, tasted exotic foods from far away lands and learned about traditions. We also had new students place pins in our world map located on the first floor as people enter our building. This map represents all the countries our students come from – over 73 countries!
See “Galleries” for pictures
Tall Tales
5th grade had to write a tall tale, a story stretching the truth. Someone wrote about a crying brother who cried so much that he was hired by God to cause the flood. Another student wrote about their parents’ superpowers, like x-ray vision or being able to cook in a split-second. This was a fun assignment, and we all enjoyed using our imaginations.
Science Class
Do you smell onions?
Onion Plants, photosynthesis, and seeds: yes, science! 5th grade grew onion plants in a home-made greenhouse. Each group was responsible for building a greenhouse with only water bottles and toothpicks. Well, one of our groups’ onion seed grew out of its greenhouse. The students named him Alejandro, and now we have an onion plant in our classroom. The experiment taught students about life science and gravity. It showed how living things need the proper nutrients and environment to live. We also proved that the roots must grow down and the shoots must grow up no matter what position the onion was in.